Thu, 12/22/2016 - 08:41
I know we have had some chatter about this topic in the say anything thread. But I feel like it deserves its very own. Has anyone here had it drop yet? If no, I'm curious to see how many people have attempted to get it and how many times.
Based on what I've read so far, it drops only from the "gold tier" Zavala nightfall bounty as a random drop. To date I have done the nightfall 3 times and haven't seen it drop for me or anyone else in my party.
Speaking for BLAM, he got it last night with Achy and I. He said he got it from the weekly Zavalla bounty which requires a NF run.
Achy and I got new Arc Devils Dawn which wasn't too bad for a consolation prize. Still jealous.
It goes to your mailbox.Ran it 3 times last week and once so far this week, yet to see it drop for anyone. BTW this weeks NF is pretty easy, Darkman and I 2-manned it with about 5 minutes to spare.
Did the NF three times last week, and then the one last night with DEEP and Achy, so I got it on the 4th run.
G Train X also got one on Tuesday night. Don't know how many runs it took him.
I plan to run it again (x3) this week, so hopefully it will go ahead and drop for me too.
Well, no go for me this week. Ran it 3 times last night, and nada. 6 attempts in without seeing it drop for me or anyone in the fireteam. Overall nightfall drops were fairly awful too. I got 3oCs for two of them.
I will say that the NF this week is really easy and super quick to run. So that is at least a bonus.
Used the IB on a couple of strikes last night. Having ammo regen was nice, but what was the best was seeing enemies essplode and damage their buddies. Easy quick cleanup of mobs.
9 attempts, and still no IB for anyone in my fireteam. Looks like we are going to have something to chase for a while for this one.
Blam, There is just something about the sound of the IB and then watching the explosions that is quite satisfying.
got it two weeks ago on my 9th nightfall
Apparently the RNG varies wildly. Got mine on my 3rd Nightfall. That sound, those explosions...

The SCs are 12 in with no IB. We have also ran the NF several additional times to help ppl run the NF, sometimes 3 times in a row, and no IBs from those either.
I have only seen it in the wild once now. There was no mistakening that sound.
I'm in no hurry to get the IB. I mean, it at least gives us something to chase during this what is sure to be a lengthy drought of content.
Congrats to those that have it though. Back in the day before we started getting DLC and all of the new toys, it was one of my "go-to" weapons.
Hopefully it will still prove to be relevant.
Apparently attempt # 13 & 14 are the magically numbers for us. I got mine on 13, Ranger on 14. Funny little bit though. We ran the NF 3 times last night and each run yielded an IB for 1 fireteam member. 3 runs = 3 IBs seemed pretty sweet to me. I don't know if they increased the drop rate, or if we just had a really lucky night, but we had a good time running around in a strike afterwards using almost nothing but icebreakers to kill Vex.
Way to go.
Any tricks for this weeks NF?
1 x attempt. No d(ice).
For tips, I'd say save yourself some time and skip some of the yellow bar captains. Destroy the node, and then leave. You won't need all of the yellow bars for gold tier and they are just giant pains to deal with sometimes and it gives you extra time to spend in the boss room. If you struggle with the ogre in the boss room, there is a cheese spot in the back right corner that you can get on, catch his attention and he will stand there staring at you, and your teammates can work the boss/adds down in without worrying about the ogre. I don't normally recommend cheese spots, but I really do just hate that strike, and think its completely stupid, so why not in this one to get it over with faster.
I played leap frog with the ogre in our first run. Run towards ogre with warlock, jump up and over, he gets mad and slams as you do it. I took no damage so long as I timed it right. He would turn around and I'd leap back over, was fun until he decided to play with someone else.
Congrats to the SCs for getting your Icebreakers!
Can't give you any sure-fire tips for this NF, but a couple of things might help at the boss - have a self-rez warlock in your fireteam, maybe one or more of you wears Alpha Lupi or Light Beyond Nemesis to speed up revives and add orbs for supers. Try to keep a post between you and the boss when you're not shooting at him, and take out those damned shanks as soon as they start dropping in.
Don't feel shame from using that cheese spot.
I've done it once this week, don't know if I am gonna bother trying it on my other toons.
Nightfall this week should be fun. Sunless cell with arc burn, specialist, juggler & airborne. Should be a lot more fun this week, for those moments when you need a break from the banner, ofc.
I may be a little biased as I do love this strike normally, but.... Ranger and I two manned this strike yesterday. There are a lot of arc burn taken throughout, so you will need to be a little defensive but they were fairly easily managed with a zhalo and a sniper. We tried a trick I had read about when the last time these modifiers came up in a NF but with the Abomination Strike. Use the 4th horseman to melt the boss. Pop a weapons bubble, run through, jump up, and try to hover over the boss while you unload your 4th horseman into him.. He is a quick kill and we achieved gold status upon completion due to all the extra time we had left over.
If you need to run a nightfall, this one is fun, and if you like to play around with different guns, its a good one for extra 4th horseman fun.
Blam, I will say yes
Biggest problem is that Alak-hul has a nasty melee if you fall down too close to him. But that link above is to a guy soloing him. It takes a couple of reloads, which can get messy. I'd wear shotgun reloading gauntlets to help.
If you, or someone else tries it, report back. We ran a herioc Tuesday and Ranger used the 4th horseman there too. The Shield Brothers were not a problem.
Solo or not, I more or less just mean trying the 4th horseman out.
Me too!
GMAN and I ran two characters through. Got mine on a Titan.
GMAN got nice pleather gloves. ;)
Congrats guys. Just in time too as this week's NF will be less fun. Blighted Chalice with juggler, catapult, grounded and void burn. May be ok for a while, but those flying balls of void burn death will get annoying.
I decided to use IB during the raid and I am happy to report that I found it useful in WotM. I found it to be especially useful during the Vosik encounter - especially during Heroic Mode when the monitors take a lot more damage to destroy (fun fact, "mulligan" perks when shooting the monitors, so you'll get those shots back immediately). During damage phase on Vosik, I would empty my IB then finish off with some Heavy until it was time to run for the safe room. There are other loadouts that will do more damage, but I found it to be competitive.
IB is also somewhat useful at the Siege Engine but I ultimately switched back to Dark Drinker to deal with the captains. Same goes for the Aksis encounter. While IB is not a bad option, it's perhaps not the best option if you are looking to maximize your damage. However, it's still a fun weapon to use especially if you are just looking to change things up and run a different loadout.
Got my Icebreaker tonight with the help of Deep and Gman! Thanks, guys!
Congrats Doorgunner. How was the NF this week?
I tried soloing it for a bit on Wednesday, got through the first room, then needed to leave. A voidwalker with axion bolt grenades was working well for me. However the wizard was not playing nice. She wiped me a couple of times. Haven't tried it in a fireteam yet...
NF is easy peazy. I tried a Defender Titan but had much better luck with a Sunbreakerand two Thermite grenades. Void weapons of course. You should see what happens to Thrall hordes using the Nova Morris. Ass-plodes everywhere.
Agree that NF is very doable this week. Biggest issues are not being caught by surprise when the "minions" spawn in the back but one is forewarned of that, and at the end when the boss starts spewing those darts. One can hide against the inside wall to avoid getting hit (one shot kill) but again the "minions" spawn could cause a problem. I found that staying outside and shooting the darts was effective once I realized what the heck was going on. Deep and I two manned it earlier this week. We didn't beat par but didn't have to since we both already had the Icebreaker.
Congrats to Doorgunner on getting his Icebreaker. Got mine early on but haven't found a reason to consistently use it. Maybe when we get a solar burn NF.