Rise of Iron Information

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Tue, 08/09/2016 - 09:09 (Reply to #31)
DatBasementCat's picture
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GbHaseo wrote:
For those unaware the pulse rifle mentioned is thought to be the community gun created by a lot of on Reddit. It sends Axion bolts out of the body of head shots. It's a Scout Rifle in design but it was likely changed a bit after Cozmo sent it to weapons team. It's appearance will likely be different too so it's SIVA'd out. Here's hoping the community influenced the game :) https://m.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3x39hs/community_exotic_f...


Tue, 08/16/2016 - 10:23
DarthTabasco's picture
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Bungie is doing another live stream on Twitch today at 1:00 PM EDT with details about new Crucible stuff and perhaps other goodies.


Tue, 08/16/2016 - 13:10
DarthTabasco's picture
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Prepare your bodies for the latest ViDoc showing lots of new stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZHfL03mU90

Some of that new armor and the ornaments look amazing!

​Private Matches are coming to the Crucible - now we can shoot at each other...lol

4 new Crucible maps = 3 for both systems plus one PS4 exclusive.

The also played two matches on two new maps featuring the new Supremacy game mode. Lots of fun!


Wed, 08/17/2016 - 08:38
DarthTabasco's picture
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Here is a nice set of screen caps from the ViDoc somebody posted on Reddit: http://imgur.com/a/PuX5b

Overall, some really badass looking armor - looks like I'll be forced into getting slaughtered in Trials so I can have a Cobra Commander Warlock and Master Chief Titan...lol

Seems Bungie has give us plenty to grind for in RoI. I guess I can start cleaning out all of this old stuff from my Vault, because this RoI gear looks amazing. I'm still keeping my VoG gear though - that stuff is still boss!

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 10:15 (Reply to #35)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

I'm still keeping my VoG gear though - that stuff is still boss!

Not it's not. It's garbage. For me. :)

I could care less how bad 'you' look. lol

Out with the old, in with the new. Now my current FWC armour, that's worth keeping.  ;)

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 11:19 (Reply to #36)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:


DarthTabasco wrote:


I'm still keeping my VoG gear though - that stuff is still boss!


Not it's not. It's garbage. For me. :)


I could care less how bad 'you' look. lol

Out with the old, in with the new. Now my current FWC armour, that's worth keeping.  ;)

You could care less? So you DO care! cheeky

Also, I'm going to run Destiny customs night and tell everybody no Arminius-D auto rifles allowed...then you'll be up the creek! devil

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 17:55 (Reply to #37)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

tell everybody no Arminius-D auto rifles allowed...then you'll be up the creek! devil


Wed, 08/17/2016 - 09:18
DatBasementCat's picture
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I read in one of those Destiny Reddit threads that if you keep unopened blue and purple drops in the vault until RoI comes out and then you get them opened as brand new RoI gears or weapons. They said same thing happened when TTK came out and their Y1 drops became Y2 gears/weapons. Is this accurate?

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 09:32 (Reply to #39)
BLAMnation's picture
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DatBasementCat wrote:

I read in one of those Destiny Reddit threads that if you keep unopened blue and purple drops in the vault until RoI comes out and then you get them opened as brand new RoI gears or weapons. They said same thing happened when TTK came out and their Y1 drops became Y2 gears/weapons. Is this accurate?

We will know for sure in 5 weeks... Hope this is true for exotics too.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 10:40
OldnAchy's picture
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Did not happen for random and legendary engrams but did for exotic engrams when we went to TTK.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 11:12 (Reply to #41)
hemihuman's picture
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What OldnAchy said. This is what I remember. But I didn't trust my memory enough to respond on my own!

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 11:46
BLAMnation's picture
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A discussion on Reddit says that engrams will only decrypt into items from the expansion you got them from. Thus the only use for stockpiling engrams would be to level up the Cryptarch to get legendary engrams for RoI, which then can decode to higher light level stuff.

Again, guess we will have to wait and see if/what Bungle says about this. I hope that Reddit discussion is wrong.

Wed, 08/17/2016 - 12:59
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm trying to remember how things worked in the past expansions and it seemed in line with what Achy and Blam mentioned. The exotics could decrypt into higher light or new gear, but the rare and legendary engrams stayed as part of the previous expansion. 

When TTK came out, I didn't decrypt all of my exotic engrams right away and would only decrypt a few at a time as I increased my light with other items. This way, I didn't blow through all of my exotics and get low light items.

I don't really need anything at this point anyway, so I might as well start saving at least the Legendary and Exotic engrams. If nothing else, to do as Blam mentioned and get a quick Cryptarch level or two.

Thu, 08/18/2016 - 13:10
DatBasementCat's picture
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Guess we'll have to find out when RoI comes.

