Wrath of the Machine, Fri, Nov 4
Fri, 10/28/2016 - 22:46
Wrath of the Machine, Fri, Nov 4
If you're interested in running the Wrath of the Machine raid this Friday, November 4 at 9-11pm Eastern, post below. First come, first served, but you should be at least closing in on 360 light. We will probably start from whatever checkpoint the Tuesday night group gets. If you sign up and find out later that you won't be able to make it, please post again here and let us know so we can find a replacement.
Still two spots open!
Thanks to some nice work by the Tuesday night group, we will start at the Aksis Phase 2 checkpoint.
Roster so far: DEEP_NNN, doorgunnerjgs, Duke12, and myself.
DEEP_NNN, doorgunnerjgs, Duke12, OldnAchy, gmantx, and myself worked on Aksis Phase 2 tonight. We stunned Aksis several times, sometimes twice in a row, but did not get to the long third stun. Staying alive while executing the plan, and especially preparing to stun, is still challenging. Lots of fun to learn though! Looking forward to next week.