[FM4] Vintage Trans Am Series -- Gauging interest

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#1 Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:08
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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[FM4] Vintage Trans Am Series -- Gauging interest

(Editing currently to nail more down and see about interest, getting it sched, etc... Will holler when far enuf along to read)

sGreetings all.


Welcome to 2Old4Forza's 2014 Trans Am Series brought to you by TwitchyThumb Racing and the Granny-Gear Grinders Garage. 

(FYI: both Google and I are not doing well, so there's likely to be some typos, espec in specs... bear with, it's a WIP today.) 
I'm proposing the series, and would like to do it, so final decisions will rest with me... bucks gotta stop somewhere so we can go bangin' on each other :) 

This WAS tentatively a 3 part series.
Series 1: "The Early Rides" (1969 and earlier) (B500)

Series 2: "The Golden Years" (64 - 73, w more manufacturers)

Series 3 "Modern Muscle." Current TA Series years and cars, out of curiosity"

All would have been 4-6 race series, straight through, or take a break in between because that's a lot of weeks on one set, so to speak.


The series day/time TBD. Dunno about NA and EU interest in running dual sets, or just a single...? so I'm asking...

Random thoughts on this series:
- I'm new to the game, and running a race. I'd like to take a hand at hosting a series for us.
- I grew up w/ Am Muscle, so it's a fav for me.
- I'm shooting for spec builds first - stock engines / adjustable drive/suspension... Closer to original: manufacturers built big engines and teams were allowed to modify handling.
- Yes, you can join the series late. It's a game: have fun!
I've asked for feedback below... Feel free. I will make decisions soon. Since I'm new, I need some insight from both sides so I can learn too.
- Rims chosen to be American... dunno, seemed to fit... Any made in USA same pi?
- I took most of the cars/builds from a 2O4F race last year, so it's a starting place.

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:09
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2013 - 18:21

Part 2:


{paste in standard rules of cars, race nice, points, etc. Can be added later.}

Race officials: tbd

Handicap Information... all tbd... thoughts?
-10% max handicap
 1st - 3rd gain 5%, 6th and below lose 5%. Handicaps will be power only.
Pit stops? Using them as equalizers lately has been an idea... hmmm... tbd... thoughts?


The Cars: 5 manufacturers, 2 cars each. (3 if we have 15+ dirvers.)
   Mustang GT '65 (x2).   Ford
   Camaro '69 (x2).          Chevrolet
   Firebird '69 (x2).           Pontiac
   Charger '69 (x2).          Dodge
   Cuda '68 (x2).              Plymouth

An informal Manufacturers competition will be part of the results.
Pts system TBD.


The Build: B500. RWD.

Required specs here.
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Per car changes:

- Mustang Gt: 
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Race Chassis, Weight. 
Race Valves. Street Displacement. 
Race transmission, Clutch.
Tires: largest, both F/R. Rims: 16"
(Can't get Mustang to 500 wo a couple of engine adds. And, with no Boss 302, no Mustang closer to stock 5 liter. Close 'nuf?)

- Camaro:
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Stock Clutch, Sport Transmission, Sport Driveline.
Race Chassis, Weight.
Tire size: 225/245 = F/R.
(Can remove bumper)

- Firebird:
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Race Chassis, Sport Weight. Street Clutch, race Transmission
Tires: 255/275.
Street hood

- Charger:
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Sport Chassis, Weight.
Race Clutch, Stock Transmission
Tires: 245/285. Rims: 17" F/R

- Cuda:
- Engine = stock. No adds, swaps, etc.
- Platform = Race: Brakes, Springs, Arbs
- Drivetrain = Race: Differential
- Tires: Race. Rims: American Racing Torq-Thrust
- Aero: Front & Rear adjustable
Race Weight
Race Clutch, Sport Transmission
Tires: 255/285
(can remove bumper, swap hood)

Track Schedule: (Indecision so far)
[No particular order]
{looking for long/short/turny/variety/traditional, but keep it to al imited list.}
Road Atlanta
Maple   or  Iberian
Infineon   or   Sedona
Road America   or Indy GP 
Laguna Seca
Motegi   or Suzukia



Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:37
TemeLolman's picture
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Saturday as racing day maybe??

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 14:44
Thane62's picture
Last seen: 1 year 10 months ago
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How about two series, classic and modern, and run them at the same time by having two half hour races on race day? First race is classic and second race is modern.

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 19:14
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2013 - 18:21

Not a bad idea Thane. I'd also thought of two class: A and C? like they did in real... but figured there'd not be enough entrants to make that whole thing work. neat idea, but...

I'd have to look up what's being run today... last I looked there were 3 classes (sorta): TA, TA2, Ts? or some such... based on... I forget. Running newer cars, in spec'd clases, was one of what I'd hoped... prob 2010-current in game... dunno, I'm outta me realm figuring that out. But like the idea. A classic's heat, and a 'currents' heat. Same day. It'd be interesting have to drive 2 different cars back to back, same day too... I kinda like that challenge... different... maybe a 2 lap 'parade race' (for the fans, of course), to help switch seats... Thanks for the feedback.

I think I'm going to keep the 'classic series', right about B500, A501 (prob A, 'cuz 'A-Sedan' sounds right. Just keep engines stock and let all tweak the rest... I've got most of that from an old series 204f ran last year or so that I'm using for a base so far.

I'm going to re-work the idea, up prob make it a single, 65-73 series, spec'd, and see what happens. Can always add 'next season's festivities' (another series) if it's popular. I'm just still sturggling a lot with back surgery recovery (pumped full of painkillers a lot longer than I expected, but the Dr says I'm on track.) they justmake me loopy... slow, and ponderous, to do some figuring on this and nail it down.

I'd eidited the first post a little, and am going to edit more to nail the proposal down. gimme time to clear the brain out (that's me excuse anyway :) 

enjoy all...it's a game.

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 21:43
Thane62's picture
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Check out the builds these guys used. I'm going to try a few.

Click here.

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 23:29 (Reply to #6)
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2013 - 18:21

Thane62 wrote:

Check out the builds these guys used. I'm going to try a few.

Click here.

I have those too. Along with a set that was A520. They both boost engine, and then keep creep hp vs driver... 

nice to have a set that's been tested tho. Doing a current year(s) cars would be the real challenge... I'm not good at balancing sets like that... dunno yet...

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 02:38
Thane62's picture
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I sent you some modern builds. They are not perfect but somewhat close. One aspect of the builds is that mostly sport upgrades are used so no one has to worry about tuning.

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 20:49 (Reply to #8)
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2013 - 18:21

Thane62 wrote:

I sent you some modern builds. They are not perfect but somewhat close. One aspect of the builds is that mostly sport upgrades are used so no one has to worry about tuning.

got 'em, ran 'em. Thanks :)

Wed, 12/03/2014 - 09:44
Duffermac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2013 - 18:21

I lost track of the schedule, so am asking:

Where's the master schedule page? Link? Sticky? Or is it kept elsewhere, etc,,,? I was looking for a potential slot for this series and am coming up short finding it.


Sun, 01/18/2015 - 10:54
Snoop SLR8789's picture
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Duffer, one event schedule for you, updated today too


There are a few slots on there so take your pick and ill update it :)

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