beta Invites Away! Elder scrolls online
Wed, 03/27/2013 - 10:28
beta Invites Away! Elder scrolls online
First round of invites were sent out yesturday. Keep a close eye on your email accounts and make sure to check your spam filters people!
read your nda
Neat, I can't remember which email account I used though :(
Watch it while it lasts:
Youtube Link Dead
I doubt I am getting a beta invite at this point.
ya you should have waited till you got your new pc up and running. Woulda had a better chance with a bitchin rig I would imagine.
I did wait. The little probability bar was filled all the way up.
Well there are many more events. those were the first two and in all honesty you don't really want to be in the first ones. it will be better in the ones closer to the end.
True indeed.
its back but for how long
And dead :(
back but not in hd.