Anthem VIP Demo Friend Codes
Wed, 01/16/2019 - 14:46

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Anthem VIP Demo Friend Codes
Hopefully no one gets too mad with me posting this here. The Anthem VIP demo is the 25-27 Jan weekend. Those with access (pre-orderers or EA Access members) can invite up to 3 people into this demo. One of mine may be spoken for, anybody else want one?
Note: apparently you have to be IN the demo to access/send the codes.
If I'm allowed to invite people as well, I'll make them available. I haven't bought yet, because I want to hit the time window juuuust right, and only pay for one month of EA Access. Don't hesitate to speak up if you'd be interested in kicking the tires at an early date.
I'll be taking one of Hammer's codes he so graciously offered. That makes at least three of us giving it a try this weekend, so we should team-up to see how it plays.
I'm very interested in this game, I hope Bioware knocks it out of the park.
Great! Hammer and I are planning to try a stronghold on Saturday. Strongholds are supposed to be harder content that you need a group for. Still one slot available. Sign up at Elder Legion at the100 if interested.
Well, that VIP demo went over like a turd in the punch bowl.
I did get to play all of the activities, but it was always with a lot of quitting and restarting due to the load screen issue. I never got to actually start the game and load into an activity in one try, so it was quite frustrating.
I also felt rather lost in the intense battles as I was constantly fumbling with the control scheme, but that would get better with more play time.
We'll see if this weekend's open demo is any better. Otherwise, I won't get getting this on launch day.
Networking was awful, but gunplay, abilities, and the amazing mobility model kept me mightily entertained. No regrets on the purchase so far. The networking was notably improved for me by the end of the demo, so I'm optimistic they'll get their issues resolved in the next few weeks. Would not be surprised if some are still there at launch though. I'll be playing next weekend, if I can find a team who wants to try the stronghold on hard difficulty.
This weekend's demo seemed to be much improved from the networking side. I was able to load and play without the constant interruptions.
I am still not sure this is a day-one purchase for me, but I will be watching to see how it goes after launch.
Tried it a bit.
First attempt: I failed to comprehend how to get into Freeplay. Framerate made me nauseous and gave me a headache.
Second attempt: Similar to first attempt but barely made it to Freeplay only to somehow finish with rewards I never earned.
Third attempt: Successfully completed a full first mission. Too dark. Very confusing.
I do not like the talking to people mechanics.
If it's a good game, my Friend list will be full of people playing it. Should that happen, I might buy a cheap version.
The demo this week was both better and worse for me. No infinite loads (not even once), but I did get repeatedly booted while trying to run a stronghold with a group, which was most unpleasant. They will have to keep working on the network code, which is not strange given that this is probably the most demanding networking that Bioware has attempted.
I'm still loving the mobility. This time out it really struck me how the flying combined with the massive, very 3D terrains really make the game feel fresh compared to other things I'll be playing this year (Destiny, Division 2). Looking forward to release.
Anybody planning on playing this over the weekend?
I've been playing. Hit level cap last night. Have a stronghold expedition lined up for this morning.
I don't have the game. I have been waiting to see how it goes at launch.
Interesting and LONG read about the development of Anthem and all the problems: