Big Bang vs Seinfeld
Sat, 03/03/2012 - 10:08
Big Bang vs Seinfeld
Seinfeld had to be the most popular sitcom evar! right? Everyone watched. Jerry was making a cool mill an episode or something. Well Does the Big Bang rival that. Can it topple the great and awesome Seinfeld. I think so. Everyone I ask, young or old all watch and love the Big bang. It has to be more popular.
What do you think?
big bang is by far my favorite show airing right now. i'm not really a TV watcher, but that show rocks.
my wife got me into it. she loves it, and thinks it's all that much funnier that i get a bunch of jokes that she has no idea what there talking about.
my nerd flag flies high when i'm watching that show.
so yes, i think it will be bigger than the giant.
Niether......................just saying.
I love Seinfeld but just can't really get into TBBT. My wife loves it and I'll watch some episodes with her, but even though I'm a science nerd, it just doesn't have the same festivus as Seinfeld did for me.
most excellent reference to festivus!
Seinfeld is still king but Big Bang is pretty funny. You have to watch a few episodes first before you really enjoy BB. But what do I know I miss King of Queens.
Big Bang is cool, I enjoy it. I don't see it lasting long. I never really got into Seinfield. My top sitcoms would be MASH, Cheers, Malcolm in the Middle, The Cosby Show, and That 70's Show.
Malcom in the Middle was like having cameras in my household growing up. I was one of only 3 boys (4 in MitM and 5 later in its life cycle), but damn, the trouble we caused and my mom yelling. Dejavu.
You think Sienfeild was more popular than Friends? Friends went one more season than Sienfeld did, both are syndicated at this point. But when I think back to true iconic episodes, I have quite a few Sienfelds in mind but can't think of many from Friends. Going back even farther, Cheers had 11 seasons but I can't think of many iconic episodes from that either.
Back on topic though, I think BBT will go the distance, I think it'll get to 8-10 seasons or so. The biggest problem with sitcoms is when they go that long the actors salaries are in the million dollars an episode range and it's just too expensive to produce. SO the second the ratings drop off, it's done.
I enjoy BB seing how I work in research, attend sci-fi conventions and enjoy gaming - so I appreciate a lot of their technical and geeky humor.
However, I think Tank's example is a good one when considering iconic episodes. BB is an enjoyable show, but once it's gone will people enjoy it as much in 10-20 years as they do today? I can enjoy Seinfeld episodes not matter how many times I've seen them. I mean, a show about nothing - how can it get any better?
I absolutely loved the first 3 seasons of BBT, but then it seemed that the writers started aiming for the lowest common denominator the writing seemed to take a serious dive in quality. No longer was it good nerd humor, but it was more like Three And A Half Men with some math.