Details on Conquest mode and Economy Updates

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#1 Mon, 12/17/2012 - 12:36
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2007 - 23:00

Details on Conquest mode and Economy Updates


With rumors of hostile activity on the Periphery of the InnerSphere, all of the Great Factions have been purchasing large quantities of Germanium. Germanium is a very rare

element used in Jump Ships that travel through the InnerSphere.

In Conquest, players will vie over Germanium resource collectors. These mobile mining units refine Germanium for the team that controls them. The more units under a team’s control, the faster that team will be gathering resources.

How do you access the game mode?
There is a new button beside the “LAUNCH” button that has a gear on it. Click it and the following will appear:
Choose the game mode you want to play and click LAUNCH. Voila!

Choosing ANY will randomly select between ASSAULT and CONQUEST.

When in a group, only the group leader can choose the game mode.
There are 5 resource collectors spread throughout each map. Each team will
begin the match with the nearest resource collector to their start location already under their control.
Additionally, when playing Conquest Mode, you will notice new operational HUD elements. At the top of the screen, you will see the team ownership of all 5 resource collectors (see indicator 1 on above screenshot). Two of the resource collectors will already be under their respective team’s control, while the other 3 are neutral. Each resource collector location is named for ease of communication to your teammates.

Just above the team ownership bars, on either side of the mission timer, are the number of resources that have been collected by each team.

The first team to collect 750 resources will win the match.

The direction of each resource collector is also marked on the HUD compass.
To capture a neutral or enemy controlled resource collector (that is empty of enemy ‘Mechs), simply enter the capture zone of that resource collector (indicator 3 on above screenshot). When capturing a resource collector, the appropriate bar will begin to flash the color of the capturing team (see indicator 4 on above screenshot. Note: Blue is always friendly, red is always enemy). You and your teammates will also receive a notification that there is a “Friendly Cap in Progress”.

High Command Tip:

As with Assault Mode, each additional ‘Mech within the capture zone will increase the speed of capture. It will be important to know when your time is best spent helping your team secure a single resource collector, or if you should begin the capture of an additional resource collector.

Your team has taken ownership of a resource collector when the name of that collector on your HUD has turned blue. If you remain in the capture zone, you will see a colored blue bar begin to fill on the left side of the HUD element (see indicator 5 on above screenshot). You do not have to completely fill the bar to gain ownership, but since all resource collectors can be re-captured by the enemy team, the more time you devote to filling your capture bar the longer it will take for the enemy to drain and capture it for themselves.

Additionally, the resource collector location on the mini-map/Battle Grid will also turn blue if your team controls it (see indicator 6 on above screenshot).

High Command Tip:

It will be an important strategy for you and your team to know when your time would be best spent securing your capture zone fully, or moving on to capture another zone. The extra effort you put in to capturing a resource collector to 100% could buy you the time to destroy or chase off enemy ‘Mech(s) that are trying to re-capture it, but owning two capture points at 1% will earn you twice as many resources as one at 100%.

If an enemy starts to capture a resource collector (see indicator 7 on above screenshot), the HUD bar associated with the appropriate location will begin to flash red (see indicator 8 on above screenshot). As with Assault Mode, to stop an enemy from capturing a zone, you can either simply enter the capture zone yourself (neutralizing the capture), or destroy the enemy ‘Mech.

If your team approaches the maximum amount of resources (750) (see indicator 9 on above screenshot), you will be notified that your team is about to win (see indicator 10 on above screenshot). You will also get a warning notification is the enemy team is about to win as they approach the 750 max score.

Basic Win Conditions & Rewards:

  • The first team to 750 resources collected wins.
  • A team can also win by destroying all enemy Mechs.
  • Win or Lose, any resources collected by a team are multiplied by 25 and players are rewarded that amount in C-Bills. (Germanium is paid for no matter if you win or lose).
    • For example, if two teams play out via resource collection, and one team has 750 resources and the other has 480 resources, the first team earns 18,750 C-Bills and the second earns 12,000 C-Bills.
Plan your strategies now and see how much you can
earn while playing Conquest!

High Command Tip:

Try to get to one of the outlier resource collectors as fast as your team can. Once captured, try to hold both it and the one at your spawn location for the duration of the mission. Assault Mechs are prime candidates for protecting the defensive line between the two controlled points while the scouts/brawlers try to gain ground on the rest of the locations.


