[FM5] Sunday night interest - 2000 CST
Wed, 02/19/2014 - 14:05
[FM5] Sunday night interest - 2000 CST
Okay so I'm looking to see how many would be interested in some Sunday night goofing off.
Time: 8 PM Central for 1 hour.
Tracks: Varies
Car: A and below.
Basically I'm looking at just some fun track time in lower classes so that any new people to either the club or FM5 can join in. This is basically just a track night so nothing serious, no points, and no reason to get upset if some crashes.
I am busy this weekend so I would look to start this on March 2nd.
Sounds like fun. I have not yet raced with anyone from 2Old2Play since I joined the site. Has been a long time since I raced anyone since I avoid public lobbies.
That's usually a good time for me.
I can make that time as well
I'm down.
Let me know if this is going to happen each week or not and I'll add it to the events calendar. I'll also move it to the FM Events forum. Thanks
Well I'ld like to make it happen each week as I am usually online anyways at that time messing around. I just can't start it this weekend due to a real life.
No Problem. I'll add it the the calendar starting next week.
Moving to FM Events sub forum
Weekends are difficult for me, but if I am around, I would love to participate.
Okay this week I'm gonna go through and send everyone FR so that I can invite you all for the races. I'm thinking four races each about 15 mins long. Start off with D class and work our way up to A class. Cosmetic damage only so no one gets taken out. Again I figure this can be a time when newcomers and those of us that aren't as fast can have some fun and gain experience racing with others.
Motorhead 61 send me a fr also please franx.
Send me a fr.
Has this finished?
Racing this coming Sunday night?
Yea its over, the first week we had I think four people show. The second time I had no one show so I just went ahead and ended it. WIth everyone scattered across ps, xbox, and pc its hard to get a group. Forza 5 without the club features also makes it a pain in the ass to host club events.
Does that mean that this time slot is available?
I think it is Snappy
Well, then I am interested in running something on Sundays at either 9 or 10 PM. EST. I guess I should just create a new thread to gauge interest.
Count me in on this!