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Fri, 09/30/2016 - 10:26
DarthTabasco's picture
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Well, see Achy, the people you get running these 320 strikes are, generally, farming so I didn't have any issues with quitters. Plus, you don't really have to worry about avoiding certain strikes because of modifiers. 

Anyway, to each his own, the grind is the

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 11:36
OldnAchy's picture
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Take away the first 3 words and the last sentence and that is good advice,  however I do not appreciate being "talked down to."  If your intention was to upset me you succeeded.  

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 13:23 (Reply to #843)
DarthTabasco's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

Take away the first 3 words and the last sentence and that is good advice,  however I do not appreciate being "talked down to."  If your intention was to upset me you succeeded.  

"Talked down to"? I was merely passing along my experiences and some different options for consideration. We all play and grind the game in different ways - thus "to each his own" - and in some ways that may not be apparent or tried by others. 

I've tried my best with RoI to continually post information to HELP us all get the most out of our time. If that is somehow offensive or seen as talking down, then I guess that's up to individual interpretation.

I was responding to your particular post and situation and I had no intentions of upsetting you. 

I'll be happy to run strikes with you anytime. 


Fri, 09/30/2016 - 13:06
BLAMnation's picture
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Achy, I'm having the same experience as you with the Heroic strikes. Yesterday 5 in a row had people quit out right at the start. Pissed me off.

They are really helping me rank up, but unless you have a fireteam, having people drop on you is more likely than not right now. If you see me on and want to run some, shoot me a message. I'm kinda in Strike mode right now as I'm trying to level up for the raid.

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 13:38
OldnAchy's picture
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I will stop this here.  Don't wish to argue.  Blam the advice given above actually helps one rank up.  Pick out a strike on the map (Director confused me) that you like or think is doable in a fairly quick manner, select the 320 option and run it, even with randoms.  Most times the Timmies won't bail, but that is not 100% foolproof.  The scales actually have turned into my favor today.  I have run Septis Prime on 320 a few times and in several I was JIPed in because some Timmie quit so I didn't have to run the full strike.  In one case it was at the end with the servitor halfway down.  I have been picking up 2 decrypted blues each time which have helped about 50% of the time.  When they didn't I put them in the vault for my other 2 characters to use at some point. 

Two other notes.  Skeleton keys will drop in these strikes (although rarely) and exotics will decrypt higher than the equipped whatever, not the level at which you are playing.  That one surprised me. 

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 23:45 (Reply to #846)
BLAMnation's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

I will stop this here.  Don't wish to argue.  Blam the advice given above actually helps one rank up.  Pick out a strike on the map (Director confused me) that you like or think is doable in a fairly quick manner, select the 320 option and run it, even with randoms.  Most times the Timmies won't bail, but that is not 100% foolproof.  The scales actually have turned into my favor today.  I have run Septis Prime on 320 a few times and in several I was JIPed in because some Timmie quit so I didn't have to run the full strike.  In one case it was at the end with the servitor halfway down.  I have been picking up 2 decrypted blues each time which have helped about 50% of the time.  When they didn't I put them in the vault for my other 2 characters to use at some point. 

Two other notes.  Skeleton keys will drop in these strikes (although rarely) and exotics will decrypt higher than the equipped whatever, not the level at which you are playing.  That one surprised me. 

That's what I was doing and people kept quitting.
Fri, 09/30/2016 - 14:07
Hammerdrake's picture
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With a Fireteam of 3, is it still better to run the 320 strikes, or run the higher strikes and drop out of "bad" strikes (aka Shield Bros this week)?

Does the change to strike drops in the Hotfix effect that decision at all? 

I want to go striking tonight and try to get past 360 (at 357 now).

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 14:58 (Reply to #848)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:

With a Fireteam of 3, is it still better to run the 320 strikes, or run the higher strikes and drop out of "bad" strikes (aka Shield Bros this week)?

Does the change to strike drops in the Hotfix effect that decision at all? 

I want to go striking tonight and try to get past 360 (at 357 now).

The only real difference you may see is that Skeleton Keys are supposed to have more of a frequent drop in the 350 list. Keys are more important once you pass 365 since this is the Light level where blue engrams are capped (for the moment), so the chests are one of the few sources of 365+ loot. 

The 320 strikes will drop engrams that will gradually get you to 365. Then, once you get to 365, you probably still want to run 320 strikes since all you are after are the strike chests. 