Sat, 08/20/2016 - 11:45
SoulTerror's picture
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Watched the video Darth posted and holy $@_@ I want that Titan armor!!!
Mon, 08/22/2016 - 18:29
tocleora's picture
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I made the mistake of buying my youngest Little Big Planet 3 and haven't touched my PS4 in weeks... but I'm looking forward to this! Here's hoping he finds something new before then. haha

Tue, 08/23/2016 - 09:37
BLAMnation's picture
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Has anyone heard about the status of Iron Banner when RoI drops?

Someone told me yesterday that there won't be another IB before RoI, and that the bounties are being changed up. So I'm wondering if the current bounties will carry over for IB rep.

I haven't seen anything on this, but I was told that this had been "confirmed". Can anyone shed any lignt on this?

Tue, 08/23/2016 - 10:03
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm not 100% certain we'll see another IB before RoI. I'm leaning more toward "no". I'm thinking the IB after RoI launches will feature the new Supremacy mode, so Bungie may hold off on IB until after RoI launches. 

There has also been mention that some of the bounties will be changing - example, no longer requiring "top overall score" - but I'm not sure how this will impact any old bounties you've saved.

That being said, I usually have at least one weekly bounty saved for one or two characters, so I'll just keep them to see what happens. I don't see why they would no longer give rep, especially since Bungie wants to make it easier to rank-up in IB.

Sun, 09/18/2016 - 08:06
DEEP_NNN's picture
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The rumour about the temporary closing of the Tower is incorrect.

DeeJVerified account ‏@DeeJ_BNG 16h16 hours ago

. The Tower will not be closed at launch of Rise of Iron. You gain a social space. You do not lose one.

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 11:55
DarthTabasco's picture
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Bungie posted their official Rise of Iron article: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45265

Here is the write-up from Reddit: 

Destiny: Rise of Iron - The one with Iron Lords.

  • Rise of Iron campaign unlocked
  • Requires Destiny: Rise of Iron and minimum Character Level 40

  • Max Light increased to 385

  • New Vanguard & Crucible Bounties are now available

  • Year 2 Moments of Triumph will end at 10:00am PDT on 9/20/16 and cannot be progressed


Daily Heroics

  • Will now include selections from Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3

  • Increase Light to 350

Vanguard Strike Playlists

  • Vanguard Playlist is now called The Taken War Strike Playlist but is otherwise unchanged

  • The SIVA Crisis Playlist consists of Taken King and Rise of Iron Strikes at 320 Light

  • The Taken War Heroic Strike Playlist is available for players who have not purchased Rise of Iron and is accessible in the Vanguard Strike Playlist page

  • No longer rewards Vanguard Marks

  • The SIVA Crisis Heroic Strike Playlist is now available to players who have purchased Rise of Iron

  • This Playlist replaces the Taken War Heroic Playlist in the Vanguard Strike Playlist

  • This Playlist is also the Weekly Heroic Strike featured Playlist

  • Recommended 350 Light


  • Requires Rise of Iron

  • Recommended 360 Light



  • Normal Strikes will now grant rewards up to 340 Light

  • Heroic Strikes will now grant rewards up to 365 Light

  • Strike-specific Skeleton Keys now drop in the Nightfall Strike and the SIVA Crisis Heroic and Taken War Strike Playlists

  • Skeleton Keys allow you to open Strike Hoards to guarantee a Strike-unique reward

  • Strike unique rewards will now drop up to 385 Light

  • Nightfall will now reward the player with Ghosts less often so other rewards will drop more often

  • Players can receive one free Radiant Treasure per account through their first Heroic Strike Playlist completion per week

  • Variks will now grant Weapons and Armor for Challenge of the Elders scorecard completions up to 365 Light

  • Fixed an issue where, after enough kills were accumulated, players would never see Uncommon item drops again

    • This resulted in players being starved of weapon and armor materials
    • Uncommon drops will be in addition to, not in place of, Rare and Legendary drops
  • Rare and Legendary Engrams will now attempt to give you rewards equal to or higher than your current Light

  • Rare Engrams can now decode up to 340 Light

  • Legendary Engrams can now decode up to 365 Light

    • Legendary Engram Light value will slow from their fast progress at 350, up to 365
    • Within that range, Engrams will grant the player something with higher Light about half the time
  • Exotic Engrams can now decode up to 385 Light

Faction Packages
  • Faction Packages now drop items up to 385 Light

  • Fixed an issue where vanity items (Ships, Sparrows, Shaders) were dropping less frequently than intended

  • Queen’s Wrath faction packages now contain Queen’s Guard armor and Chasing Infinity

  • Previews have been added for the Queen’s Wrath and Crota’s Bane Factions

  • House of Judgment Faction Packages now grant a Weapon each time

    • House of Judgment Class Items now drop in addition to Weapons rather than in place of
  • Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, Future War Cult, Vanguard, and Crucible Packages now allow the player to choose one of three options: Weapons, Armor, or Chroma Armor

