The Clone Wars on Netflix!

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#1 Thu, 03/20/2014 - 15:20
JZA's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/04/2010 - 23:00

The Clone Wars on Netflix!

Doesn't look like this show has a thread yet, and I've been completely eating this show up since I saw them giving the whole series on Netflix.  Does anybody else watch this?  If you're looking to get into it, here are some helpful links:


Episode watch order:

I initially started watching the series in the same order it's being given on Netflix, but once you get to about episode 16 the plot skips around in a confusing way, prompting me to look up the chronological order.  The serialized drama aspect became much more satisfying this way.  Also, some really strong episodes like "Cat and Mouse" and "Hidden Enemy" were aired in later seasons, but should be watched up front because A.) nearly every aspect about these episodes has improved over the first season and B.)they fill in gaps in the first season. 


Episode analysis:

I found this really entertaining to read after each episode.


***Also, note that there are also Clone Wars web-comics that were released between certain episodes, but I have not yet been able to find them posted online, they may have been taken down.  If anyone else sees them, please post here!

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