Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock Infinite
So I see other posts about games coming out in 2014, or games that came out in 2012 but nobody is talking about Bioshock Inifinite.
I know, it doesn't have an online multiplayer. But it is the successor to the highest rated FPS ever.... let me repeat that... highest rated FPS ever...
The trailers are wonderful. The reviews out on many of the sites are amazing. When was the last time a FPS got a perfect score on any of the major gaming sites?
Maybe it's just me, but the fact that I have to work today and tomorrow before I can get home and play this game is torture.
Someone else has to feel my pain right? My only gamer buddy is still stuck on AC3, and refuses to move on until he gets 100% on each mission. He takes forever on games and I have nobody to talk to. By the time he picks up Bioshock I will have moved on to a new game.
There has to be someone else out there, just one, who is as excited as I am.
I am getting this at midnight tonight. I have had it preordered for a year and am dying to play it tomm. This game is averaging a 96 right now on metecritic. Gameinformer and Gamespy gave it 10/10 and most other reviews are in the high nines. Its gonna be epic.
Been waiting since Bioshock for a game that would live up to it.sounds like this is just that game. Picking up my preorder after work tommorrow!
The reviews it's getting right now is ridiculous
I loved Bioshock 1, liked bioshock 2 a little less but was still decent. I'm taking a launch pass on Biosock Infinite though for a few reasons, first is all the delays. One delay and ok i get it shit happens but this game's been dealyed 3 times over about a year and a half, that's just screams red flags to me.
Second issue is, it's single player only and there's a season pass which means DLC later. So why not wait and pick it up on sale for 39 bucks two months from now after some of the DLC has come out. I'm not missing out on anything and then I don't need to take a risk on a buggy launch game that's been delayed so much. Frankly the SMARTEST idea would be wait and pick up the game when all the DLC has come out for it 6-9 months from now possibly when there's a GOTY edition bundle that has the game and all the dlc for 40 bucks.
I see where you are coming from. I just can't wait for games I want. Not a chance.
I did hear that many of the reasons for delays was due to the bugs the game had and Ken Levine was unwilling to let a patch fix it later. He did not want a Skyrim/AC3 fiasco.
It is only single player so I knew that many people would not be happy with that, but personally I am extremely happy. It is getting harder to find single player shooters that are worth the money.
As far as the season pass and DLC goes, my brother bought the strategy guide for $10 and it comes with the season pass.
I just need to get off work so I can play. This day will go by so slow. I just know it.
Picked up my LCE last night at midnight...managed to get in a single hour of awesomeness before the late hour caught up with me. I'm truly looking forward to burning Columbia down and jamming a tonic straight up Father Comstock's ass.
All I have to say is what a month for gaming! First Tomb Raider completely surprised me with it's quality and now Bioshock Infinite has upped the ante even more. What Irrational is able to do when it comes to world crafting is nothing short of amazing. The moment you first see the city of Columbia floating in the sky there was for me a real feeling of vertigo and actually a little bit of motion sickness. All the while looking completely believeable when it came to how a city floating in the sky would work. These types of games are what make this hobby/addiction worth it.
This might be the single greatest game I have ever played on an XBOX, its near perfect and a ton of fun. I could not put it down at all today. Its Great
Dunno. I’d normally agree (just picked up FC3 half price). But I’m having trouble applying that concept here. By all accounts this game isn’t the industry’s normal, conservative sequal that's scraped out of the same mold that keeps their fan's wallets open and their stockholders from dumping their shares. It’s unique, it’s fresh, it’s very well done. It may even become a role model for games to come, at least on the storytelling front. In other words it sounds like the type of game there should be more of. That should make it the sort of game I’m happy to support by paying full price.
It's great period, and should be played by all IMO I you are gonna wait for a goty edition then u might as well do that for every game
I love it!!!! I think I almost get sick to my stomach when you are on the sky rails.....this game plays and feels like Bioshock(in a good way) a couple hours in and I couldn't be happier. I don't mind spending the money when I get something worth while for it.
