6/26 Pull List

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#1 Wed, 06/26/2013 - 19:53
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

6/26 Pull List

Well, I just got back about 30 mins ago, and wow this week was expensive, but honestly, pretty well worth it as a lot of stuff came out! It's a long list so I'll just get into it.

Dark Horse:

Akaneiro #2


Aquaman #21 (Sketch Incentive)

Batman/Superman #1 (Rocafort Incentive)

Batman:Dark Knight #21

Flash #21

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #3

Justice League Dark #21

Justice League of America #5 (Fabok Incentive)

Justice League #21 (Davis Incentive)

Superman #21

Teen Titans #21

The Wake #2


Uncanny #1


New Ghostbusters #5

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #23


Jupiter's Legacy #2

Lazarus #1

Morning Glories #28 (Cover B)



Age of Ultron #10A.I.

All-New X-Men #13

Deadpool #12

Gambit #14

Guardians of the Galaxy #4

Scarlett Spider #18

Ultimate X-Men #28

Uncanny X-Men #7 (Wolverine Incentive)

Wolverine and the X-Men #32

Wolverine #5

X-Men #2

Young Avengers #6 (Wolverine Incentive)



Wow! What a list for this week, I've got a ton of reading to do today and tomorrow! So I guess I'll get to my top 3 most anticipated! 1. Batman/Superman #1  2. TMNT #23  3. Justice League of America #5 and here's why!


  1. Batman/Superman #1 is pretty self-explanatory, it's a series depicting how Batman and Superman first met and became friends in the New 52 universe! Who doesn't wanna read those two off on adventures, I don't know!

  2. TMNT #23 this series is doing the City Fall arc, and last issue it started with a bang! The Shredder from this reboot is probably the most evil version of him ever done. Casey is near death, Leo is MIA, and Raphael loses himself in a whirlwind of rage! This series just keeps getting better and better, and 2 issues from now, will have one of the best covers I've seen in awhile. Leonardo, draped in black, working for the Shredder, while doning  dual Katanas and Shredder's notorius claws. The series' return to a gritty realstic has proven to be very successful, these aren't the same turtles you knew as a kid!

3.JLA #5 The fallout from the death of Catwoman at the hands of the Secret Society! How will the JLA respond? Plus something big is revealed about Stargirl... Just what is it? I can't wait to find out!

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 12:27
H2Daddy's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 23:00

My list was a little smaller. Picked up the following:

Wolverine #5

Batman/Superman #1

Jupiter's Legacy #2

Lazarus #1

Guardians of the Galaxy #4

I was going to get The Wake #2 but for some reason, my shop didn't get their copies. That was the one I was looking the most forward to.

Thu, 06/27/2013 - 17:26
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Nice pick-ups! I just post what I get so other people can see what I'm reading, so if anyone is interested in a title, they can ask my opinion. I also like seeing what other people are picking up, my local comic store owner is also giving me a hard time b/c I like to snoop at what other people are picking up in the store.

I'm looking forward to reading my copies of Jupiter's Legacy #2, Lazarus #1 and Wake #2 a lot, unfortunately they came out in a big week. How was Lazarus? I'm really looking forward to it! What did you think of The Wake #1? I really enjoyed it, I'm a fan of Scott Snyder's work, plus monsters from the deep stories always intrigue me. Most of them turn out crappy, but I still love them lol. 

Fri, 06/28/2013 - 21:29
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Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 23:00

Loved The Wake. Really looking forward to where this goes. Lazarus, I like but I don't know much about. I didn't research it before buying it. I like the premise. Will have to see where they go with it. Jupiter's Legacy, I'm not sure about. Can't put my finger on what I don't like about it but of the three mentioned, it was by far my least favorite.

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 23:17
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Hmm, with such a big list last week, and a big list this upcoming week I think, I haven't my store to check, but I'm behind on my reading and still haven't gotten to Wake 2 or the other 2 yet. This kinda bums me out a bit honestly, b/c I was hoping those 2 would be really really good.

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