Falling Skies *SPOILERS* You've been warned

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Tue, 08/21/2012 - 12:54 (Reply to #31)
YEM's picture
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Jedi_Kez wrote:


Not sure. Wondering if that "weapon" was related to these guys. It was pointing up in the sky. So maybe a defence against them landing? 


That's what I was thinking. The weapon was pointed at the sky (which they made mention of)


I think they are both freindly and an enemy. Allies in the short term, enemies down the road

Tue, 08/21/2012 - 15:52
Lala Calamari's picture
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That weapon was certainlty pointing at sky to fend off the new aliens.


Taken from an EW.com interview with Showrunner Remi Aubuchon after the finale.


Ben said very mysteriously that the giant weapon they destroyed is pointed at the sky because “it isn’t meant for humans.” Is it safe to assume that there’s some connection with this and the new alien?

Well, it seems to be a big coincidence that they took down this huge weapon, and all of the sudden these guys landed. So I would say that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that there must be some kind of connection between the two of them.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 08:15
Brophog's picture
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I have high hopes for season 3, but a little disappointed in season 2.

Anybody else notice that the season 2 finale is very similiar to the season 1 finale? 

Season 1 moved at a slow pace only to have the ominous structure destroyed with remarkable swiftness and ease, despite the fact the 2nd mass had to go it alone. Cliffhanger? A new, never before seen alien emerges and Tom boards their ship. Even the build up is too similiar. Distrust with Rick and the skitters in sesaon 1 parallels to the distrust with the rebel skitters in season 2. In both cases, a season's worth of conflict gets solved in a matter of seconds. The much anticipated fight between the rebel skitters and the overlord ends far too convenient for me. They come right in the nick of time, the humans are instantly freed and an enemy whom no one could kill last season can now be dispatched rapidly with bare hands. Even minutes before we were told by the rebel leader that they needed weaponry from the humans to help take this facility. That was too much hand waving, imo. Such an easy victory cheapens the struggle.

Season 2 is a disappointment in my eyes because we still haven't learned a whole lot about the old aliens and now a presumably new alien has already emerged. It is the plight of modern television whereby the audience needs to be shocked into watching to such an extent that story avenues get constantly detoured in an effort to incite more suspense. The last two episodes of season 2 showcase this well with how they rapidly attempt to put the show in a position for next season before they've really resolved the anticipation leading up to that moment. The original themes of the show, one of which is family and another is how a society breaks down between a military side and civil side, are still almost the sole focus of the show. Those are important themes, to be sure, but the redundancy gets tiring. Too much of the series has felt like "Tom Mason's son of the week". I've half expected Lassie to save the littlelest one from falling down an unhatched well by now. The pace also isn't congruent. We spent over a season dealing with Tom/Weaver conflicting over the role of the military and yet Charleston seems to answer it in what appears to be a matter of days. In fact, everybody involved with Charleston changes far too quickly. I understand for story purposes those aren't primary characters, but it feels very disjointed. In many respects, that's a consequence of the show being too focused on Tom and select members of the 2nd Mass. Charleston only exists, as far as the show is concerned, as a vehicle to elaborate on their characters. As a construct of its own, it's fairly innocuous the the series.

Meanwhile, we still are no closer to answering the big questions of the series. We have a proper name for the fishheads, though we still don't know how they took the planet so swiftly nor why they've allowed the humans to still exist. Remember, these are the questions we were posed with to end last season. The fishhead last season seemed shocked that the humans would fight such a fierce rebellion and I feel there were expectations that when Tom entered that ship that some sort of answer would make itself known as to the relationship between human and alien. Those answers never materialized and the only real tangible from that experience was to be the basis of distrust between Tom and others (another theme that's on the verge of geting beat to death). We actually know more about the relationship between skitter and fishhead than we do about why the aliens are even on this planet. If season 2 provided us anything it was the story of the alien rebellion (again, why the rapid victory felt so cheap).

