(DEF) noob help

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#1 Mon, 04/15/2013 - 10:47
ProvingUnique's picture
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(DEF) noob help

Questions aren't stupid. 1) when I die do supplies get taken or just money? 2) how do I link up with other players? 3) wtf am I doing? 4) lol help?
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 10:50
ProvingUnique's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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I'm gonna get on 2night... leviticus? Callin u out
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 13:39 (Reply to #2)
Leviticus78's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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ProvingUnique wrote:
I'm gonna get on 2night... leviticus? Callin u out

I won't be able to get on tonight untill 12 EST :(

LOL, sorry I bailed out early yesterday bud. Had some things come up.

Tank has a pretty good list there to get you started. I will be getting on Wednesday about 7 PM  EST if you're available then. Things are easier to understand in-chat while playing.

DON'T give up on it yet. Wait until I can get some games in with you before you decide. It definately has a big learning curve at the beginning but it does get better. 

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 11:43
TANK's picture
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ProvingUnique wrote:
Questions aren't stupid. 1) when I die do supplies get taken or just money? 2) how do I link up with other players? 3) wtf am I doing? 4) lol help?

1. you loose Script

2. Right on D Pad brings up a menu, to start with go to Friends.  If any of your friends are playing, they'll show up here.  Then you can right dpad on their name and pick 'group invite' .  If they accept the invite, their name will show up on the left as well as their level health and shields level.  They will also appear as a green dot on your mini-map if they're in your group.  If you happen to be in a space where one ofyour friends is playing and you're not grouped up, they appear as a blue dot on the mini-map.

Don't use xbox live group invites, that dosn't work in defiance.  Party chat works though, in-game chat works sometimes.

3/4.  The game doesn't hold your hand, you hvae to figure stuff out.  Bring up your map with the back button.  Find some of the mission icons, the yellow diamond icons with ! in the middle, or the yellow square icon with the ! in the middle.  The smaller ones are side missions and the bigger one is your main story path.  Go to one andyou'll see something to interact with , sidemissions are usually blue orbs, hold X to start the mission hit A to accept the mission.  Then a yellow hexagon with a * in the middle will show up on your map.  Bring up your map and hit X on that location to set a way point.  Now go there, follow the purple line in your mini-map.    If you equip a vehicle (start button, go down to the 3 empty boxes in a line, one is grenade, one is shield and one is vehicle, click A on the vehicle one and pick a vehicle out of your inventory to assign it.  Now push start to exit back to the game and press up on the Dpad to spawn your vehicle.

That should get you started.

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 15:15
ProvingUnique's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Im not discouraged. Just a touch overwhelmed it'll come to me. I didn't have any of bogus server issues everyone was complaining about. I die I loose script. Wtf is script?
Mon, 04/15/2013 - 15:43
TANK's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
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Script is one of the NUMEROUS currencies in the game.

Script = standard money

Reputation = faction specific money (you won't see this until you're EGO lvl 250)

Bits = real money currency, you buy bits with microsoft points

Scrap = Weapon modding currency

Keycodes = Lockbox currency (plus script). Lockboxes give you random items of various rarity.


Mon, 04/15/2013 - 17:34
Leviticus78's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 01/19/2008 - 23:00

Change of plans.

I am able to get on tonight at a reasonable time for you East Coasters so I'll be online in an hour or so.

Mon, 04/15/2013 - 19:30 (Reply to #7)
PaiganBoi's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
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Leviticus78 wrote:

Change of plans.

I am able to get on tonight at a reasonable time for you East Coasters so I'll be online in an hour or so.

there is a slight chance that I can jump on for a bit. Invite me if you have room for one more. 

Tue, 04/16/2013 - 14:40
ProvingUnique's picture
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Is it benefitial to buy bits?
Tue, 04/16/2013 - 16:24
TANK's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
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It can be.  Bits are priarily used to buy boosts.  Boosts are a 24 hour consumable that boost a specific earning, so you could boost your XP earnings for 24h or boost the amount of loot you find or boost the amount of script you earn/find.  Basically it lets you advance your characters development faster.  The boosts can be applied at 3 different levels, there's the just you level, then there's a group level so everyone you're in a group with gets the boost and then there's the clan level so everyone in your clan whether or not you're grouped up gets the boost.  They all stack as well, i think you get around 25% extra earning if all there levels are enabled at once.

Other than boosts, bits can buy you in-game hats and armor which is just cosmetic.  But I wouldn't waste money on those, at the moment only you and people you're in a group with see them.  Otherwise it's kinda random if other people see you as generic joe or your customized character and if you can't show off your cool dudz, then what's the point.

Bits can also be used to purchase lock boxes.  But it's probably cheaper if you want to do that, to boost your loot and turn that all into salvage credits and then buy keycodes with salvage.  But the option is there to buy the lockboxes with straight up cash.  There's just no gurantee that you're going to get anything worth a damn out of those lock boxes so i personally wouldn't spend real money on randomness.  Now if they had a shop where i could go in and spend bits to get a legendary SAW or something, then ya i'd probably be in for that, but to buy a 'grab bag' of random shit fo rreal money, no thanks.


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