DLC #2 Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage drops 11/20

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#1 Fri, 11/16/2012 - 10:24
TANK's picture
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DLC #2 Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage drops 11/20

Gearbox posted details but their website is borked right now so for now i can just post the name/launch date.


In the mean time i did find some hands on previews

Gamespy: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/borderlands-2-mr-torgues-campaign-of-carnage/12...

IGN : http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/16/fight-for-your-loot-in-borderland...

GameSpot: http://www.gamespot.com/borderlands-2/videos/borderlands-2-dlc-mr-torgue...

Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/5961091/become-the-number-one-badass-in-the-new-border...



From what I can gather

-It's BL2's version of Moxxi's Underdome so it's just arena wave fighting

-New legendaries

-New bosses

-New character heads

-New Torgue only vending machines that just take Torgue coins earned in the arena fights

-Torgue vending machines will ALWAYS have a legendary item as the deal of the day

-New Legendaries will be introduced


Official from Gearbox:


Get ready, Vault Hunters -- Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, the second downloadable campaign add-on for Borderlands 2, is coming your way next week!

Packing a new storyline, new areas, new bosses, new customization elements, new guns and more along with appearances from fan-favorite characters such as Tiny Tina and Mad Moxxi.

This story-driven expansion challenges players to conquer all that the titular Mr. Torgue has waiting in his newly-constructed Badass Crater of Badassitude, complete with a new storyline, new areas and environments, new bosses, new guns, new character customizations and more. In addition, Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage features appearances from fan-favorite characters like Tiny Tina and Mad Moxxi!

Available for download on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 beginning next Tuesday, November 20, Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage is the second of four add-on campaigns announced for Borderlands 2 and will be available for $9.99 / 800 Microsoft Points by itself or as part of the Borderlands 2 Season Pass which bundles all four campaign add-ons for $29.99 / 2400 Microsoft Points.



Gameplay footage





Fri, 11/16/2012 - 16:07
StrikeZ's picture
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I can see the fun in earning special coins to try to get legendary stuff from the machines.  Now if you can trade coins, you could dashboard each other to some great gear on no time.

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 11:38
unsub073's picture
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Moxi's was the only thing I never finished.  I can't see myself picking this one up.

Mon, 11/19/2012 - 12:15 (Reply to #3)
StrikeZ's picture
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The problem with Moxxi was the lack of drops.  I love the arenas in a team play format.  By yourself they are not as fun.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 11:32
LocGaw's picture
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I agree with Strike. I really enjoy the play format. I can do arena style combat for hours at a time.

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 08:11
EVILCLAW's picture
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Okay, played through about 1/4 of it and well...not a huge fan of having to collect tokens.The only thing I would be interested in buying from machines are legendarys and the cheapest one of those I found was 167 tokens. Right now Im at about 90 tokens and have looked in all machines I came across and didn't see anything better than I already have. Hope that changes. Playing on tvhm mode and through the mama badass , the conf call shotty has mowed everything down.
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 11:04
TANK's picture
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People in the gearbox forums are saying the legendaries in the machines are all level 48 even if your'e in a level 50 game.  Makes them kind of worthless.  Hopefully that's just an oversite bug and they can fix it up.  I started downloading it last night but it too sooooo long.  Should have started the DL at lunch.

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 15:14
StrikeZ's picture
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I guess you can drop down to Normal and load up on Tourque tokens?

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 07:09
wilderz's picture
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Gonna wait to download any DLC until after my second playthrough.  Probably be another couple weeks or so.

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 18:22
Honest_AK's picture
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I enjoyed this DLC but regular mobs still don't drop anything good. They drop a few tokens sometimes but it takes too many of them to get something out of the machines. Chests and machines are still a waste of time like the rest of the game.

I also heard the next patch coming out will make it impossible to play with modded backpack space, limiting us to 27 slots. I'm using 47 slots right now and it's still not enough so I guess I'll never be able to play this game online.

With the Bee and Tediore reload nerfs and lousy drops from random mobs, I think it sucks what Gearbox has done to Borderlands.

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 09:04
EVILCLAW's picture
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47 SLOTS?!? Damn missed that glitch. Oh well, I'm done with dlc except for end boss, need some help here, no hurry though.As far as token farming goes, the reoccuring tier 3 aerial one in the forge is the easiest I think and you get 20 per pop.I have noticed the play on BL2 has dropped off significantly since Halo and Blops came out. Some wont play till level cap is increased. Finding help is getting harder.
Mon, 11/26/2012 - 09:06
EVILCLAW's picture
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Damn double post!!!
Mon, 11/26/2012 - 11:09
KoldfrontKraig's picture
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I'm not impressed.


Very little loot and the stuff that is dropped isn't that good.


Why waste tokens on level 48 legendary weapons when you're a level 50?


I'm a huge fan of Borderlands but this DLC  was a major let down.




Mon, 11/26/2012 - 22:22
Honest_AK's picture
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I read that the Burner mobs, like those found in the Beatdown, can drop the Cobra sniper rifle. Probably won't have time to farm 'till this weekend though.

Use Gibbed save editor to level up the guns from the Torgue machines to level 50. You don't have to wait for Gearbox to fix it!  The Unkempt Harold and Kerblaster are both fun to use.




From Gearbox:

There is no Sniper Rifle in this Dojo!

Speaking from the design room - The Cobra drops perhaps slightly less frequently than we intended. It's a complex game with lots of guns and gear and stuff, and getting all the fiddily little dials just right is a constant battle.