I felt season 2 had a lot of promise but failed to drive the conflict forward in a manner that helped make sense of the series. The good aspects are mostly around the character development of the principle cast, and in particular Tom Mason. Though, to be fair, any character that has that percentage of screen time very well should show signs of development after two seasons. The relationship between Weaver and Tom has developed nicely, too, and if the final two episodes have much meaning to me it will be in that. My hopes for season 3 is that the new alien isn't just a new 'alien of the week' but rather can provide explanations for the big questions that the series has danced around. We're still missing that context, after all, and season one's themes have grown a little stale at this point. The show needs to broaden its scope in the next season, or "Tom Mason's son of the week" will get too tiring.


Wed, 06/12/2013 - 15:50
zombiekitten's picture
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Anyone still watching this? Last Sunday was the 2 hour premiere. Had a couple of "oh shit!" moments :)

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 07:52
Lala Calamari's picture
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I still watch and enjoy this.  The show can be a little hookey but what sci-fi show isn't.  Nice to see that they're making progress in the fights.  I'm also curious as to what the other aliens goals are.  Are they really there to help the resistance?

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 10:07 (Reply to #36)
YEM's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:

I still watch and enjoy this.


Me too, though I am getting tired of every one of Tom's kids being influenced by the aliens. I mean, enough already!

We have a (formerly) harnessed kid. Another one who is controlled by the aliens, and now a friggin "alien" baby. 

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 09:04
zombiekitten's picture
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I don't trust 'em! 

Is the stuff with the baby really happening or is it wazzername's head?? It only happens (so far) when she is alone...?

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 10:01
Lala Calamari's picture
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Who knows.  Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) was with the aliens for a bit.  Maybe they messed with him some.  

Sat, 06/15/2013 - 11:24
zombiekitten's picture
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Hmmm...I forgot about that! Good theory :)

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 17:55
GbHaseo's picture
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I love this show, probably one of my favorites, although I too am getting a little tired of Tom's kids getting manipulated by aliens. I do imagine they'd be high priority targets, but you'd think they'd have more body guards to prevent this. They have ones outside their bedrooms constantly, but no one sees Hal sneaking out in the middle of the night?

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 16:51 (Reply to #41)
zombiekitten's picture
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GbHaseo wrote:

I love this show, probably one of my favorites, although I too am getting a little tired of Tom's kids getting manipulated by aliens. I do imagine they'd be high priority targets, but you'd think they'd have more body guards to prevent this. They have ones outside their bedrooms constantly, but no one sees Hal sneaking out in the middle of the night?

THIS!! There's guys with guns outside his room...they haven't mentioned to Tom that his son goes for a stroll alone every night...including during the time he couldn't walk? 


I do love the show though. 

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 20:07 (Reply to #42)
GbHaseo's picture
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zombiekitten wrote:

GbHaseo wrote:

I love this show, probably one of my favorites, although I too am getting a little tired of Tom's kids getting manipulated by aliens. I do imagine they'd be high priority targets, but you'd think they'd have more body guards to prevent this. They have ones outside their bedrooms constantly, but no one sees Hal sneaking out in the middle of the night?

THIS!! There's guys with guns outside his room...they haven't mentioned to Tom that his son goes for a stroll alone every night...including during the time he couldn't walk? 


I do love the show though. 

I know! Also, how did the Volm with all their advanced technology, did they not see someone in the only other tunnel to the secret weapon up there taking pictures? Is Cochise the only Volm watching a tunnel to a weapon that the war depends on?


In other news, Falling Skies officially announced on their Facebook page that they got picked up today for a 4th season! Super glad to hear this!

Thu, 07/04/2013 - 20:34
zombiekitten's picture
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Yay for another season and I have the same questions you do lol

Fri, 07/05/2013 - 21:47
GbHaseo's picture
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At least the Volm weapon one could technically be explained, the Hal one.... not so much without going and editing. Even then the question would be like you said, how can the president's son, whom EVERYONE knows, and knows he's paralyzed, walk through a city, and no one go "HOLY SHIT, I just saw that fucker in a wheelchair earlier? WTF?"

I love the show, but man sometimes I think, how the fuck did Speilberg approve this? According to interviews with him and the producers, he's contacted at least once every few days and updated on everything.

Also, what's going on with the VP? She goes off on the basement professor about how Tom should've told everyone about what him and the Volm were building and HE AGREES, then right as she leaves, tells him not to tell anyone, and HE AGREES. WTF?!?!

