Sad to say, I play it pretty often. Lvl 80, and my son has an account as well. I inherited a clan and its a pretty solid donating clan. Klangaroos ( I know the name sucks, but its active). Lvl 6 archers if you want to come on over when we have openings.
I have been hooked on this one as well. Im a lvl 39 I think, with my townhall 7 upgrade going (only 4 more days, lol). Currently I am in a clan that was better than my last one, considering they require donating and such. But they are also douchey little kids that talk about school and grades. And they recently banned swearing in the clan forum..... yep, you read that right. Someone said "boobs" today and one of the leaders asked him not to say that in clan chat So if any of you are looking for an active player that donates a bunch (really, i donate an ass load of archers whenever I see the opening, free xp, but they are only lvl 3 until I can finish th upgrade and then the archer upgrade as well), let me know and I will gladly join.
Trying to work my way up and I would like to be in a clan that is trying to progress up the leaderboards.
Come on over, I think we have a spot. Klangaroos, my tag is: eric. I run the joint, and people are pretty quiet for the most part. If you donate you will fit in. I sometimes run a dragon donation saturday for those ppl with a lvl 3 clan castle.
The clan I'm in is 18 and over, a bunch of the folks are people I played World War with going back to 2009. we just completed a trophy run and got up to 1900 in the world wide rankings. currently back to farming but will likely make another run in a month or 2.
I don't check this forum very often, but any of you guys still playing clash? I just got into it a couple months ago, now a level 65 - TH 7. I'm in a decent clan, but only a few people donate more than a couple hundred a week, I routinely donate 1500 - 2000 before reset.
Yeah I'm still playing and in a good clan. min donations is 50 per week but most people are over 500. join Pistoleros, say Beldar sent you. Our last push for trophies got us in the top 500 global, we'll do another in early August and try to get to top 200.
Is anyone still F'n around with this game? The clan Im in had a turn of events and a friend in rl has been promoted to leader. We're trying to reshape the dynamics and want more adults/mature gamers to join. Anyone interested?
A couple clannies broke off and started an new clan and took people with them. There are still youngsters in there but they're cool. We're not a powerhouse group and gets quiet in there once in while. But its all about the donations ya' know what I mean.
A couple clannies broke off and started an new clan and took people with them. There are still youngsters in there but they're cool. We're not a powerhouse group and gets quiet in there once in while. But its all about the donations ya' know what I mean.
Tell them SirLoin sent you
whats your tag?
I just started playing and I'm up to level 15. Any chance I can get an invite as well? I'm still learning the game but picking it up fast.
Sorry Shack I havent visited 2o2p in weeks. I dont think i can send clan invites. If you want to join do a clan search for Leading Tyranny. when you find us you'll see a join button on the top right. make sure you leave a message that you know SirLoin.
Bump this. Just started again. Didn't really get into it the last time but am trying again...see if I get past level 10 this time. Who is still playing that takes low levels? I searched for a "2oldxxxx" clan and there was one out there that had two people in it.
Our clan has a few youngsters in it, but if you want to give it a shot search for Leading Tyranny. When you request to join say you know JT or SirLoin or Shack70 - we're all 2o2per's.
Will do. I think I need to complete the Clan Castle first right? I just hit level 14 I think and pushed my TH to level 4, so as soon as I hit those gold mind/elixir upgrades I'll start that.
In case anyone out there is still looking for a clan, a few of us started one up, 2O2P hellhounds. We're still pretty active, we just need more members so we can get into clan wars and whatnot.
I'm still interested. I'm in a group with just a few of us...makes it harder to get donations and stuff, but if you have some active people I'd see if some of them wanted to come over. They might not because I don't know if they care much, but they might...could be an additional 4-5 adults.
We have a decent number so far. We're going to run a clan war this Friday, if there's anyone else out there that is active and wants to be in a VERY active clan, please look us up. 2o2p hellhounds
Rascal, we have a pretty good clan with some soliid players from 2o2p and a few other guys we've met. Mostly adults, but very active. We have 17 spots open right now if your clan wants to join up with us and help fill our ranks. Some of us are decently high level with pretty good troops. Look us up - BEARDEDCLAN.Just mention that you know JT, SirLoin or Shack70, we're all 2o2p guys.
Rascal, we have a pretty good clan with some soliid players from 2o2p and a few other guys we've met. Mostly adults, but very active. We have 17 spots open right now if your clan wants to join up with us and help fill our ranks. Some of us are decently high level with pretty good troops. Look us up - BEARDEDCLAN.Just mention that you know JT, SirLoin or Shack70, we're all 2o2p guys.
might make some sense since there are 12-13 of us.