So I will do what we normally don't do, which is straight up tell you where the Cobra lives. Normally, you see, we enjoy the exploration and discovery, but in this case, it's taking more exploration than we'd like.

The Cobra is dropped by...

The Burners!

Not one of the bosses. Just the regular guys. Any sniper rifle dropped by The Burners has a .88% chance to be Tiny Tina's Cobra.

Perhaps at some point in the future we will revisit these odds in a patch. I make no promises.


This is a blue rarity gun so don't overlook it!

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 07:19
StrikeZ's picture
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I just finished Tourque.  I enjoyed it.  Very different from Moxie arena.  I am looking for somebody to join me in the Indestructable Pete boss thingy.  Without giving any spoilers, Badassitude is Badazz.  I now know illegal death matches are illegal.


Fri, 12/07/2012 - 11:33 (Reply to #15)
LocGaw's picture
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StrikeZ wrote:

I just finished Tourque.  I enjoyed it.  Very different from Moxie arena.  I am looking for somebody to join me in the Indestructable Pete boss thingy.  Without giving any spoilers, Badassitude is Badazz.  I now know illegal death matches are illegal.



I am down to run that at anytime. Claw myself and bill tried it but we did not do too good. Itching to give it another shot!

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 12:32 (Reply to #16)
EVILCLAW's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

StrikeZ wrote:

I just finished Tourque.  I enjoyed it.  Very different from Moxie arena.  I am looking for somebody to join me in the Indestructable Pete boss thingy.  Without giving any spoilers, Badassitude is Badazz.  I now know illegal death matches are illegal.



I am down to run that at anytime. Claw myself and bill tried it but we did not do too good. Itching to give it another shot!

Locaw, if you see me on and perhaps Darth Bill, send us messages and we will join you. Need to do this as well.
Wed, 12/05/2012 - 12:29
Ammodawg's picture
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I have given up on BL2.  I was really excited after played BL so many times through.  My main problem is the guns you get from drops, machines, and chest are crap.  I'm in an area with mobs the same level as me and I can barely hold my own against one or two.  My best gun is a pistol that I got with a golden key, its 2 levels below me and its good when their in range. 


I just haven't played it for about two weeks now and honestly I haven't missed it at all. 

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 13:19
TANK's picture
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I haven't done any of Torgue's stuff at all.  i'm down to play.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 15:03
LocGaw's picture
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@claw and tank... 10/4 guys! Always a good time.



It is tough these days with the neighbor always coming over to play split screen. Hard to say no when he is always bringing beer and cider by.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 16:13 (Reply to #20)
SquatterBag's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

It is tough these days with the neighbor always coming over to play split screen. Hard to say no when he is always bringing beer and cider by.

Send him my way. He can play full screen while I'll just drink and gradually increase my criticism of his playing style.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 23:32 (Reply to #21)
TANK's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

@claw and tank... 10/4 guys! Always a good time.



It is tough these days with the neighbor always coming over to play split screen. Hard to say no when he is always bringing beer and cider by.


That's no problem, just sit down to play naked.  :lol:



Fri, 12/07/2012 - 17:09
StrikeZ's picture
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I think somebody said you need high level electric weaps and nades.  I don't have any electrical weapons.  May have to be a slagger.  I will be on later to try Pete.

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 12:05
LocGaw's picture
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@ Strike... Yea, his shields are good but I fought him at 48 and my guns are much stronger now. The trick is to have high elemental resistance to fire and acid. Well, complete imunity to acid is probably the best and high resistance to fire is good. I don't know if he is slagable but acid and fire are useless from my exp. Pete attacks with fire/acid "flame throwers" and it hits hard. There are water faucets you can turn on to wash the acid/fire off but Rats and Spiders pour out of the holes. Some of these get too tough to kill due to their level. My contention is, if you can ignore one type of damage completly and resist the majority of the other this fight will be a snap because you have to use the faucets much less. Mirv, Tesla and Singularity grenades should work fine but the arena is small compared to the others and you risk hitting yourself. It has taken me a bit but I managed to farm enough gear for this boss. I hope his drops will be worth it. @tank and squatter--> lol

Wed, 12/12/2012 - 12:13
Honest_AK's picture
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You can hide behind the scaffolding when Pete does his AOE attack. This will block the fire/acid from getting on you. That's the key to farming Pete without the Bee - not having to use the faucets, bringing out high level minions.

When you do have to use the faucets, use the one that brings out spiders until they get too high level to kill anymore. Low level rats are easy but become deadly after a couple of spawns. Fire Breath of Terramorphous grenade mod is great for killing the minions.

When he drops into the arena, the scaffolding is to his back. Work your way over to this location and try to always be near it when it's time for him to do his AOE attack again. There is a piece of tin roofing on the scaffold that is great for blocking the acid/fire. Keep it between you and Pete.

Use a slag weapon on him before you try to do any damage to him. He can take too much damage to kill him without using slag. Find a good sniper rifle that slags so you don't have to use up your SMG or shotgun ammo slagging him. Use a shock plasma caster or shock Baby Maker reloads to take down his shields right away.

Get all the gear while you can before Gearbox brings back the 24 hour timer!

Wed, 12/12/2012 - 17:06
StrikeZ's picture
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We had a good team of four do this last  night.  We were sucessfull in killing him, the drops were not that good.  It was a fun grinding event and he is a tough cookie to kill.  Now I go to do the Pirate bosses.

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