Hopefully, Sunday's show answers some shit, b/c this is driving me nuts everytime one of Sunday's promos come on. On that subject, I wonder what's going to happen, that warrants the commercial saying "This is the episode everyone will be talking about". Freakin' commercials hyping me up!

Sun, 07/07/2013 - 21:07
GbHaseo's picture
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Well.. I guess that answers how she got those pictures of the Volm device, least they closed that loop.

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 08:50
YEM's picture
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I'm not buying what this new mayor lady is selling. She's going to muck everything up

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 23:47
GbHaseo's picture
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I have a strong feeling she's either going to fuck everthing up as well, or she's working with the mole. Either way she comes off as a bitch, and just pisses me of everytime I see her, but they needed to take focus off of the Masons a bit, and spread the story out a little honestly. Hopefully this season isn't really short again, every season it end as soon as I start getting really into it. Maybe it was spread out like Walking Dead is, but a whole year between seasons just for 10 or 11 episodes kinda sucks honestly.

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 04:40
SWEAT DOGG's picture
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This sounds bad but forgot all about this show until yesterday when i saw season 3 is out soon , and i can not wait :) 

Mon, 07/15/2013 - 20:43 (Reply to #49)
GbHaseo's picture
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This sounds bad but forgot all about this show until yesterday when i saw season 3 is out soon , and i can not wait :) 

It's actually near the end of the Season 3, they've announced there's only 3 more episodes left, so I'd hurry and catch up before Sunday's next episode! In demand still has most of the episodes, and tnt.tv usually has most.


Sun, 07/14/2013 - 19:48
zombiekitten's picture
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I agree with you guys on the new pres lady. Something about her isn't right. 

Every episode I worry that it's the season finale. The seasons are too short! 

At least Hal isn't under alien/Karens control anymore. I found "evil Hal" annoying. And if they never show Karen again that's fine with me. 

So Tom's youngest son (Matt?) is the only one in the family without alien ...something or other lol


Mon, 07/15/2013 - 20:55
GbHaseo's picture
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I would've never had guessed that's who the mole was he/she had freaking like 20 eye bugs all covering his/her face face, that was so creepy! You guys don't have spoiler tags here, so I don't wanna ruin the surprise yet since it just aired yesterday. The shit definitely looks to be hitting the fan in the next few episodes with the net getting activated.

This season hasn't been bad, but there's really been a lack of action compared to the other seasons. I have no clue why honestly, maybe the budget got cut, or they saved it all for the last few episodes. I dunno, but in previous seasons, they kinda did what Walking Dead does. One episode of action, then one of drama, and I was ok with that honestly, just have to see how the rest of season plays out, and how it's leading to Season 4.

Tue, 07/16/2013 - 09:28
YEM's picture
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Alright, I like this show, I really do, but this whole "mole" business is getting rediculous. Apparently it's so friggin easy to hijack some of the more "important" people. How hard would it have been for Hal to get an eye bug into Tom (instead of trying to get him out of the town) and then Tom using one of those fancy ray guns on the Volm weapon?  Or why not just simply kill as many important people as possible..... those alien weapons can do some damage.



Fri, 07/19/2013 - 22:23
GbHaseo's picture
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Well, they already put an eye worm in Tom before, so that's probably they didn't do it again. Plus, the eye worms don't take full control over the host usually. In the past it's just been a source of spying on the enemy. This season has changed, Hal's wasn't an ordinary eye worm, it was a special type, that's why Tom's was easier to get out of him. Hal was actually fighting the worm most of the time, which is why they couldn't use him to do all the that. It was most likely the case with Dr. Glass's assistant, which is why she had so many, b/c they couldn't get total control without them all.

On the subject of killing everyone, 1 if they went in there and killed all the important people, they wouldn't have their stars, but then the aliens would win, and we'd have no show. With any TV series, the goal is to stretch it out as long as possible, therefore sometimes things aren't always done the smartest way. Another way to go at it is if, they went and killed Tom and the powerful people, the Volm device would still be being built, and they wouldn't have access to the information. On top of that, the mole wouldn't be able to pull it off, Volm weapons are tough yes, but doesn't protect them anymore than real weapons. She'd kill a few people, but then be shot, and the place would go on lockdown, and their chances of getting another mole in there would be slim. They'd then lose their constant source of inside information, the path they're following is getting both things done, they're getting info, as well as killing some important people along the way.


