A Walk Down Memory Lane

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#1 Fri, 07/07/2017 - 20:52
Adraxis's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/02/2005 - 23:00

A Walk Down Memory Lane

I decided to check my MSN e-mail since I hadn't done so in a long time and came across an e-mail from 2old2play dated 8/8/2014.  It's been many years since I was last here.  I got a bit nostalgic and decided to check it out.  Wow!  How things have changed!  When I was last here in the Halo 3 days this was a thriving community with dozens of clans and many, many members.  

Twelve-ish years ago, I spotted a little blurb about 2old2play in Xbox magazine.  Then, I was a gamer in my early 30s so I decided to give it a shot.  The first person I ever spoke to from 2old2play, I believe, was Swooshdave (who I just saw had posted in the Halo 5 forum back in December).  After playing Halo 2 with some of the 2old2play members, I was hooked.  I joined the clan Wheezin Geezers and became a regular contributor to the community for a few years.  Some of my favorite times in gaming was with the Geezers and the 2o2p community.  However, like a lot of people, as time went on and career demands changed, I found myself being less and less active on the site.  I never stopped gaming, but I eventually stopped being social with it.  Halo 3 became something I only played with a few select people from the site, friends, and family.  Even that eventually dwindled.  By the time Halo 4 came around I was only playing online with my wife.  Now, I hardly play Halo at all.  In fact, I've had Halo 5 for over a year and have played it twice.  I gave Destiny a shot when it first came out, but didn't care for it.  I purchased the expanded updated version, but never got around to playing it.  Nowadays I mostly play RPGs (I'm currently playing Mass Effect: Andromeda).  

In my head, I always pictured 2o2p as still being everything it once was and I occasional would think, "I'm going to go back and check things out!" but then something else would come up or I'd get distracted and forget about it...until today.  I was saddened to find the community a shell of what it was once and, quite frankly, dying a slow death.  Knowing that I contributed to that makes it even harder to see.  

I'm not sure I'll be very active here or not, seeing as how almost all of the people I used to game with are gone.  So I'd like to take a moment to pour one for some of those that made gaming so enjoyable for me back when 2o2p was in its prime.  Most of them will probably never see this post and might not even remember me if they did, but that's okay...I fondly remember them.

Capt Rock (best Overlord ever)


PnB Attack




Jerry Atric

Big Uncle Mike


Bluestar (Best. Ever.)


​Mike James

​I'm sure there are plenty I'm forgetting, but I'm 45 now and it's been a while.  I'm not sure how active I'll be on here, but I'll try to check in from time-to-time.  If 2o2p is in its death throes, then I'd like to at least say I was there at the end.

Fri, 07/07/2017 - 22:10
Zikan's picture
Last seen: 4 months 4 weeks ago
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"The report of our death was an exaggeration"

    - M Twain, and 2old2play

Tue, 07/18/2017 - 10:28 (Reply to #2)
Rock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Zikan wrote:

"The report of our death was an exaggeration"

    - M Twain, and 2old2play

This place needs more site chat.

Tue, 07/18/2017 - 10:27
Rock's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Wassup Adrax. Those were some good times, and that's a solid list of some of the finest gamers out there (with the exception of jerryattric and ahovis)wink.  BigUncleMike and I still play a little wow, and I recently picked up a XBox One and Halo 5. Shoot me a PM sometime if you ever want to get slaughtered by timmies or run some coop campaign.



Thu, 08/03/2017 - 11:47
MikeJames's picture
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Something told me to wake from the dead.  Managed to play some Halo 5 again recently and beat it on Normal.  Thinking wow......I really miss the old days of gaming myself.  We had some good times....

Sat, 08/05/2017 - 16:14 (Reply to #5)
badmin's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 02/24/2005 - 23:00
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MikeJames wrote:

Something told me to wake from the dead.  Managed to play some Halo 5 again recently and beat it on Normal.  Thinking wow......I really miss the old days of gaming myself.  We had some good times....

That we did sir, that we did

Wed, 06/17/2020 - 22:24
FallingMoMo's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Joined: 05/02/2005 - 23:00
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Back to gaming. The first thing I did when I picked the controller back up was check back here. I guess the same thing happened to everyone. I have been playing with my kids and have the bug again. COD is everything Halo was. Would love to get the band back.   Where is everyone? 


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