The only issue with this plan is IF keys truly do drop at a higher rate in 350 lists. I've had keys drop from both lists and the drops are seemingly just as rare whether it be in the 320 or 350 lists. Others here may have spent more time running strikes, so my experience is limited. 

The hotfix Bungie deployed earlier in the week was to fix loot drop problems in certain strikes, so they are all working as intended now. 

If you are solely playing just to farm - I'd say to try the 320 list and see how that works out for you. 

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 15:41 (Reply to #849)
KalSC's picture
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Hammer, look us up when you get on tonight.  We'd be happy to run some heriocs with you. I have a new faction quest that needs heriocs and want to run some for that.

Ranger & I ran a lot of 320 strikes last weekend and I never got a skeleton key from them.  The frequency for them in the strike list is a lot higher, or at least it has been for me.  Also, I could be wrong about this, but I *think* you don't get nearly the vanguard/faction rep points as you do when you are running in a strike list from the strike list bonus/rep booster. 


Fri, 09/30/2016 - 16:43
hemihuman's picture
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I've had zero skeleton keys from any source recently. I'm thinking that if I really want them, I need to see if my alts can get the one freebie that Shiro gives out. But I'm not sure I really want them. The loot table for the strike chests that I've seen looks pretty pathetic: a ton of class items and very little else. Do we have some lucky people who got some nice items from the chest? What did you get?

Fri, 09/30/2016 - 23:47
BLAMnation's picture
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Got the Devil's Dawn sniper from my first key on Sepiks. Decent PVE gun.
Sat, 10/01/2016 - 06:43 (Reply to #852)
Hammerdrake's picture
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BLAMnation wrote:
Got the Devil's Dawn sniper from my first key on Sepiks. Decent PVE gun.
Me too and a high light blue artifact. I think I've had 2 or 3 skeleton keys total. What's currently the best way for a chance at a new ghost?
Sat, 10/01/2016 - 07:57 (Reply to #853)
OldnAchy's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:

BLAMnation wrote:
Got the Devil's Dawn sniper from my first key on Sepiks. Decent PVE gun.

Me too and a high light blue artifact. I think I've had 2 or 3 skeleton keys total. What's currently the best way for a chance at a new ghost?

Ghost drops have been few and far between although hopefully the hotfix will help increase those drops.  Ghost and Artifact seems to be the two things that drag at people.  I got lucky yesterday in one of the Sepkis runs; just as I was bitching about not being able to increase LL for my 354 Ghost, I got a blue Ghost drop at 363.  So my advice is bitch, pray, or keep your fingers crossed and keep grinding.

Seriously I think a good LL Ghost should eventually drop in a strike.  I haven't seen higher LL drops in the Crucible, just a couple of good Legendary drops. 

One thing I have noticed from all this grinding.  The number of Strange Coins I get has increased dramatically which means plenty of 3 of Coins.


Sat, 10/01/2016 - 22:33
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Starting to get 365 gear. My artifact is probably going to hold me back soon.

Sun, 10/02/2016 - 22:21
DEEP_NNN's picture
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All my gear is 365 or higher. Fruitful night in Archon's Forge.

Got a legenday artifact at the temple from blue gloves. I think this has only happened at the temple. At least, I think so.

Tomorrow is Exotic day. At least until my new artifact starts holding my rolls down.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 07:18
DarthTabasco's picture
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My Ghost is really holding me back too and it's a constant source of irritation. I have turned in multiple Faction, Vanguard and Crucible packages and have not received even one Ghost. I've received a number of blue 365 Ghosts from strikes and other activities, but that's all. 

I'm still having good luck getting keys from the 320 list and, for me, the drop frequency has been about the same as the heroic list. Also, the keys allow you to target certain parts of your gear that need a Light upgrade and one of the few ways to get gear that's 365+ Light. The chests are also the best place for artifacts. 

Here is a good article that shows where you can find certain strike-specific items:


Mon, 10/03/2016 - 07:26
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Skeleton keys have avoided me. I've had one since RoI came out.

Thanks for the info Darth.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 07:41 (Reply to #858)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Skeleton keys have avoided me. I've had one since RoI came out.

Thanks for the info Darth.

You are most welcome DEEP. 

That's strange about you not getting keys. I wish Bungie would increase the drop rate. 

As a side note, the keys have to be picked-up and they appear as the smaller, white engrams on the ground. They can be easy to miss. 

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 08:08 (Reply to #859)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:


DEEP_NNN wrote:


Skeleton keys have avoided me. I've had one since RoI came out.

Thanks for the info Darth.



You are most welcome DEEP. 