The show has a lot of flaws but I don't think they're messing up by stretching out the mole storyline, they need to fix other loopholes first.

Sat, 07/20/2013 - 11:40
YEM's picture
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Dude,  I know it's a tv show and they can't kill off everybody. I was just saying that I think the mole bit is rediculous. If the aliens really wanted the Volm weapon destroyed, they wouldn't be dicking around like they are in the show. 


GbHaseo wrote:
Well, they already put an eye worm in Tom before, so that's probably they didn't do it again. Plus, the eye worms don't take full control over the host usually. In the past it's just been a source of spying on the enemy. This season has changed, Hal's wasn't an ordinary eye worm, it was a special type, that's why Tom's was easier to get out of him. Hal was actually fighting the worm most of the time, which is why they couldn't use him to do all the that. It was most likely the case with Dr. Glass's assistant, which is why she had so many, b/c they couldn't get total control without them all.

I'm sorry, I just think all that is nonsense...

Just randomly making someone an eye-worm mole out of the blue is lazy writing. We have no explantion. When/how did it happen? Nobody knows.  And Hal wasn't fighting it most of the time. He was walking out every night for a tryst in the woods. His "struggle" against it came when he took Tom AFTER the worm took full control.

And please remember, no offense intended. These are my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt  106
Sun, 07/21/2013 - 15:49 (Reply to #55)
GbHaseo's picture
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No offense taken, I like discussing things actually when it's done politely, even if neither side can come to an agreement.

To explain more of my point:

Hal was fighting it, the device was inserted all the way back last season, Karen even stated it to him in one of the first couple episode. She told him specifically, that his paralysis was the result of him fighting the device, that he wasn't fully giving himself over to her. That's what the trips to the woods were for, she was trying to seduce him and mind fuck him, in hopes he would give himself to her. His "snap" in personality finally came when he just couldn't fight it anymore, right after he decided to tell Tom about the device, that's when the eye bug took complete control, and his paralysis ended instantly. He started fighting it again, in the episode where he kidnapped Tom.

It was literally just revealed she was the mole in the last 2 minutes of the show, if they explained it before, we'd know who it was, or at least know Hal wasn't the only mole. The writers wanted us to think it was just Hal, and then surprise us with this new mole. Cochise tried to warn them and has even stated the Esphini would likely have more than one mole, b/c they love to torture and manipulate their enemies and enjoy espionage, they treat it like a chess game. It's been noted over all 3 seasons, the Espheni don't think and fight like humans do, they go about things in ways we wouldn't, and have no problem waiting things out. It's why the only successful attacks on them before the Volm arrived, were Guerilla tactics. They also have trouble figuring humans out, we intrigue and confuse them, which they've stated to Tom when they kidnapped him. It's another reason why they offered to move the remaining humans to a "habitat" like the Americans did to the Indians they said. They've never had as much resistance as they've had with Earth, they stated they underestimated us, and thought they'd easily overtake us.

I get your complaint that you have no clue how all this came to be, and they'll explain how she became the mole and all that  in the next 3 episodes, if they don't, then I'd agree that it was lazy writing. You're calling it lazy, but there's still 3 episodes of the season left, with this show, and every season they constantly drag things out til the very last episode, you have to be patient, but they do usually explain most things. Usually when shows do "mole hunts" they do it 1 of 2 ways, they either show the audience what's happening behind the scenes, so they're clued in the whole time, or they keep most of it a mystery until the very end, and have a "bad guy monologue" where he explains all the plot holes and his plans.

The aliens also can't destroy the Volm device, just b/c they decided they wanted to, they aren't that strong, and thier forces have been decreased significantly, which is why they're trying to hurry up and get their net up, so the main force can arrive safely, it's all been explained. No one but Tom knew where the device was until recently, where it is located, nor do the Espheni even know what it does, or who even know about it all for sure, which is why they went after Tom as soon as they got control of Hal. They've had the moles, investigating it when they get time, they can't just go find out right away. Charleston and the Volm city also have a protective net, alongside great defenses, and has been stated that they've tried numerous methods of destroying Charleston and the Volm, but have failed everytime. Thus the resort to espionage tactics, b/c everything else they've tried has failed.


