[DEF] Kinect Commands
[DEF] Kinect Commands
Found this list over in the defiance forums fo rthose who have Kinect. seems to be really good for changing loadouts at the very least.
Kinect voice commands manual
Before performing voice commands hit down on the “D” pad to insure the EGO chat option is selected. Then simply say the command.
Voice command: Result:
1. “EGO Abandon”--- Choose Abandon in menu
2. “EGO Abandon Mission”--- Choose Abandon mission in menu
3. “EGO Accept”--- Choose Accept in menu
4. “EGO Accept Invite” --- Accept invite when prompted on-screen
5. “EGO Account”--- To pull up account menu
6. “EGO Add Item”--- Choose add item in menu
7. “EGO Add to Cart”--- Add selected item to shopping cart
8. “EGO Admin Options”--- Choose admin options in menu
9. “EGO Apply”--- Choose apply in menu
10. “EGO Audio”--- Open the audio menu
11. “EGO Back”--- Go back a page in the menu
12. “EGO Boosts”--- Open the boosts menu
13. “EGO Buy”--- Choose buy option in menu
14. “EGO Buy Back”--- Choose buy back in menu
15. “EGO buy with bits”--- Choose buy with bits in a menu
16. “EGO Buy with Resources”--- Choose buy with resources in menu
17. “EGO Cancel”--- Cancel in a dialog
18. “EGO Cancel Action”--- Cancel action in a menu
19. “EGO Cancel Offer”--- Cancel offer in menu
20. “EGO Change”--- Choose change option in menu
21. “EGO Character”--- Open character menu
22. “EGO Checkout”--- Choose checkout option in menu
23. “EGO Claim Item”--- Choose claim item in menu
24. “EGO Clan”--- Open clan menu
25. “EGO Clan Invite”--- Used when aiming at player to invite them to clan
26. “EGO Clear Cart”--- Choose the clear cart option in menu
27. “EGO Clear Waypoint”--- Clear the waypoint in the map menu
28. “EGO Collapse”--- Choose collapse in menu
29. “EGO Competitive”--- Choose competitive option in menu
30. “EGO Continue”--- Choose the continue option in menu
31. “EGO Contracts”--- Open the contracts menu
32. “EGO Controls”--- Open the controls menu
33. “EGO Co-op” --- Open co-op menu
34. “EGO Create” --- Choose create in menu
35. “EGO Cycle Loadout”--- Cycle loadouts
36. “EGO Cycle Page”--- Choose cycle page in menu
37. “EGO Decline”--- Choose decline in menu
38. “EGO Delete” --- Choose Delete in menu
39. “EGO Deposit”--- Choose Deposit in menu
40. “EGO Details”--- Choose details in menu
41. “EGO Edit”--- Choose edit in menu
42. “EGO Edit Quantity”--- Choose edit quantity in menu
43. “EGO Grid”--- Open the ego grid menu
44. “EGO Join”--- Choose join in menu
45. “EGO Equip”--- Choose equip in menu
46. “EGO Exit Menu”--- Choose exit menu
47. “EGO Expand”--- Choose expand option in menu
48. “EGO Extract”--- Choose extract in menu
49. “EGO Fast Travel”--- Choose fast travel in menu
50. “EGO Filter All”--- Choose filter all in menu
51. “EGO Filter Grenades”--- Choose filter grenades in a menu
52. “EGO Filter Mods”--- Choose filter mods in menu
53. “EGO Filter Shields”--- Choose filter shields in menu
54. “EGO Filter Weapons”--- Choose filter weapons in menu
55. “EGO Find”--- Choose find in menu
56. “EGO Friend Invite”--- Add friend while aiming at player
57. “EGO Friends”--- Open friends menu
58. “EGO Gameplay”--- Open the gameplay
59. “EGO Get More Bits”--- Choose get more bits in a menu
60. “EGO Group Invite”--- Add to group while aiming at player
61. “EGO Hide Legend”--- Choose hide legend in menu
62. “EGO Instances”--- Choose instances in menu
63. “EGO Intel”--- Open intel menu
64. “EGO Inventory”--- Choose inventory in a menu
65. “EGO Leave” --- Choose leave in a menu