I do, I'm pretty hooked on it right now. I'm in a clan called Pistoleros, pretty cool group of people.
This game has me hooked as well. I am in a clan called F.U.B.A.R what's your guys level I'm a 59.
47. TH at level 7 but will be upgrading soon.
I just picked it up myself. These kind of games are evil.
Sad to say, I play it pretty often. Lvl 80, and my son has an account as well. I inherited a clan and its a pretty solid donating clan. Klangaroos ( I know the name sucks, but its active). Lvl 6 archers if you want to come on over when we have openings.
I have been hooked on this one as well. Im a lvl 39 I think, with my townhall 7 upgrade going (only 4 more days, lol). Currently I am in a clan that was better than my last one, considering they require donating and such. But they are also douchey little kids that talk about school and grades. And they recently banned swearing in the clan forum..... yep, you read that right. Someone said "boobs" today and one of the leaders asked him not to say that in clan chat
So if any of you are looking for an active player that donates a bunch (really, i donate an ass load of archers whenever I see the opening, free xp, but they are only lvl 3 until I can finish th upgrade and then the archer upgrade as well), let me know and I will gladly join.
Trying to work my way up and I would like to be in a clan that is trying to progress up the leaderboards.
Come on over, I think we have a spot. Klangaroos, my tag is: eric. I run the joint, and people are pretty quiet for the most part. If you donate you will fit in. I sometimes run a dragon donation saturday for those ppl with a lvl 3 clan castle.
lol. I've got a small clan started. consists of a couple of 2o2p members and some friends.
Lvl 6 archers, who wants them?
The clan I'm in is 18 and over, a bunch of the folks are people I played World War with going back to 2009. we just completed a trophy run and got up to 1900 in the world wide rankings. currently back to farming but will likely make another run in a month or 2.
I don't check this forum very often, but any of you guys still playing clash? I just got into it a couple months ago, now a level 65 - TH 7. I'm in a decent clan, but only a few people donate more than a couple hundred a week, I routinely donate 1500 - 2000 before reset.
Yeah I'm still playing and in a good clan. min donations is 50 per week but most people are over 500. join Pistoleros, say Beldar sent you. Our last push for trophies got us in the top 500 global, we'll do another in early August and try to get to top 200.
Yeah man, what's your clan name?
Leading Tyranny
A couple clannies broke off and started an new clan and took people with them. There are still youngsters in there but they're cool. We're not a powerhouse group and gets quiet in there once in while. But its all about the donations ya' know what I mean.
Tell them SirLoin sent you
whats your tag?
I just started playing and I'm up to level 15. Any chance I can get an invite as well? I'm still learning the game but picking it up fast.
Shack70 is my tag
Sorry Shack I havent visited 2o2p in weeks. I dont think i can send clan invites. If you want to join do a clan search for Leading Tyranny. when you find us you'll see a join button on the top right. make sure you leave a message that you know SirLoin.
thnx see you soon
Got it thansk! :)
Bump this. Just started again. Didn't really get into it the last time but am trying again...see if I get past level 10 this time. Who is still playing that takes low levels? I searched for a "2oldxxxx" clan and there was one out there that had two people in it.
Our clan has a few youngsters in it, but if you want to give it a shot search for Leading Tyranny. When you request to join say you know JT or SirLoin or Shack70 - we're all 2o2per's.
Will do. I think I need to complete the Clan Castle first right? I just hit level 14 I think and pushed my TH to level 4, so as soon as I hit those gold mind/elixir upgrades I'll start that.
Yes you will need to have aclan castle to join
Could I get an invite to join? Tag "StBrooklyn"
In case anyone out there is still looking for a clan, a few of us started one up, 2O2P hellhounds. We're still pretty active, we just need more members so we can get into clan wars and whatnot.
I'm still interested. I'm in a group with just a few of us...makes it harder to get donations and stuff, but if you have some active people I'd see if some of them wanted to come over. They might not because I don't know if they care much, but they might...could be an additional 4-5 adults.
We have a decent number so far. We're going to run a clan war this Friday, if there's anyone else out there that is active and wants to be in a VERY active clan, please look us up. 2o2p hellhounds
Rascal, we have a pretty good clan with some soliid players from 2o2p and a few other guys we've met. Mostly adults, but very active. We have 17 spots open right now if your clan wants to join up with us and help fill our ranks. Some of us are decently high level with pretty good troops. Look us up - BEARDEDCLAN.Just mention that you know JT, SirLoin or Shack70, we're all 2o2p guys.
might make some sense since there are 12-13 of us.