I'm gonna have to change mine to a maybe. I feel like total dog shit right now, and have been that way for the last 3 or 4 days. I haven't had a chance to run any practice laps on this track. I will try to make it, but if I don't it means that I have drank way to much nyquil and have passed out.
I'm gonna have to change mine to a maybe. I feel like total dog shit right now, and have been that way for the last 3 or 4 days. I haven't had a chance to run any practice laps on this track. I will try to make it, but if I don't it means that I have drank way to much nyquil and have passed out.
Me too, allergys kicking my ass in Tennessee, everythings grn with pollen...
Garry, probably not gonna make this week's race. Damn back is out and having trouble being able to use wheel for more than 5 minutes without back cramping up. Will try and make next week, so somebody put Soapy into the wall for me.
Can't make it this week. My router is WAK and unreliable to the point where I can only get internet access for about 5 mins at a time. Making the cable guy show up on Saturday to fix it. Yeah I;m really showing him.... Have a good race, see y'all next week.
Sorry I missed the race last night. I kept getting the "network connection error" even after rebooting my entire system. The messed up thing, I was able to play with randoms last night w/no issues.
Sorry about last night not replying but my Mic was acting up and on top of that I muted it when the GF came to talk to me and I forgot to unmute during the race...
After the race was over and everyone left I noticed
Is it mandatory to make the practice session? I ask because I usually can't get on most nights until 10-10:30est. (my daughter sets my Forza schedule for me), but I'd be interested in running with you guys if I can just slip in at the last minute
Is it mandatory to make the practice session? I ask because I usually can't get on most nights until 10-10:30est. (my daughter sets my Forza schedule for me), but I'd be interested in running with you guys if I can just slip in at the last minute
Not mandatory emezmer....that said there are usually some ProAm racers on after 10-10:30. If you don't make It, don't worry. Do sign up @ myForzaGarge tho, it will make it easier for the organizers to set up rooms. Send a f/r to x2O4FxProAM. That will put you in the loop.
Are we allowed to adjust the tire pressures, ARB's and Diff? or should I keep everything as is? Either way it's not a big deal as your MX-5 tune already has tons of grip
Maybe one time you should do a series where you pic a car or two and set the max PI but let the racers put whatever parts they want on the car. Might make for something interesting... or a horrible mess... I'm not sure. I was just thinking.
I cannot seem to get this superlight to do good laps at Sedona. Maybe I don't know the trick to cutting that extra second off my lap time because I have very little track time at that venue. I guess I'll learn when we practice together.
I cannot seem to get this superlight to do good laps at Sedona. Maybe I don't know the trick to cutting that extra second off my lap time because I have very little track time at that venue. I guess I'll learn when we practice together.
Practicing tonight mate? I can show you my line if you like. Best for me has been very low 1.20's think it's prob got at least another second in it. I'll be on around 6.30pm PST.
May be Google, wife's also having problems syncing hers last couple days...(?)
I'm gonna have to change mine to a maybe. I feel like total dog shit right now, and have been that way for the last 3 or 4 days. I haven't had a chance to run any practice laps on this track. I will try to make it, but if I don't it means that I have drank way to much nyquil and have passed out.
Me too, allergys kicking my ass in Tennessee, everythings grn with pollen...
Well I got you guys down, allergies and being sick sucks. If you can make it cool if not no problem rest is what you need anyways.
Room Assignments Sebring Short
20 Laps
5 caution Laps
Manditory caution Lap 13
We may run 1 room depends on how many show up.
Remember we sort rooms at 10:00pm EST so even if you signed up you need to let me know if your going to be late or we may only run 1 room.
9:00pm EST Practice room opens
10:00pm ESt Rooms sorted and handicaps determind
10:30pm EST Race starts
Room 1
1. X2O4FxPROAM (Host)
2. Trackaassassin
3. imjimeez44
4. emceechild
6. soapynuts
7. DBrown01
8. anubis
9. snappy dee
10. x2O4FxSurf (maybe)
Room 2
1. oldrustybelly55
2. El Kochino
3. skiwiNV
4. Ringmastre
5. motoGP74
6. Tagano73
7. Dai Bongo
8. SLIM V3n0m
9. unsub012 (maybe)
10. oldschool (maybe)
11. Randy H (maybe)
I made the race!
Have a replay if anyone needs/wants it.
Pollen blows...
No, I don't want the replay
I didn't do so good :(
Good race lat night guys and we even started on time.
Is there a results page? Or is this a week by week thing? (I need to take a picture of my dang car...)
I've never seen a result page, it's normally a week by week winner
This time it was you, congrats
Garry, probably not gonna make this week's race. Damn back is out and having trouble being able to use wheel for more than 5 minutes without back cramping up. Will try and make next week, so somebody put Soapy into the wall for me.
Still hving huge allergy problems, and still on allergy meds (
), so I'm not sure if I can stay up that late...
a few of us ran practice last night, should be a good race!
I'm in for tonights race
Garry, have to work toninght after all, catch you in the week.
Hey guys,
Can't make it this week. My router is WAK and unreliable to the point where I can only get internet access for about 5 mins at a time. Making the cable guy show up on Saturday to fix it. Yeah I;m really showing him.... Have a good race, see y'all next week.
Sorry I missed the race last night. I kept getting the "network connection error" even after rebooting my entire system. The messed up thing, I was able to play with randoms last night w/no issues.
Bummer unsub073... we had a pretty good race but then lost about 4 drivers 4 laps from the end. These little beasts are challenging. One more to go.
It sucks. I've missed the first 3 races, and its a fun car to drive. I had a blast running practice laps in preparing for the race last night.
Sorry about last night not replying but my Mic was acting up and on top of that I muted it when the GF came to talk to me and I forgot to unmute
during the race...
After the race was over and everyone left I noticed
Anyways good race and Soapynuts, you suck
lol !!
Quick question here:
Is it mandatory to make the practice session? I ask because I usually can't get on most nights until 10-10:30est. (my daughter sets my Forza schedule for me), but I'd be interested in running with you guys if I can just slip in at the last minute
Not mandatory emezmer....that said there are usually some ProAm racers on after 10-10:30. If you don't make It, don't worry. Do sign up @ myForzaGarge tho, it will make it easier for the organizers to set up rooms. Send a f/r to x2O4FxProAM. That will put you in the loop.
Thanks Surf, I'll get on it right away
FR sent. Welcome emezmer. Look forward to racing with you.
FR accepted and gifts received.
Are we allowed to adjust the tire pressures, ARB's and Diff? or should I keep everything as is? Either way it's not a big deal as your MX-5 tune already has tons of grip
Yes anything tuneable on the car is allowed. Just have to run the spec build.
Maybe one time you should do a series where you pic a car or two and set the max PI but let the racers put whatever parts they want on the car. Might make for something interesting... or a horrible mess... I'm not sure. I was just thinking.
I cannot seem to get this superlight to do good laps at Sedona. Maybe I don't know the trick to cutting that extra second off my lap time because I have very little track time at that venue. I guess I'll learn when we practice together.
Practicing tonight mate? I can show you my line if you like. Best for me has been very low 1.20's think it's prob got at least another second in it. I'll be on around 6.30pm PST.
signed up, but very late. Hope you can get me in. Understand if it's too late