I got the download code for this game through steam for free when we purchased our new gaming rig a couple months ago, was a promo going on for the 7850 card we had put in it... I was only able to play in a few 30 minute intervals, inbetween changing diapers and grocery shopping, BUT... In that short period of time, I honestly don't think I've ever been so impacted by a game. I can't speak much for the story yet, or even the combat mechanics, but the visuals alone were nearly enough to give me motion sickness. The first thing that caught my eye were the sun bands, the way lighting behaves in Columbia. WOW.. My wife said "How can something be so stylized but look so incredibly real at the same time?" The only thing I noticed that caused a 'wtf' moment, was the water in the very beggining... the actual ocean's water. The water that was impacting and flowing across objects was beautiful, but did anyone else notice how the ocean itself looked so horrible it almost seemed like it was done on purpose?
I love this game. I didn't get on here to respond to anyone yesterday after work because I was doing my best to spend every free minute with a controller in hand. I have not run across anything that makes me doubt any of the reviews as of yet. Another plus was receiving the original Bioshock with this game. And since I never played the original, I now have something else to look forward to.
The city is just insane. The imagination for so much of this, I don't even know if I would have been able to come up with this when I was a bit younger and more into other things. I didn't even make it to Elizabeth yet because I wanted to watch the citizens interact and the different floats or, I decided to investigate every alley and area i could before i was willing to move on. It will probably be a 30hr game for me due to my obsession with making sure I do investigate everything.
To me the setting is almost an opposite of Tomb Raider. TR has the dark greens, and shadows of the jungle mixed with the moving shadows due to fire in the tombs and caves, which was all very well done. B:I is almost the polar opposite of bright blue sky, white clouds and gold colored everything.
I have to say though, the little kids smoking just made me laugh. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help myself. I turned the corner of an alley and bam two kids smoking. What were they, 12 maybe?
This is such a great game, now I can only hope I am able to get the time to keep playing it for the next few weeks and RL doesn't screw me over.
I'm 20 hours in or so and at the last battle on Hard. I have died a bajillion times. Been on it for about 2.5-3 hours trying to finally end the game, but I can't seem to. No spoilers, but the last battle is ridiculous and I need a strategy. I want to see the end!
I found 70 or so recorders out of 80, and most of the Infusions. Maybe 27/37 of the telescopes/viewmasters. All without a guide. So I'd say it's a 25 hour game, tops, even if you take your time like I did.
This is why I'm going to wait for a GOTY edition. If you can take your time and get almost 100% of a game in 20 hours, I don't feel it's worth $60. I usually keep myself to a $1/hr ratio. Games like Defiance or GTA I know I'll put at least 100 hours in exploring I'll snag day 1, same with multiplayer games I'll play with friends for months. Single player stuff I can beat in a weekend waits for birthdays or christmas. Everyone I've talked to has raved about the game, so I'm pretty excited for it. But I can't see spending $100+ for the game and DLC when I could just wait and get everything for under $50.
Shadow- the last battle kicked my ass on normal
I finished the game last night (on regular) and I have to say this game has completely blown my mind for the same reasons everybody is already saying. The team behind this game went far beyond anything I've seen in terms of concept, design and attention to detail. Even on regular the last battle is not an easy one but it is pretty epic.
I really didn't know know what to expect at the end and for minutes I sat there with my jaw wide open in a big wow/wtf moment. I wasn't hot on the idea of the season pass but now that i've finished the game I want more! The world of Bioshock infinite is do deep, so amazing that I won't be able to help myself from buying future story DLC.
For those like myself who've finished the game and went WTF? Here's a great spoiler filled explination of the ending.
