I took it down a few days ago....has anyone tried running this mod online with anyone yet? I fear it has some bugs and won't let us but I can't 100% confirm it....I now u cant run any ai it causes the player names to continually keep loading.....i tried it in the dedicated server and it wouldnt allow me to join....I kept getting a messaged saying the host is running an updated version or modified game, and the times I have gotten in I've been booted as a possible cheat?
So until we can confirm its playable on online, I think it might have to go on hold till the modder does an update
I took it down a few days ago....has anyone tried running this mod online with anyone yet? I fear it has some bugs and won't let us but I can't 100% confirm it....I now u cant run any ai it causes the player names to continually keep loading.....i tried it in the dedicated server and it wouldnt allow me to join....I kept getting a messaged saying the host is running an updated version or modified game, and the times I have gotten in I've been booted as a possible cheat? So until we can confirm its playable on online, I think it might have to go on hold till the modder does an update
I managed to get the BTCC mod loaded on my dedicated server, and it seems to be working well. When I joined the session, there was one AI driver that kept leaving/entering the session causing an infinite loop. To fix that I just kicked the AI driver off the server at the dedicated server itself and everything seemed cool after that. I'll leave my server up for a few days (dont need the laptop til Wednesday) so u guys can test it out if u want. The server name is DOX FUN SERVER. I have the practice time maxed, so everyone can take their time running laps, tuning, or trying different cars. If you want to switch to Qualifying, just click "Chat" at the bottom, and then you should see options to go to the next session or track at the bottom of that screen. A vote may be required if there is more than one of you on, and that can be done from the Chat screen as well. PM me for the server password.
Cheers m8 gloss u figured it out! Can u fire me over the password and ill try it out tonite when I get home
Edit: dissregard the password I got it...thnx
BTCC server update: Some of the cars you choose wont let you join the server. So far, the only cars I've found that let you in are the Lexus, BMW 120d, and the Vauxhall Vectra. Its not a conflict with any other mod, because this is the only mod loaded on my server. I guess its a problem with the mod itself. Have to do more research.
Well even after removing the AI from the server, I still couldnt join with one of the other cars. I guess the BTCC mod was made for offline use only :( Which is a real pitty. Probably best to get mods from nogripracing, racedepartment, or race2play as all the mods I have from those places work online as well as offline.
Iam really thinking of running the v8s as a support series or after the wtcc....i dont like the 2011 with the lines across the windows? ill run any of the other ones.....the SOUND IS AWESOME!!!!! and i love the feel of them
I have that mod its pretty good, I've only ran a lap or two.....i would use it as the support! :)
As for the touring I tested it today with the tracks and all was well....give me about 2 days to confirm 100% iam gonna do a clean install with the game....I got so many Mods and track variations its getting a tad confusing lol.....wish they had a lite version.
Anyways what iam aiming for is using wtcc 07 & 06 so theres more manufactures
Tracks will be the btcc touring calendar 2011
Once I've confirmed it works ill post all the links here and then will setup a server so guys can drop in and run laps
@ paradox when I've tried a dedicated server and browse through the car filters I can't find the options for the volvos? I noticed in your server they were selectable....how u do that ?
Yes a lite install has been a real boon in rF1 shame there isn't one for 07, still I guess these games days are numbered as the new gen start to hit. Already doing series in rF2 and while it still looks dated the driving experience is just great. I smile everytime my wheel responds to a bump in the track or I catch a slide in a way I cannot do in any other game.
I am excited to try rf2 at months end....i keep hearing great things about the physics!
I forgot mention a while back I thought the wheel felt dead for race 07 so for shits and giggles I tried applying the controller tweaks from rf1 to race 07 and it brought the game and wheel to life....it feels everything!
Only thing I changed was one of the lines is .8096 I lowered it to .6096 I've found to much ffb really hurts my lap times quit a bit....its nice to feel everything but lap times are more important :)
It's crazy how much ffb actually hurts I was practicing at zandoort for Fri days race and I was running consistent 2.05s and was pushing through every corner so I adjusted my ffb, and because i didn't restart the game I lost all ffb when I continued so for the hell of it I ran a few laps, the wheel was loose but the car handled unbelievably good no tire scrubbing or sliding and I was running consistent low 2.02s when hit a 2.01 lol
It felt horrible and unnatural but it got me thinking about the ffb effect so i lowered my normal ffb setting to half and tested it and I was able to knock off 1-2 secs of my pbs on a bunch of tracks!