I'll post the notes that specifically apply to most if not all of us:

Repair and Rearm

RNR has been removed from the game to facilitate a better overall user experience and game balance. All BattleMechs and Items will be repaired to 100% health during downtime on Tuesday the 18th.

Trial BattleMech Improvements

With repair and rearm removed from the game, we have rebalanced the Trial Mech reward system to reflect our move towards a better new user experience.

  • Now earn 100% CB and XP rewards.
  • Trial BattleMechs will continue to rotate out every 2 weeks.
  • Premium Time bonuses apply.

Reward Changes

Too help balance out the economy with RNR removed, we have rebalanced the existing C-Bill reward system to reflect the average NET rewards. NET rewards would be the average CB earned by players after repairing and rearming their mechs in the current version of MWO.

In addition we have continued to refine the rewards system to increase active participation. Players will now earn more CB for engaging the enemy and contributing to the success of their team. Even in a losing situation, players can earn significant rewards. We have also removed or reduced passive rewards to a bare minimum.

Average Rewards by player match rank before any bonuses:

  • 1 – 100,000+
  • 2-3 75,000-100,000
  • 4-5 50,000-75,000
  • 6-7 35,000-50,000
  • 8 – 25,000-35,000

We plan to make tuning adjustments over the coming weeks as we introduce more active rewards for non-combat aspects of the game.

We anticipate a reduction in AFK bots and a general realignment in player group tactics from base capping to enemy engagement.

Salvage remains the same.

Assault Rewards

  • Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
  • Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
  • Component Destroyed = 2,500 * how many components you have destroyed
  • Enemy Kill = 5,000 * how many enemies you have killed
  • Enemy Kill Assist =7,500 * how many kill assists you got in the match
  • Spotting Assist = 2,500 * how many spotting assists you got in the match
  • Damage Done = 25 * how much damage you did in the match
  • Capture Win and Assist have been removed.

Conquest Rewards:

  • Win/Loss/Tie = 25,000
  • Team Kill = -10,000 * how many teammates you have killed
  • Component Destroyed = 1,250 * how many components you have destroyed
  • Enemy Kill = 2,500 * how many enemies you have killed
  • Enemy Kill Assist = 3,750 * how many assist you got in the game
  • Spotting Assist = 1,250 * how many spotting assist you got in the game
  • Damage Done = 25 * how much damage you did in the game
  • Conquest Bonus = 25 * how many resources you have collected

NOTE: We plan to tweak the Conquest numbers in the New Year after collecting live analytics.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 12:37
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2007 - 23:00

Personally I think we spend a week playing Conquest, then go to dropping into "ANY" do mix things up.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 12:48
ferretgr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/24/2011 - 23:00

LOVE THIS UPDATE! Given there is supposedly some optimization for those of us with framerate issues in this patch as well, I haven't been as excited about a patch since OB!

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 13:42
Ercih's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2012 - 16:18

As to the FPS, I will take a wait and see, not going to get excited until I can see it, pun intended.

Does anyone find it strange the they have removed cap bonus from a game mode with the stated objective being to cap? I understand why it is being done, just think it is rather sad that this is the solution. I saw some suggestions that I think could have handled the cap rush better rather than just saying you will now get more for killing than capping.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 14:36
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/23/2007 - 23:00

The gameplay type we've always been playing was truly designed to be TDM. But in order to expand the experience the cap squares were added to show that games can be won by other means than just killing the opposing team. Kinda like the YLW replacing the Centurion chassis once it was implemented. It is there as a plackard to show what's coming.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 14:55
Ercih's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2012 - 16:18

I am not sure about that, the name assault implies that the object is to take a position.  It would be argued that some sort of static object need to be destroyed, ie bunker assault, but if the idea was TDM the initial implementation was poor.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 15:01
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Well it is beta. Things may change.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 15:26
Angelito's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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Currently Playing: 

Looks like a very nice adition :)




Mon, 12/17/2012 - 15:46
Ercih's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2012 - 16:18

You are correct Polteg. I was not complaining about the changes, I don't really have a problem with it. It is just that if the intent is TDM, make it TDM, no capping at all, or a single mid point cap.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 16:11
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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I would love what we were talking about in voip gater, persistent world with conquerable cities and what not.... can u imagine?

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 16:18
Ercih's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 10/21/2012 - 16:18

I can imagine it, hope to actually see it someday.

Tue, 12/18/2012 - 07:15
ferretgr's picture
Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/24/2011 - 23:00

I think that's the ultimate goal for this game guys. Cross our fingers!

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