Wrath of the Machine, Fri, Feb 3
Fri, 01/27/2017 - 22:28
Wrath of the Machine, Fri, Feb 3
Sign up here if you're interested in running the Wrath of the Machine raid next Friday, February 3, 9-11pm Eastern. We might be helping some friends through the normal model raid, or possibly running hard mode, if there are six of us willing to try. If you sign up and find out later that you won't be able to make it, please post again here and let us know so we can find a replacement.
In for NM.
If you haven't tried it yet, and I don't think I've seen you mention it. You may want to try doing the challenges in the raid. They will take some time to practice, especially this coming week as it will be the Aksis challenge. Aksis challenge will require you to retrain your muscle memory for Aksis Phase 2.
The NM challenges don't give you ornaments for the HM armor or the emblems, but you do get an extra piece of loot and the satisfaction of completing a challenge. That extra loot can drop from the entire loot table, including HM weapons. I got a sniper recently for completing the Vosik challenge on NM. It will drop at 385 light, but at least you can get HM weapons without having to run HM.
Anyway, something you may want to consider trying out.
Thanks, Kal. Good suggestion.
Yes, the challenge mode for Aksis is actually the more efficient way of completing the encounter. Now, it will cause some stumbles as you try to get out of old habits, but it's efficient and more fun. Challenge mode = everybody has super during each teleport.
Now challenge mode on Vosik = meh (other than the loot drops)
In for NM to help Midnight Office finish up.
Midnight Office is In.
Looks like we'll have the same team as Tuesday. Hopefully we can get Midnight Office through Aksis Phase 2 in short order!
Going to available right a 9:00
We went through every possible human and machine problem you could have on Aksis Phase 2 tonight, and did not manage to put him down, despite coming very close multiple times. We still owe you a kill, Midnight Office!