Bit that's just me with my g27 wheel....iam actually thinking of looking into upgrading to a belt driven motor...so far its between the Gtr3, clubsport or thrustmaster?
Iam a tad skeptical of the new fanatecs with all the problems I've heard
Yes I am going through the same quandary, my CSR is great, and I would not hesitate to recommend one to anyone but I want another wheel as either main or back up and have the almost the same list except the Elite rather than the Clubsport, that is just too expensive. The Porsche package with the elite pedals is great value and is tried and tested tech, and the Thrustmaster is once again very expensive but has some good reviews. For you any would be a step up, the Porsche or don't exclude the CSR, yes I know the Xbox compatibility is not needed but as a PC wheel it works superbly and it has a lighter wheel than the Porsche and is reputed to be faster in use and more responsive because of that. One thing I know for sure I could never go back to cog driven wheel.
Thnx man....iam not sure I'd have to run some laps and see how the lap times compare to the rest of field....I have my suspicions that the Volvo wagon might be a set above the rest.
I've tested the server and all the tracks are working...I've choose to use tracks from a German site that is fully legit...ai can run aswell...ill post the track links in the next day or 2
As for the server I just gotta make sure everyone can connect and the ping is good....I hope
Totalownership connected the other night and said the it worked well and the ping was in the mid 100s
X:\Program Files or (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\youraccountname\race 07
most of them are also available on nogripracing.com.....reason i choose the german site is they have no daily download limit. if you havent registered there its simple and at the top of the page it has a german flag and a brit click the brit for english.
So once you have the tracks installed the server is up and running under 2old2Race.com (wtcc) password is 2old
let me know how the connection is and if there are any problems :)
If connection is bad we might need someone else to host on racedays.....maybe church or paradox?
So the cars will be wtcc 06 &07 tracks listed above....10 ai set to 94% 85% damage normal tire wear and fuel consumption practice is open qualifiying is 10 min on race day followed by 2 30 min races.....only option i havent asked you guys is do you want a mandatory pit or leave it up to the drivers and do you want wear and fuel set to normal or upped to x2?
First race will be sat.Nov.3 11am mountain time CDN approx. 1hr 10min practice will be open prior for those who wanna run laps prior.
A real easy way to share the mods without having to sign up on other sites, deal with download limits, or slow download speeds, is to make a free account with dropbox or google drive. Dropbox gives you 2GB and Google Drive gives you 5GB. Its made it easier for my clubmates to grab the same mods I'm hosting. Takes some effort to setup the account, upload everything you want to share, and then setup how you want each file shared. But I've found its worth it. Its the next best thing to hosting files on your own website.
I would agree with that, still cant see your server Kurupt.
I managed to get the BTCC mod loaded on my dedicated server, and it seems to be working well. When I joined the session, there was one AI driver that kept leaving/entering the session causing an infinite loop. To fix that I just kicked the AI driver off the server at the dedicated server itself and everything seemed cool after that. I'll leave my server up for a few days (dont need the laptop til Wednesday) so u guys can test it out if u want. The server name is DOX FUN SERVER. I have the practice time maxed, so everyone can take their time running laps, tuning, or trying different cars. If you want to switch to Qualifying, just click "Chat" at the bottom, and then you should see options to go to the next session or track at the bottom of that screen. A vote may be required if there is more than one of you on, and that can be done from the Chat screen as well. PM me for the server password.
Worst case I'd be down even running the original 2007 WTCC.....
Or run a stock mod for our first?
Heh great minds think alike.
These minds. Where are they lol
So what we doing then lads?
I dont mind running some WTCC 06 - 07.
I'm mostly interested in TC cars myself.
BTCC server update: Some of the cars you choose wont let you join the server. So far, the only cars I've found that let you in are the Lexus, BMW 120d, and the Vauxhall Vectra. Its not a conflict with any other mod, because this is the only mod loaded on my server. I guess its a problem with the mod itself. Have to do more research.
