Is anyone still playing?

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#1 Wed, 04/16/2014 - 09:46
dewalist's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/09/2014 - 07:57

Is anyone still playing?

I guess I didn't realize how late to the game I was with GW2 - there hasn't been a post here since November - which is about when I got into it...

Anyway, I just hit 80 with my ranger (first time getting to end-game content in an MMO) and I'm still having a blast just exploring the world - about 50% world completion so far.  The Lion's Arch world event was a lot of fun - I hadn't experienced anything like that in an MMO before.  I don't have much interest in PvP or WvW at the moment - and my build is definitely geared for PvE only.

Is the guild still active - doing dungeons or mostly just PvP/WvW?  If so - what server?  I'm on Yak's Bend. 


Wed, 04/16/2014 - 12:14
Sherb's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 03/19/2011 - 23:00
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I'm still pretty active, getting on a couple times a week during the evenings and usually finding a couple hours or so on the weekends.  The "2O2P" Guild didn't last really long...I'm guessing it was likely due to schedule conflicts, then after a few months a lot of people moved on to other games.

I'm actually still on the Fort Aspenwood server, primarily running with the guild "PACT".  I'm currently making a push to try to get my legendary, so I've been running events, and dungeons when I can for the gold and T6 mats.  We've got a pretty active guild, with most members in NA & New Zealand/Aus.  Guild Events are run 4 times a week (I think).  They are currently making another push to try to become a little more active in the WvW side...though we are still pretty low numbers there.

And actually thinking about it now...this is the first game I've stuck with (and enjoy) for over a year that wasn't a racing sim.  laugh  I actually started GW2 with the pre-order early start (extra 3 days IIRC).

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 09:09
dewalist's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/09/2014 - 07:57

Thanks Sherb!  I took a look at the PACT website - seems pretty good!  I may wait to apply to join until the megaserver thing happens so I don't have to jump servers.  I wonder if the 2O2P guild would have survived if the megaserver thing was in place from the beginning - no more separate chapters or people having to leave their other friends on their original servers... 

I'm just not sure yet if I will participate in the endgame grind for gear.  I'm picking away at the world completion now, but who knows if that will hold my interest.  I know my build isn't what people would consider the "best" - but it is fun and right now that's all that matters. 

Racing sims, eh?  I've tried them (NFS: Shift/Shift2, GT5, etc) but I usually suck so playing online is just painful.  I'm enjoying Grid 2 now - not a sim, I know - because it has a decent "story" and that rewind feature saves me from having to repeat a race over and over and over again. 

Thu, 04/17/2014 - 12:14
Sherb's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 03/19/2011 - 23:00
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You can always "guest" to the server as well.  wink

The guild's webpage/forums if it isn't what you were looking at yesterday.

I really wasn't planning on doing the just kinda happened.  Plus PACT has a "Legendary Weapon Support Group" to help progress things along.  Basically it's a group of 15 peeps (this time around) that pool resources along with a weekly gold donation.  It's still a "grind", but makes it easier to stick with it.  Actually, starting with world completion is what started me heading down the road.  But that said, a LW doesn't make or break the game.  I just run for fun myself, and have been fortunate to find a pretty good group of people that I like to run & hang out with (a few of us are on TeamSpeak).

Had another race last night...Aussie V8 Supercars at Monaco.  surprise

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