66. “EGO Leave Clan”--- Choose leave clan in a menu
67. “EGO Leave Competitive Match”--- Choose leave competitive match in a menu
68. “EGO Loadout 1”--- Choose loadout 1 in menu
69. “EGO Loadout 2”--- Choose loadout 2 in menu
70. “EGO Loadout 3”--- Choose loadout 3 in menu
71. “EGO Loadout 4”--- Choose loadout 4 in menu
72. “EGO Loadout 5”--- Choose loadout 5 in menu
73. “EGO Loadouts”--- Open loadouts menu
74. “EGO Map”--- Open map
75. “EGO Matchmaking” --- Open matchmaking menu
76. “EGO Modify”--- Choose modify option in menu
77. “EGO Mute”--- Choose mute menu
78. “EGO New Search”--- Choose new search in menu
79. “EGO No”--- Choose no in a dialog
80. “EGO Ok”--- Choose ok option in the menu
81. “EGO Pause Audio”--- Choose pause audio in menu
82. “EGO Pause”--- Choose pause in a menu
83. “EGO Play”--- Choose play in menu
84. “EGO Try Again”--- Choose try again in menu
85. “EGO Play Audio”--- Choose play audio in menu
86. “EGO Play Video”--- Choose play video in menu
87. “EGO Purchase”--- Choose purchase in menu
88. “EGO Pursuits”--- Open the pursuits menu
89. “EGO Quick Buy”--- Choose quick buy in menu
90. “EGO Rankings”--- Choose rankings in menu
91. “EGO Ready”--- Choose ready in menu
92. “EGO Salvage Matrix”--- Open Salvage Matrix menu
93. “EGO Remove”--- Choose remove in menu
94. “EGO Remove Mod”--- Choose remove mod in menu
95. “EGO Remove Points “--- Choose remove points in menu
96. “EGO Rename”--- Choose rename option in menu
97. “EGO Reset”--- Choose reset in menu
98. “EGO Respec”--- Choose respec in menu
99. “EGO Restart”--- Choose restart in menu
100. “EGO Search”--- Choose search in menu
101. “EGO Select” --- Choose select in menu
102. “EGO Select Item”--- Choose select item in menu
103. “EGO Select Mod”--- Choose select mod in menu
104. “EGO Sell”--- Choose sell in menu
105. “EGO Set Waypoint”--- Choose Set Waypoint in menu
106. “EGO Settings”--- Open up the settings menu
107. “EGO Shadow War”--- Choose shadow war in menu
108. “EGO Show Inventory”--- Choose show inventory in menu
109. “EGO Show Keyboard”--- Choose show keyboard in menu
110. “EGO Show Legend” --- Choose show legend in menu
111. “EGO Show Merchant”--- Choose show merchant in menu
112. “EGO Social”--- Open social menu
113. “EGO Sort”--- Choose sort in menu
114. “EGO Sort by friends”--- Choose sort by friends in menu
115. “EGO Sort Level”--- Choose sort level in menu
116. “EGO Sort Name”--- Choose sort name in a menu
117. “EGO Sort Type”--- Choose sort type in menu
118. “EGO Sort Value”--- Choose sort value in menu
119. “EGO Spawn”--- Choose spawn in menu
120. “EGO Start”--- Choose start in menu
121. “EGO Stats”--- Open stats menu
122. “EGO Submit”--- Choose submit in menu
123. “EGO Toggle Category”--- Choose toggle category in menu
124. “EGO Trade Invite”--- Aim at player to send trade invite
125. “EGO Turn Off”--- Choose turn off in menu
126. “EGO Turn On”--- Choose turn on in menu
127. “EGO Unequip”--- Choose unequip in menu
128. “EGO Unlock”--- Choose unlock in a menu
129. “EGO Unmute”--- Choose unmute in menu
130. “EGO Update”---Choose update in menu
131. “EGO Upgrade”---Choose upgrade in menu
132. “EGO Vehicle”---Calls your vehicle
133. “EGO Video”---Opens video menu
134. “EGO View”---Choose view in a menu
135. “EGO View Gamer Card”---Choose view gamer card in menu
136. “EGO Withdraw”---Choose withdraw option in menu
137. “EGO Yes”---Choose yes in dialog
sweet find, very helpful. TY.
Thanks for this. I couldn't figure this out. The change load out command is great help.