COD - European soldiers call to arms

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#1 Mon, 02/08/2016 - 02:58
TheHellRaiser75's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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COD - European soldiers call to arms

Hi everyone. I'm new here but I'm happy to find people aged 40+ who still want to play what is normal considered as a useless pass time (as if any other pass time wouldn't -_-')

Anyways, I play COD on xbox one since ghosts came out. I have them all, with the exception of BO2. And despite of it, I really, REALLY suck at FPS. Jeez, I just can't seem to be able place the aim in the right place at the right time. Always too much right or left or right, or up or down, but never right in the center of the player before me. And indeed my kd ratio is .41. Too bad. The only way I can kill someone is camping. And sometime not even this is enough. I stay in one spot, I get a kill and then move on, but usually before I reach the next spot I get killed.

The main reason is because of my bad aim, but at the same time I always play solo and don't have anyone to learn form or giving me tips on how to make it better. Moreover, I realized that many (let's say 50%) of the times I'm killed, it's because of someone hitting me from a blind side when I run. That pisses off me so much! I already suck at aiming, plus I get shot down at every damn moment from behind or sides, result: I'm getting frustrated at this game.

I mean, I looked at the killcams and people is able to place the mark right in my head as soon as they see me rushing out of a corner. An I just can't realize why, but I keep moving the aim from right to left trying to center it in the right spot. It's like the controller is not precise enough for me. It's slightly better when enemies are far away, so I improve LMGs and try to stay out of closed places, but it's not always possible. I played around with all kinds of settings: from sensibility to class setup. I stay out of the center of the map etc. but that didn't change a thing. 

In previous CODs, ghosts for example, I was able to apply the camp-and-move strategy. And my kd ratio was not extreme, but around 1, which is ok enough to have fun.

So if there's someone from Europe willing to add me and have a few games together, it'd be grerat for my moral and (maybe) my skills.

Thank you in advance

Thu, 03/24/2016 - 15:46
Magnus Nodén's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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I am pretty bad at COD-games myself but I'd like to join up. It's still fun though, right?

Currently playing COD: Black Ops 3, The Division GT: MagnaWolf 

Fri, 04/29/2016 - 11:05
negativghostrdr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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Wow!  Not a lot of us playing Black Ops 3. I am experiencing a lot of the same challenges playing this one. At times it seems that I am getting killed mere seconds after re-spawn.  I tried the tactic of just tearing around the map as quickly as possible in an attempt to make myself a harder target.  Problem is, I can't aim that fast, so it's very difficult to hit anything unless I'm just carrying a mele' weapon and running into people while pulling the trigger. Now I'm using the Shieva which is a one trigger pull, one shot weapon, almost like a sniper rifle but with iron sights.  I've identified the choke points on some of the maps, and I'm positioning myself in at least partial cover with a view of those areas. I'm focusing very much on just relaxing and making sure my aim is true before I pull the trigger. So the small precise movements are key here.  My kill count has gone way up.  I'm not a 50,40 or even 30 kill guy, but at least now I'm consistently in the 20s.  It would be cool to play with some older players on a team.  My Xbox one gamertag is negativghostrdr. 

Thu, 05/05/2016 - 16:05
negativghostrdr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 09/25/2007 - 23:00
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I don't know if anyone reads this but I found a youtube video with an exercise for decreasing reaction time to help in winning gunfights.  Set up an offline match in Black Ops 3, pick a map like Nuketown, set up a load-out that has an SMG of any kind, give it fast mags and extended clips.  Set up maybe 10-12 bots and set them to 'Regular', recruit will barely engage you and you want them to engage.  Set Hardcore to 'enabled'.  That will take out the min-map so every encounter will be a surprise encounter.  Set the time limit for maybe 15 mins and the score to unlimited.  Start the match and start sprinting around the perimeter of the map, do not slow down unless you are actively aiming and firing at a bot.  You will be amazed at how your reaction time and aim improve after a couple of times doing this. Repetition is the key.  Once it gets insanely easy with regular bots switch to hardened etc.  I did this twice and found myself in the winner's circle for only the second time since I've started playing when the game came out.  Good hunting!

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