Sat, 07/20/2013 - 15:44
zombiekitten's picture
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I, too, have way too many questions about the mole. I don't remember her ever being alone, missing, or kidnapped?? I don't remember her being alone with Karen or anything like that. I'm hoping they explain how/when they got at her. Also...she had access to the hybrid baby all the time! If Karen wanted the baby, why didn't the mole just tell the guard "oh hey I'm takin the baby out for some fresh air cos she's cranky brb" and steal her? She could've even faked being attacked/knocked out, so as to continue looking innocent... 


I LOOOOVE this show, I really do! But these mole story lines confuse me a bit. 


Oh and I agree that this season is a bit heavy on the drama, a bit light on the action. Maybe the last few episodes this season are ALL action? 

P.S. anyone notice Pope echoing (sort of) what we said about the president lady being a bit "off"? Lol

Sun, 07/21/2013 - 18:26
YEM's picture
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Yeah, you make some good points. I guess it just bothers me that it seems to be so easy to compromise someone important. You know what I mean? The aliens keep getting their plans foiled by Tom and the gang, but always seem to be able to "control" or send in a mole, or capture some of the most important people.

And on the other side, you have the people of Charleston (or whatever it's called)  who are apparently smart enough and strong enough to make it this far and who are putting a hurting on the fish heads, yet aren't smart enough to NOT get comprimised over and over again. I mean, these are the same people who apparently can't notice Hal, who is suppose to be paralyzed, sneak out of his room every night even though there was always agaurd outside the door.... and many more around the town.


I tell you what, though, I really can't stand the President lady. Also, I'm curious what Captain Weaver is going to have Pope do (or atleast attempt to do)

Sun, 07/21/2013 - 22:33
GbHaseo's picture
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Yeah, I do agree the writing does have a lot of faults, many I've mentioned, and still upset about.  Like seriously in tonight's episode.. Tom manages to jump from the Espheni tower, that's easily the size of your average skyscraper and survive? I know he "landed" on a skitter, but he hopped up a-ok afterwards, not a scratch, broken leg, nothing... Unless they reveal next episode he is actually at least hurt from it, that's way worse than anything they've done this season. I'm rewatching it now to see if maybe they were at a low point on the tower maybe.

On to the future:

I'm super excited about the next episode, the way the preview went Tom discovers the heart of the Espheni's plan and spies. Previews are tricky to judge, but they at least made it seem to me after watching it 3 or 4 times, that Pope may actually have an eye bug and not know it. Whether he will be or not I have absolutely no clue. A lot of people hated tonight's episode, but I enjoyed it. It actually gave some decent info on stuff I've wondered. Anyone else notice Tom actually answered 2 of the location questions right at the very beginning? He choose Boston over Chicago, and Jacksonville over New York. It may end up being nothing, but it could come into play.

Mon, 07/22/2013 - 08:43
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They were definitely lower down on the tower. In one of the leg supports. Also, If you look around when he lands, you can see that he landed on the roof of a building. I was more "WTF" when he was at his house at the end. So now he's all the way back up in Boston? 


GbHaseo wrote:

. Anyone else notice Tom actually answered 2 of the location questions right at the very beginning? He choose Boston over Chicago, and Jacksonville over New York. It may end up being nothing, but it could come into play.

I did notice that but I'm not sure if it's anything or not. I mean, he picked Boston because that's the team he roots for, and he picked Jacksonville because the Gator Bowl is better, and warmer, than visiting a girlfriends family in NY around Christmas time. His desicions were personal preferences based on things from his old, pre-invasion, life. 


In the end, though, I agree with you. I liked the episode and can't wait to see how they finish the season. And who are they trying to fool. Nobody believes that Anne and the baby are dead.



Oh yeah, I didn't see the previews, but if you're right about Pope having an eye bug, I'm going to punch a baby seal 106

Mon, 07/22/2013 - 11:59
zombiekitten's picture
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I think the baby and Ann are alive too. I like the idea of Pope and Weaver working together! And it's a long ass walk from Boston back to charleston!! Really loved this episode :D

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