Borderlands 2 Day 1 DLC is a character class
Borderlands 2 Day 1 DLC is a character class
In a panel at PAX East, Gearbox Software just revealed that Borderlands 2 will add a new class—the "Mechromancer." The bad news? She's DLC for the first 60 to 90 days of the game's release.
She won't be entirely paid DLC, she's the dreaded pre-order bonus, so it is possible to get her for free, but you're gonna have to pick up that game on day one or wait a couple/three months before Gearbox makes the Mechromancer—still in concept stages—available to everyone. Gearbox said they plan to develop the character during certification of the main game.
There's also a picture of a concept box for the Special Edition.
im not a big fan of the pre-order bonus but since i paid mine off already im not going to complain to much.
I will be getting that loot chest ;)