Vault of Glass-HM August 13

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#1 Mon, 08/08/2016 - 13:18
KalSC's picture
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Vault of Glass-HM August 13

Since we've spent some time working on that pesky Oryx recently, anyone up for some Atheon fun?  Rumor has it we can still find him in the Vault of Glass. ;)  If the RNG is feeling nice, maybe someone will walk away with a Vex Mythoclast.

I'm hoping we can get a team together and have some fun Saturday night running a hard mode VoG.  If anyone is interested, please post and let me know if 8pm or 9pm eastern works better for you.  Either time works for Ranger or me.  So, whichever time has the most votes wins!


Mon, 08/08/2016 - 13:31
DarthTabasco's picture
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I should be available. I can do either of those times, so it's not a big deal to me.

Mon, 08/08/2016 - 14:06
Megatron's picture
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im always up for vog

gtag is: Omg Its Caesar

Mon, 08/08/2016 - 18:22
SoulTerror's picture
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If I'm on I'm game. Love vog
Tue, 08/09/2016 - 07:54
OldnAchy's picture
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Either time is fine with me.

Tue, 08/09/2016 - 15:54
Ra Darkman's picture
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I am in
Thu, 08/11/2016 - 13:04
KalSC's picture
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Looks like we have a team for on Saturday.  Ranger, Darth, Caesar, Soul (if available), Achy, and myself. Darkman as alt.

Since there was no real preferences given for time, lets aim to start at 8pm eastern.

If anyone else is interested, let me know just in case someone cannot make it!

Sun, 08/14/2016 - 07:24
SoulTerror's picture
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Blew thru the vault on an hour then ran Crota on hard. He was being a cheating bastard. Kept enraging on the first sword so after a few tries we put him down with 1 sword.
Sun, 08/14/2016 - 08:49
KalSC's picture
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That was a lot of fun last night, even if Crota was cheating.  We may need to pay his daddy a visit real soon to tell him about his cheating son.

No Vex or Crux, but I at least got a weapon out of the vault.  Now to run around and play with my new timepiece.



Sun, 08/14/2016 - 10:43
OldnAchy's picture
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Lots of fun last night and got kicked back to orbit just a few times.  Looking at the forums, this apparently is a growing problem I suppose with those using the XBONE on a LAN.  Interesting that @BungieHelp hasn't posted anything on Twitter since 8/9 (nor has responded to me) and points everyone to the Destiny Connection help in the forums -- typical BS response.  I believe something in the latest Destiny update or console update or combination of the two is causing the problem.  I think the only way to get around the problem is to direct wire the XBONE to the router, which I cannot do right now.  Oh well.

Mon, 08/15/2016 - 07:11
DarthTabasco's picture
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Yeah, Achy, it may not be just a Destiny issue for you. I notice that when you sign-on to Xbox Live, I get about 6 notifications back-to-back pop up on my screen telling me you are online. Weird.

I hope a fix is available soon - I know it's frustrating.

I'm enjoying running VoG and Crota - lots of fun - even if I'm apparently NEVER going to get a Vex.

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 09:02
OldnAchy's picture
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Actually I just bought and used a slim and the problems started shortly after.  I firmly believe now that there is a handshake problem between the Slim and Destiny servers or XBL in general.  Yesterday I hauled out my Elite and with the help of Kal and Ranger ran for awhile in fireteam.  Kal even went to orbit and back.  No issues whatsoever.  With the Slim if someone sent me an invite or joined or left a fireteam I would get kicked back to orbit. 

This is unfortunate because the Slim is a nice little box.  Small footprint and very little heat being generated.  Pondering now whether to hang onto it to get an update from M$ or Bungie to fix the network handshake issue or just return it. I have it set up so I can periodically check for updates and since I am an Elite Plus rewards member at BB I have plenty of time to return it.


Now I think the issue may be that the elite controller and slim are not quite compatible.  Ran the slim today for awhile with no issues (total reinstall of Destiny), went to the elite controller, sent Deep a message, and got kicked back to orbit with leaving fireteam message.  Sigh.


Tue, 08/16/2016 - 11:20
BLAMnation's picture
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Achy, have you checked your Elite controller for an update on your Slim?

Tue, 08/16/2016 - 13:08
OldnAchy's picture
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Thought I did and said no update available, but I will check again.  Thanks.

Update:  I did check and have the latest firmware for the Elite Controller.  I was going to try one more test with the Slim -- use the controller that came with it and see if the problem persists with that one.  If not then that would help to verify that the elite controller (at least mine) and the slim have handshake issues with Destiny.  Of course I have to wait awhile because Destiny is down right now for server maintenance.

While I am waiting...BungieHelp finally posted in the network forums and stated in so many words that even if one's network setup looks good and other games can be played one should still go to the extensive (BS) network setup help to optimize one's network for Destiny.  Almost trolled that one.  My position is if XBL says my network is good for multiplayer and detail specs show high speed down and up with no packet loss, open NAT, and low latency then I should be able to play any damn game with no issues!!!  Any time someone reports a problem, Bungie responds (if at all) by saying check your network or as one poster said it's all our fault and never theirs.  Then a few days later comes out and says "hey we fixed that problem you guys are having."  What a crock!!

End of rant.

When I do get back on, if the slim controller works with Destiny then my decision whether or not to keep the slim will become harder.  The main reason I got the elite controller was be able to map some functions on the underneath paddles so that I could play multiple games like Destiny and Halo with essentially the same set up and also to make some things easier to do.  For example, instead of depressing the left thumb stick to sprint I can use one of the left underneath paddles.  Makes playing a lot easier on my poor arthritic thumb.  If the slim controller works and I have to use it to use the slim then I lose that kind of functionality and the tough decision comes into play.  If I still have the kick back to orbit problem with the slim controller, then the slim is definitely going back!!

Note to self -- probably should have started a new thread for this.


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