That's strange about you not getting keys. I wish Bungie would increase the drop rate. 

As a side note, the keys have to be picked-up and they appear as the smaller, white engrams on the ground. They can be easy to miss. 

I've looked for them but no luck. It's sad that Bungie let such a klutz mechanic in. Lucky to earn, luck to find. They should at least go to the Postmaster like other missed items (maybe they do?)

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 10:33 (Reply to #860)
KalSC's picture
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Deep, I'm nearly in the same boat for skeleton key drops.  I don't think I'm missing them.  I scour the area looking for them.  I have open space in my inventory.  I have run a lot of heriocs the last two weeks and they just are not dropping. To be honest I have had 3 drop out of a boat load of strikes. All of those were before the last patch.  However, that is probably a coincidence.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 09:26
OldnAchy's picture
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Only 2 keys for me, just one from that weekend of grinding.  They indeed look like little white triangles.  Saw a few in the strikes, thought "great a key" picked them up -- House Banners -- crap.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 12:13
BLAMnation's picture
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The list of strike-specific loot is not actually that long... As people level up and the Heroic strikes and Nightfalls get easier, you will see more keys. RNG will continue to make it a grind though. But after you collect all the strike-specific items you want, the keys will become irrelevant.

I only got three keys, but two produced items I was looking for.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 13:15 (Reply to #863)
DarthTabasco's picture
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BLAMnation wrote:

The list of strike-specific loot is not actually that long... As people level up and the Heroic strikes and Nightfalls get easier, you will see more keys. RNG will continue to make it a grind though. But after you collect all the strike-specific items you want, the keys will become irrelevant.

I only got three keys, but two produced items I was looking for.

Once I got to 365, I started using my keys because the strike chests are one of the few ways to get items higher than 365 Light. As an example:

If my Helmet is lagging behind in Light and I have a key, I'll run a strike that has a helmet as a possible drop from the chest. If the item drops and it's a Light upgrade, then I use it for infusion. I'd say this is how I've upgraded many pieces of gear - it's not really the specific item I'm after to keep and use, but rather using the piece for infusion.



Mon, 10/03/2016 - 13:24 (Reply to #864)
BLAMnation's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:


BLAMnation wrote:


The list of strike-specific loot is not actually that long... As people level up and the Heroic strikes and Nightfalls get easier, you will see more keys. RNG will continue to make it a grind though. But after you collect all the strike-specific items you want, the keys will become irrelevant.

I only got three keys, but two produced items I was looking for.



Once I got to 365, I started using my keys because the strike chests are one of the few ways to get items higher than 365 Light. As an example:

If my Helmet is lagging behind in Light and I have a key, I'll run a strike that has a helmet as a possible drop from the chest. If the item drops and it's a Light upgrade, then I use it for infusion. I'd say this is how I've upgraded many pieces of gear - it's not really the specific item I'm after to keep and use, but rather using the piece for infusion.



Yeah, I kinda forgot that - was just thinking about the Imago Loops and stuff like that that some have found hard to get. The keys will continue to be useful especially to get higher level artifacts and stuff.

Mon, 10/03/2016 - 18:05
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FYI, I am getting 1-5 LL increase (per equipment) with every Exotic engram decoded. Seems to slow down a bit after exceeding the lowest equipped item.

I have to wait for the Artifact drop this week to start decoding again. A week ago I accidentally deleted my Weapon parts stash, so I'm slowed by that too.

Tue, 10/04/2016 - 07:27
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Achy got something over 370 from Variks. Reputation reward.

Will they go to 385 though.

Tue, 10/04/2016 - 08:56 (Reply to #867)
hemihuman's picture
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Wow, surprised by that, considering that his weekly COE goodies are capped at 365. Good info.

Tue, 10/04/2016 - 10:12 (Reply to #868)
DarthTabasco's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Achy got something over 370 from Variks. Reputation reward.

Will they go to 385 though.

Yes, all of the vendors work the same way with their rank-up packages and should go to 385.  This includes Variks, Petra and Eris. I think Variks can drop most item slots excepts artifact. I think Eris mainly drops class items and artifacts. I know Petra will drop Queen's Guard armor pieces, but I'm not sure about other items. 

Note: As Krak mentioned, CoE package reward cap at 365.


Tue, 10/04/2016 - 10:30
OldnAchy's picture
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Reputation reward was a 372 shotgun.

Mon, 10/10/2016 - 11:07
DEEP_NNN's picture
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So much for ranking up today. The remnants of Matthew has knocked out the power.

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