[FM4] Introduction to 2old4Forza Spec Series NEW TIME- Saturday Nights 9:30pm EST (starts Feb. 8th, 2014)
[FM4] Introduction to 2old4Forza Spec Series NEW TIME- Saturday Nights 9:30pm EST (starts Feb. 8th, 2014)
There are many purposes for this event. It will be an introductory series for people new to the group or even new to the game. It will also be a way to race a spec car in a more friendly and non competitive environment. It's also an opportunity for drivers to work on their skills. Drivers can try to run with less assists, try out the clutch, turn on/off the racing line. Try running without TCS or other assists. Whatever they'd like. Skilled drivers and veterans of 2old4Forza are ALWAYS welcomed to join and share their knowledge.
The intent is to accommodate both new members and old who are looking to experiment and hopefully improve or just participate in any way they'd like.
The format is simple:
Two or three 4 lap "races" with 5 minute breaks in between followed by an 8 or 10 lap race. All on the same track. Track will be picked once the lobby is started. If drivers want to remain in the lobby and change things up after these races they are over then they are welcomed to do so. The 5 minute breaks will be strictly monitored so if you leave to tweak or tune be sure to get back in time. Contact should be avoided but sometimes it happens. There will be no cautions and damage will be set to COSMETIC. Anyone is welcomed to participate. Also, anyone is welcomed to host a seperate session if this time slot does not work for them. Just be sure to announce so you get some participation. Be sure to post your session here so folks are aware of your time slot.
A spec car which is now available in both the NA and EU club garage. Here is the build:
2002 Toyota MR-S - PI=C425
Race Exhaust
Sport Oil and Cooling
Street Flywheel
Race Brakes
Race Suspension
Race ARB front and rear
Sport Chassis
Sport Weight Reduction
Race Clutch
Street Transmission
Sport Driveline
Race Diff
Sport Tire
Upgrade F&R tire width fully
VOLK Racing TE37 Wheel, 17 inch
Abflug Street Rear Wing
Try the car and post up your times and the track(s) you ran here. Feel free to post up tips and tunes that you'd like to share. If anyone wants my base tune just let me know.
As I mentioned above, the purpose of this is to give folks a place to practice their skills and maybe try out something new. The MR-S build is a basic RWD one that is fairly predictable. In the future I plan on changing the car but not until this one has been driven for a while. The reason for the Spec car is so drivers can compare their times and discuss driving techniques.
please address any questions or concerns to me in a PM. Thanks.
I'll need to adjust the event calendar but once I do I'll get it added to the schedule. Looks like a great idea Snappy!
i just realized I didn't post a start date. I'll update the OP an will be using February 8th, 2014 for the start date.
Sounds really fun, although being PST, I'm not sure it'll be in the cards for me.... 5am on a weekend, testing my conviction to the max,
I'm sorry to hear that. Feel free to host a session of your own using the car and format. I don't know if you've driven the car yet but it's a good one for practicing general racing techniques. Let me know if you would like my tune. Also, there is a blue HKS liveried one in the club garage. I may do an evening session in the future if I can get time in my schedule.
Sure, please send over a tune. From what it sounds like in the description, there very well be bothan offline and online component to this. I for one would like to work on getting rid of the braking line as well as finally learn to tune
Yeah, I'm back...somewhat. I took a break after picking up FM5 and GT6. For me, FM5 just doesn't have the same MOJO as FM4 so I'm mostly racing in GT6. I just want to create a relaxed and fun environment where people can practice different things or just flat out race if they want. Hope to see you guys there.
I might be able to make some of these races Snappy. Looking forward to it
Isn’t it a challenge to get two or three beers down the hatch by 8am?
Challenge accepted!
Isn’t it a challenge to get two or three beers down the hatch by 8am?
Challenge accepted!
. . . . then there’s the secondary challenge to consider, the one that starts when the missus discovers I’m getting my drink on for breakfast and that I’m unlikely to be fit to take the kids to skating or swimming or softball or birthday parties or whatever. Then the tertiary challenge. I think it's called divorce.
I’m almost done playing with myself in FM2. This series sounds like a great way to get my feet wet with both FM4 and real people. It’s just that my Friday night gaming habits make me unreliable Saturday mornings. Don't want to sign up for my very first 2o2f event then sleep thru the whole thing. Struggling with the commitment. Which I guess in non-Snuphy terms probably looks like hijacking this thread. Sorry about that.
Sounds like this time slot is an issue for a few people. I'll stick with it for this week and reevaluate if participation is low. Might move it to Saturday nights.
Having a little emergency at home guys, Im very sorry.
Ahh was wondering what was going on. Thx for the update.
Yeah, sorry really late about it. Baby had 102 temp and had to help wife. They are off to the Pediatricians now. I'm going to go jump on now and see if anyone is around.
Really very sorry guys.
Got things to do now, so I won't be on to join.
UPDATE TO SERIES: New time slot will be Saturday Nights at 9:30pm EST.
I am very sorry that I missed the first race for this but my two boys were both sick and they are very young. I was a rough night but thankfully everyone is feeling much better. Also, if there is a major conflict with this time slot then I can move it again to try and get more participants. Thanks guys. New people, don't be bashful. Jump in this and get your feet wet. You'll get lots out of it.
Schedule has been updated - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtJz_lY_51zNdGVOa3hWXzVtN2VZTWlkeWR6T09pVEE&hl=en_US#gid=1
In my experience combining the terms “baby” and “102 temp” never lead to fun. Glad your youngsters are feeling better.
Lately my tv doesn’t seem to receive any signal that isn’t Olympic figure skating. This Sat night probably won’t be any different. Still interested. Just might not be able to jump in for a week or two.
This sounds like fun. I'm PST so it' b4 the Games... I'll try to make it... Thx for doing it!
I was on for a bit last night. I set up a lobby but no one was around. I'll set up again next week. Track will be Road Atlanta.
Also, if anyone is looking for some one one one time to work on driving just shoot me a PM and we can set something up.
I'm in. Just getting back on. See ya tonight!
So........About that race LOL
Snappy I need your address. Send me a PM
Sorry dudes, I was sick as a dog all weekend. Woke up Ina cold sweat with a fever. Whatever my kids had a couple weeks ago was passed to me. I will be there next Saturday.
Get well soon man!
I was wondering what happened... See you fellas next weekend then
I am around tonight and this is on for tonight. So far I know there will be a few of us in the lobby.
I'll try and be around for this. If it's still going on.
Motorhead will join if it's still happening.