Bee Shield--where and how do I get one?

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#1 Sun, 09/29/2013 - 06:08
Trashguy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/01/2005 - 23:00

Bee Shield--where and how do I get one?

Friend of mine gave me one on an earlier character, but I couldn't see what the big deal was with it until I saw a few vids explaining why.  Sooo....


Since my other character has that shield (I HOPE I didn't sell it!), how do I go about finding one for myself?  Do I have do be at a particular level before it'll drop?

Sun, 09/29/2013 - 08:00
w0rm's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/13/2009 - 23:00

Hunter Hellquist and Treants both have a chance to drop a Bee shield.  Hellquist is encountered during the "This Just In" mission given by Mordecai in Sanctuary.  Once you complete the mission you can farm Hellquist as much as you'd like.  The Treants are found in The Forest section of Tiny Tina's DLC.

I've personally had better luck with the Treants than Hellquist.

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 12:31
Trashguy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/01/2005 - 23:00

Been farming Hunter today, no luck in something like twenty attempts or so.  Imagine my surprise on those moments when he dropped nothing at all!  Since I don't have a one-hit shotgun to use, I've been opening the door and tossing in a MIRV grenade, dropping Zero's hologram then running around to the other door and stabbing him in the back.  I have, however picked a few nice items to hold onto; just no Bee shield yet.

Reason I don't have Dragon Keep yet is my hard drive has only 2.1 gig left on it, and budget ain't allowing for a new HD just yet.

Mon, 09/30/2013 - 13:24
KoldfrontKraig's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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 I can dupe you one if you'd like. I'm usually on for an hour or 2 every night 9:00 central. Gamer name koldfront kraig. People have been very generous to me with sharing loot in the last year so I'd like to repay it. I think iv'e got a level 40, 50 and maybe a 67?


Wed, 10/02/2013 - 02:04
Trashguy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/01/2005 - 23:00

Welp, Hunter finally dropped one for me, but unfortunately it's in the 20s with a 1500 shield capacity.  Still works well, but if you have a 40 I'll take it as I'm currently level 37 right before going after the Warrior.  Tried to send an FR last night, but silly me I spelled your tag wrong!


Tue, 10/08/2013 - 03:41
jackal857's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/26/2007 - 23:00

the new ones have been nerfed. Kraig gave me a 50 before the nerf and they are beastly.


that tells you a bit about it and nerfing

Tue, 10/08/2013 - 12:36
KoldfrontKraig's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2010 - 23:00

 I think I do have a level 40 Bee. Two words in my gamer tag - koldfront kraig

Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:35
OldManRiver48's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/20/2006 - 23:00

Treants are dropping lower level ones a lot in the Forest, made a TVHM run and 

they dropped 2 lvl 50 & 1 48 from the bloodfruit Treants. No drops yet @ lvl 69-70

yet though....using lvl 61 is tough! There is a BA Orc by bloodfruits though(Warlord

Grug), will lvl up to about 5 lvls over you to Duke of Orc-you can farm to the first turn off

and not go that far w/good results too though!

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