The Bastion Player Names
Thu, 06/14/2012 - 08:05
The Bastion Player Names
With the Server "Transfers" (merges) our Friends lists got wiped. I know a few had to change their names with the merge. Let's repost our names so we can rebuild our FLs.
My Toons:
LalaTrooper - Vanguard DPS trooper (most likely my main) -49
LalaCalamari - Sith Marauder - 50
LalaFett - Merc Bounty Hunter - 50
Lalaia - Imperial Agent -10 no Advanced Class yet.
New names
Temüjin - Sith Assassin 50
Maj-GHOB - Vanguard 43
Old names
Biffho - Operative 50
Fornaught - Marauder 25
I wasn't able to add Lala_Calamari, said user doesn't exists
Fixt. It's LalaCalamari.
I had to change one of my Charters names
Grexy - Bounty Hunter Tank - old name Grex
Ki'grex - Sith Sorc DPS
Sexygrexy - Trooper commando healer
Still Beeman :)
42 Juggernaut
How's the server pop now that the transfers went through?
I was on the republic side and there were 2 instance of the fleet with over 300 per instance. Instant Warzone queues. It's crazy, it's like the game is a MMO.
I've been hanging out in the fleet sorting stuff out... It's crowded wherever you go
Yeah, it's nice. Hopefully it stays this way.
CopperLeaf Powertech lvl 50
ProphetBug Sith Sorc lvl 50
Ran into your Copperleaf toon. Too bad my recruit armor is equivliant to paper. I can't wait unitl I get some decent gear.
What toon where you?
And was I good ? :) I'm with recruit gear also. Should be in a couple pieces Batlemaster Today :)
Can't wait for lala's next excuse for getting pwned now that we know Copper is in recruit gear
I've got nothing, I just got worked. Hats off to Copperleaf.
I've yet to even do the transfers yet.