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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I will be starting early on the new DLC if anyone would Like to join and I will also be streaming it hopefully just an FYI
Bloody hell. Still have to finish Finks Arena and do the Hyperion Preserve Arena AND the last mission. Now there's the new Booty. I think I'm a little behind here...
I haven't even beaten the game on my first playthrough yet.
wilderz wrote: I haven't even beaten the game on my first playthrough yet.
Ditto. Still loving it too, and can't wait for some Pirate Booty
Link to the stream Fire?
When is the DLC suppose to go live? Right now, it has a purchase price of -1. I want to DL dammit!
YEM wrote: When is the DLC suppose to go live? Right now, it has a purchase price of -1. I want to DL dammit!
Nevermind, It can be accessed through the in-game store
My cap card isnt working right now as soon as I get it figured out Ill post a link
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Bloody hell. Still have to finish Finks Arena and do the Hyperion Preserve Arena AND the last mission. Now there's the new Booty. I think I'm a little behind here...
I haven't even beaten the game on my first playthrough yet.
Ditto. Still loving it too, and can't wait for some Pirate Booty
Link to the stream Fire?
When is the DLC suppose to go live? Right now, it has a purchase price of -1. I want to DL dammit!
Nevermind, It can be accessed through the in-game store
My cap card isnt working right now as soon as I get it figured out Ill post a link