    • New Faction Ghosts and Sparrows have been added to these Packages
    • They can be found in all three Package selections (Weapons, Armor, and Chroma Armor)
    • TTK Armor and Weapons have been removed from the Faction Packages and are replaced with new ROI Weapons and Armor
    • The following Weapons will remain in their respective Faction Packages (Crucible and Vanguard):

      • Shadow Price
      • Badger CCL
      • Lord High Fixer
      • Grim Citizen III
      • The Saterienne Rapier
      • The Devil You Know
      • The Swarm
      • Zombie Apocalypse WF47
      • LDR 5001
      • Y-09 Longbow Synthesis
      • Two to the Morgue
      • The Comedian


  • Removed the SUROS TSR-10 Rocket Launcher Test Weapon that required Crucible kills

  • Removed the Häkke Test-A Shotgun Test weapon that required Crucible kills


  • Vendor items purchased for Legendary Marks have been increased to 350 Light

  • Xur’s exotics for sale have been increased to 350 Light

  • Xur now sells two Exotic Weapon Ornaments per week for Silver Dust

  • Xur can now carry Legacy Boot Engrams


  • Year 1 Class Items are now available as new Rise of Iron Legendary Class Items. This does not include Year 1 Raid Class items. The new Class Items are found in the following locations:

  • Strike Hoards

  • Crucible End of Match Rewards

  • Legendary Engrams

  • Iron Banner

  • Trials of Osiris

  • Faction Packages

  • Rise of Iron Vendors

  • 22 Exotic Weapon Ornaments have been added

  • Applying an Exotic Weapon Ornament has a cost of the Exotic Weapon Ornament and 1 Silver Dust

  • Players who have obtained Laurels can apply them to their corresponding Armor set to unlock Armor Ornaments

  • Armor Ornaments cost 1-2 Laurels plus 5 Silver Dust to apply

    • Trials of Osiris Laurels can be obtained from Trials Flawless Chests, 1 per character per week
    • Raid Laurels can be obtained from the Heroic Raid challenge modes, 1 per character per week
    • Iron Lord Laurels can be obtained from Radiant Treasures. Additionally, players will obtain one Iron Lord Laurel from the Rise of Iron Record Book
  • Record Books now appear in their own section on the character progress UI screen


  • Silver Dust is now available

  • Obtained from Radiant Treasures and by sharding Exotic Weapon Ornaments

  • Used to purchase unique Eververse items, purchase Chroma from Eva Levante, purchase Iron Engrams from Lord Saladin, and apply Ornaments to Armor and Weapons

  • New Emotes have been added to the Eververse Store

  • April Update Emotes have been removed from the store and added to the new “Spring 2016 Emotes” bag

  • Radiant Treasures can now be purchased from the Eververse store

  • Radiant Treasures contain Exotic Weapon Ornaments and Vanity Items

  • Reputation Boosters are now available for direct purchase on the store


Private Matches

  • Rise of Iron Maps and Modes are now available (Requires Destiny: Rise of Iron)


  • Supremacy, Clash, Control, Rift, Skirmish, Rumble are now core Playlists

  • Elimination will be available every day of the week until Trials of Osiris returns on 9/30

  • Rise of Iron Crucible Maps Floating Gardens, Last Exit, Skyline, Icarus (PS Exclusive) added to core playlists with strong weightings to feature them (these will normalize over the course of a few weeks)

  • The Taken King Crucible maps added to Classic playlists (These are now free for anyone who owns the base game)

  • Rotating featured playlists updated to include Rumble Supremacy, Inferno Supremacy, Salvage, and Combined Arms


  • Core playlists now reward a new collection of Crucible Legendary Weapons:
  • Hex Caster ARC
  • 77 Wizard
  • Ill Will
  • Unending Deluge III
  • Hopscotch Pilgrim
  • Steel Oracle Z-11
  • Cryptic Dragon
  • Matador 64
  • 20/20 AMR7
  • Classic playlists now reward the Year 2 collection of Crucible Legendary Weapons
  • Red Spectre
  • Eyasluna
  • In Times of Need
  • Split Shifter Pro
  • The Revelator
  • The Ash Factory
  • Party Crasher +1
  • Spare Change.25
  • NL Shadow 701X
  • Crucible Class Items added to the Crucible Legendary loot pool
  • Crucible Legendary drop rates slightly increased

Quests and Bounties

  • New Supremacy Quest is available from Lord Shaxx

  • New Supremacy Bounties are now available when Supremacy is the daily featured playlist

  • Shaxx Weekly Bounty design has changed and now features a single multi-objective Bounty for a specific featured 6v6 mode

  • Daily Crucible Bounty availability updated for Rise of Iron

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 15:53
Hammerdrake's picture
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I thought I read/heard somewhere that infusing an Exotic into an Exotic was now supposed to not require a shard?  If so, that hasn't been implemented yet.

