Commando Tank

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#1 Thu, 10/11/2012 - 13:09
Pyrus's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/24/2008 - 23:00
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Commando Tank

I've been trying to lean towards taking the heat in battle, and was curious if anyone else has preferences on the best skills and mods to do it. Obviously, the Tactician and Pointman mods look to be the most advantageous, but I'm also curious if anyone has points placed in Grit and how they feel about it, as well as turret build preferences for managing the plethora of baddies on the field.

So far, I've got the Gemini+Rocket turrets going with a cooldown mod so I can keep them deployed as much as possible. Seems to work well for keeping everyone's attention.

Thu, 10/11/2012 - 15:15
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
Joined: 01/30/2009 - 23:00

Maxed out grit has a 20% chance to save you, I don't feel like it actually happens that often. It's nice when it works, but there's probably another skill you could dump those points in for a better result.

For the turrets gemini and rockets is really the only viable option once you're at 50. At that point the nuke stops becoming a one hit kill for the trash mobs and then you're just left with a single turret in the middle of a pack and it dies instantly. The slag turret isn't very helpful either since slag can't benefit from itself, and the enemies you really need your turret to help with generally can't be slagged. Two turrets with mag lock and the shield and rockets are pretty durable though. Toss em up on a wall and the melee mobs can't get em, the shield helps protect em and the fact that there's two of em helps split the aggro so they don't die right away.

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