Well even after removing the AI from the server, I still couldnt join with one of the other cars. I guess the BTCC mod was made for offline use only :( Which is a real pitty. Probably best to get mods from nogripracing, racedepartment, or race2play as all the mods I have from those places work online as well as offline.
If you want to try a great V8 Supercars mod for Race07, I recommend this one: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByUArqbz4KsuaGd3enF2c3JPMDQ
For the time being, my server is hosting cars from the STCC2 pack at various well known tracks.
I have the week off so I will be on and off my server trying out different cars and tuning.
Iam really thinking of running the v8s as a support series or after the wtcc....i dont like the 2011 with the lines across the windows? ill run any of the other ones.....the SOUND IS AWESOME!!!!! and i love the feel of them.gif)
iam working on an alternative using wtcc 07 ill let u know if and when i get it all going
Hey guys, how would you feel about a series based on this mod: http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=35119
I noticed it had been downloaded more than 2,000 times so thought I'd try it. I love the F355 and its well represented here.
Kinda like to stay with the touring car thing myself, though I will be downloading that mod and we are looking for a support series...
I'd be all over that as a support series. Looks pretty cool, but like Knight I'm itching more for a touring car series.
Probably going to try downloading that too. Where I'm going to find the time for all this...lord only knows.
Yes a lite install has been a real boon in rF1 shame there isn't one for 07, still I guess these games days are numbered as the new gen start to hit. Already doing series in rF2 and while it still looks dated the driving experience is just great. I smile everytime my wheel responds to a bump in the track or I catch a slide in a way I cannot do in any other game.
Yes I am going through the same quandary, my CSR is great, and I would not hesitate to recommend one to anyone but I want another wheel as either main or back up and have the almost the same list except the Elite rather than the Clubsport, that is just too expensive. The Porsche package with the elite pedals is great value and is tried and tested tech, and the Thrustmaster is once again very expensive but has some good reviews. For you any would be a step up, the Porsche or don't exclude the CSR, yes I know the Xbox compatibility is not needed but as a PC wheel it works superbly and it has a lighter wheel than the Porsche and is reputed to be faster in use and more responsive because of that. One thing I know for sure I could never go back to cog driven wheel.
Kurupt, the Volvos are listed under the "Heritage" category. Do u plan to offer them as an option in your WTCC 06/07 series?
heres the track links:
Brands Hatch indy ingame by simbin
07 Brands Hatch gp
rockingham http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1421/lang,en/
knockhill http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1305/lang,en/
Thruxton http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1304/lang,en/
Oulton park http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1267/lang,en/
Silverstone collection http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1038/lang,en/ bonus track 79" included
Snetterton 05 http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1042/lang,en/
Donnington 2004 http://www.weissbierbude.de/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,26/func,fileinfo/id,1052/lang,en/
Croft 07 http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=27575
instalation of tracks:
X:\Program Files or (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\youraccountname\race 07
most of them are also available on nogripracing.com.....reason i choose the german site is they have no daily download limit. if you havent registered there its simple and at the top of the page it has a german flag and a brit click the brit for english.
So once you have the tracks installed the server is up and running under 2old2Race.com (wtcc) password is 2old
let me know how the connection is and if there are any problems :)
If connection is bad we might need someone else to host on racedays.....maybe church or paradox?
So the cars will be wtcc 06 &07 tracks listed above....10 ai set to 94% 85% damage normal tire wear and fuel consumption practice is open qualifiying is 10 min on race day followed by 2 30 min races.....only option i havent asked you guys is do you want a mandatory pit or leave it up to the drivers and do you want wear and fuel set to normal or upped to x2?
First race will be sat.Nov.3 11am mountain time CDN approx. 1hr 10min practice will be open prior for those who wanna run laps prior.
Cannot wait for this!!
Also dont forget to sign up!
Something to consider..
A real easy way to share the mods without having to sign up on other sites, deal with download limits, or slow download speeds, is to make a free account with dropbox or google drive. Dropbox gives you 2GB and Google Drive gives you 5GB. Its made it easier for my clubmates to grab the same mods I'm hosting. Takes some effort to setup the account, upload everything you want to share, and then setup how you want each file shared. But I've found its worth it. Its the next best thing to hosting files on your own website.
I use Google drive for my signup sheets.
And to back-up all my sloppy family pictures. Knight.gif)