20 Hours is pretty significant for a game these days, u can put 100 into games like GTA but GTA had a lot of filler crap missions. Every second of Bioshock is great start to finish. Everyone's different I guess but Infinite is worth every penny of $60
Damn you guys!!! I was just reading this because I was bored and now I'm gonna have to go buy the damn game after reading how amazing it is. Damn >:(
I am not normally a FPS kind of gamer.
I don't pick up any of the CoD or BF releases, and I could not care less about them. I never did play the original Bioshock. I am mainly into rpg or third person games, so to pick this up is out of my realm of familiar games. It was well worth it. I am not done with it yet, and because I am avoiding any spoiler stuff I am not sure how far along I am, but it is damn well worth the money for what this game offers.
There is a reason the majority of reviewers have given it perfect scores, and it is well deserved,.
From everything you guys have said and everything i've read, i will be pickign it up but i'm still sticking with my 'get it later' strategy. I really enjoyed both of the previous bioshock games and even felt compelled to write Ken after finish Bioshock 1 to thank him for making the game. NEVER felt compelled to write a dev before or since. So this will be a buy for me before i retire my 360 for sure. But it'll be a summer purchase for me at the earliest.
I actually appreciate shorter games, too many games today want to become 'hobby' games and make have a long term relationship with them. I loved the tits off of Tomb Raider but it was a quick affair and it was over and I moved on but i'll still have the memories.
LOL Tank just wants to use em and lose em.
I bought BioShock 1 a while back but didn't play more than walking up the first set of steps out of the water lol But this game is getting so much attention on Reddit and it does look amazing, I decided to buy the Ultimate Rapture Edition and started playing 1 Friday. I have to say it is a fantastic game so far, I'd be disappointed I waited so long if it weren't for the fact that I would have played it alone originally and now I'm playing it with my girlfriend and son. Maybe by the time I finish 1 and 2 they'll have dropped the price or maybe even have some DLC released and it'll work in my favor...
Ok so, I guess I will preface this with SPOILER ALERT
Its not really, but it is something that could be irritating to know if you haven't played the game yet.
The commercial that is being played on tv for the game is riveting. The music is great, the scene is awesome and the way that Elizabeth proves to be an asset by tossing a shotgun is wonderful. I beat the game this weekend, and that scene isn't even in the game?!?!?!?!
I understand that scenes from 2011 have changed, decisions had to be made about what to include and what not to, but come on. You spend all sorts of money developing the commercial and buying airspace and then don't even include it in the game, not even a cut scene or anything? It is truly the one thing that disappointed me about the game.
Split Screen,
I know the comm you are talking about and if you see it again u will notice at the bottom of the screen it says "Not Game Engine Footage" this is very common for games this day and is not limited to infinite.
I spent about 10-12 hours on the game this weekend and I do not completely get the hype. I have enjoyed it so far, but I haven't really ever felt like I was seeing something completely revolutionary and an industry game changer (which I would expect based on the professional reviews). It just has some combinations of mechanics other games have singly.
Personally, I wish that it had more interactive elements. You cannot really interact with any NPCs at all that you walk up to, you can pilfer peoples houses and stores and no one says a word, battles are very very easy so far (I'm playing on hard). It is completely linear in gameplay...even the side quests really are linear. Anyways, as someone who enjoys both pure FPS, and RPG/FPS I think this could easily have been a wait for DLC and price reductions from me. It is good and it is fun, but not something that I would avoid showering or going out with friends for, which is about how I judge games. I personally enjoyed the Fallout series a little more for example.
Just one man's opinion.
yeah this game has gotten a LOT of hype at this point, I do tend to be more "easily amused" than most of my friends so I'm hoping that I enjoy it and it's not a situation where I end up dissapointed. If I enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying 1 so far it'll be worth the price for me.
Oh yeah it is worth the 60 bucks. No doubt about that. In this genre I put both Mass Effect and Fallout ahead in terms of my engagement and Fallout as the #3. The enjoyment factor is there for sure, I just didn't find it as overwhelmingly brilliant as others above did.