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 23:34
OldnAchy's picture
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Got Gallahorn (preorder) but when I select it it says I need the year 3 Gallahorn.  Did I miss something somewhere?

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 06:05 (Reply to #53)
aAdamToRemember's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

Got Gallahorn (preorder) but when I select it it says I need the year 3 Gallahorn.  Did I miss something somewhere?

Yes you have the IRON gjallahorn pre ordered it's just the skin. You actually have to complete the quest to get the weapon. The gjallarhorn isn't exclusive to pre orders it's just the iron weapon skin that makes it black and silver. :) I got the weapon last night it's still as fun as before.
Wed, 09/21/2016 - 09:04 (Reply to #54)
OldnAchy's picture
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aAdamToRemember wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

Got Gallahorn (preorder) but when I select it it says I need the year 3 Gallahorn.  Did I miss something somewhere?

Yes you have the IRON gjallahorn pre ordered it's just the skin. You actually have to complete the quest to get the weapon. The gjallarhorn isn't exclusive to pre orders it's just the iron weapon skin that makes it black and silver. :) I got the weapon last night it's still as fun as before.

The quest it is then!!


Thu, 09/22/2016 - 08:57 (Reply to #55)
DatBasementCat's picture
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aAdamToRemember wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

Got Gallahorn (preorder) but when I select it it says I need the year 3 Gallahorn.  Did I miss something somewhere?

Yes you have the IRON gjallahorn pre ordered it's just the skin. You actually have to complete the quest to get the weapon. The gjallarhorn isn't exclusive to pre orders it's just the iron weapon skin that makes it black and silver. :) I got the weapon last night it's still as fun as before.

Yep, I got the Y3 Iron Gjally when I started RoI. At first, I thought the item would need just infusing with another 338 heavy I got from a blue drop, so I did. But I still need to complete the quest. So I did.

Instead of one new Gjallarhorn, I got two! One a 350 Gjallarhorn and other a 338 Iron Gjallarhorn (one in black). Huh.

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 06:28
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Hmm, looks like I may not get the kick I wanted out of Exotic Engrams after LL 350.


Update @Cozmo23 has responded with the following and has confirmed it's not a bug, but rather a middle ground the designers intended.

"As stated in the Patch Notes once you hit 350 Light you are going to have a 50% chance to get +1 Light items. So you are right, it's not optimal to sit at the Cryptarch solely decrypting Engrams. I talked with the Designers and they wanted to find a balance between letting you progress using your stored up Engrams, while also encouraging you to go play Activities to earn better gear. Go run some Strikes, play Supremacy, and check out Archon’s Forge to increase your Light."


Wed, 09/21/2016 - 06:59 (Reply to #57)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Hmm, looks like I may not get the kick I wanted out of Exotic Engrams after LL 350.




Update @Cozmo23 has responded with the following and has confirmed it's not a bug, but rather a middle ground the designers intended.

"As stated in the Patch Notes once you hit 350 Light you are going to have a 50% chance to get +1 Light items. So you are right, it's not optimal to sit at the Cryptarch solely decrypting Engrams. I talked with the Designers and they wanted to find a balance between letting you progress using your stored up Engrams, while also encouraging you to go play Activities to earn better gear. Go run some Strikes, play Supremacy, and check out Archon’s Forge to increase your Light."




Yeah that sucks, but it makes sense so people aren't max Light on day one. I'm glad I also focused more on storing up my Legendary engrams so can can decrypt and get marks. I'll slowly work my way through my stack of Legendary engrams and then focus on the Exotics. 

Also, as we've surely discovered, but I'll put this out there in writing - stored engrams, both Legendary and Exotic, are decrypting to the new gear and higher light levels.

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 07:36
DarthTabasco's picture
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I finally made it to the top of Felwinter's Peak last night after about 20 minutes of jumping and falling. There is a reason to make it to the top (other than the amazing view), so I won't spoil what you find. 

I'm not talking about the area where you find the NPC, I'm talking about the spot behind the bounty board where you can jump up the rocks. You'll know you've made it to the top when you find the "campfire", so make sure you look around when you get there. 

So, there is a reason you saw so many people jumping around in the mountains last night...lol

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 09:11 (Reply to #59)
hemihuman's picture
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Couldn't figure out why I couldn't jump up there, and then remembered the obvious. Max your agility, get out your Mida, and you'll be at the top in a jiffy.

Thu, 09/22/2016 - 06:01
SoulTerror's picture
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Climbed the mountain last night. Also threw my controller a few times and lots of swearing at Biggie. On another note got my G.horn last night.

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