[FM5] Gear tuning questions

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#1 Sat, 01/11/2014 - 12:36
Zombie1977's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/12/2007 - 23:00

[FM5] Gear tuning questions

 Anyone know the proper way to tune gears in FM5? Ive buit/tuned a C class 97 Civic Type R that runs really good lap times. It would run even better laps if I could get the gears right. The problem is this. Say when I adjust the Final everything stays in line on the graph,but as soon as I touch 1st it falls down to 3rd gear range on the graph. So should I go ahead and set my gears and then use the Final to bring them back up,even if Final ends up as some ridiculos number. Should I adjust each gear on a default Final,then adjust Final.Very frustrating,any input would be great guys thanks.

Sat, 01/11/2014 - 13:34
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/10/2010 - 23:00

What I've always done in every game.....

start from a standing start and work on gear 1 first...set it so when you smash the gas the tires chirp a bit....you don't want to set it short and sit on the line spinning while the others drive off :) 

than an find the longest straight on the track your tuning for and set it just a tad shy of the redline at the end of the straight.

once you have the first and last gears set go through the rest and evenly space them out.

go back on track and run laps and see what your car is doing exiting corners, generally in a fwd car you don't want to go below 3rd unless there's a hairpin.  Take note if your car is bogging down or close to redlining than adjust that gear to fit.

being a honda you wanna keep the revs high as that's were there power range is.

the other option is google the manufactures gears spec and set them to that than just adjust the final gear according to track.

hope that makes sense and helps you out!



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