Aliens:Colonial Marines campaign length revealed..

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#1 Tue, 01/22/2013 - 06:51
GbHaseo's picture
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Aliens:Colonial Marines campaign length revealed..

Randy confirmed yesterday that the campaign in Gearbox's new title Aliens:Colonial Marines, will only be roughly 8-10 long give or take. He said there's "meta goals" for multiple playthroughs, but really, with that short of a campaign what really is there to experience in multiple playthroughs? This isn't some arcade title, but a full $60 title. With Gearbox's recent let down regarding the Borderlands 2 season pass dlc so far, the new $15 skin pack released today, and this info, it makes me wonder what's going on with Gearbox.

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 12:06
TANK's picture
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But multiplayer will probably give 60-100 hours of enjoyment.  Also I imagine Sega has had a lot of input and push to keep this game accessible to the masses rather than a true for the fans tribute to aliens for more financial gains.



Tue, 01/29/2013 - 06:17
Marine1Ten's picture
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I have this pre-ordered but maybe I will wait. Perhaps I am 202Pay $60.00 for short games, anymore. Everything at gamestop goes to $40.00 around Dec. 25th, even new in October AAA titles. Well, I like my cheevos, 100% completion and multplayer ain't my favorite way to pass the time. Hmmm....Bioshock 3 is looking better.

Tue, 01/29/2013 - 18:28
TANK's picture
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That's why i'm passing on bioshock, no multiplayer.  I can play it anytime so i'll wait until the summer when there's  a gaming drought and it'll no doubt be on sale for 40 bucks.

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