Follow this guy. I got the heads up earlier he does this a lot. DuvalMagic X360 Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 10k redemptions for a Golden Key: 5JKJ3-6TWSJ-BRXBX-K6JJJ-FXXWB still plenty left.
For those that don't follow twitter, this was sent out about midnight last night...
DuvalMagic Tomorrow (Weds) I will be tweeting two 1k redemption 5 Golden Key SHiFT codes - one in the morning and one in the evening (US Central time).
5 keys is pretty frickin generous!!!
Keep in mind SHIFT codes need to be entered in-game. YOu don't go to and click 'redeem code. So in order ot use the codes you basically gotta be in front of your xbox. If you work, you're fucked.
Yeah, this kinda sucks. Hopefully they'll give some out when some of us workin' folk can have a shot at 'em. I did get one the other night thanks to Gunny.
Grats Cool. I was was ready too, didn't matter. The took less then a minute and the were poof!! Oh well. The promise is, the next mass release will be "timed" and "coordinated" in advance.
I got 5 keys, used them all at level 25. I got lucky and basically got one of everything and it was all good shit. My character is Zero and I ended up getting a sick asssniper and class mod. It does 980 damage and has slag, should keep me going for awhile.
I was so pissed... I was ready for the codes, was sitting there to enter the first five characters and in the 10 seconds it took to enter the damn thing in all the codes were gone. Wasn't happy. How are you gonna sell a few million copies of your game and put out something that's limited to 1000 uses, bullshit.
Bunny, dupe that snipe for me ! PLEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just found a 690 with slag last night which i needed, I'm in some map full of rat people and slag riders, was having to work hard to kill shit until I found that slag in a weapon case on that map. Made it so i didn't have to work quite as hard. But a 900 dmg with slag.... yes please !
I was so pissed... I was ready for the codes, was sitting there to enter the first five characters and in the 10 seconds it took to enter the damn thing in all the codes were gone. Wasn't happy. How are you gonna sell a few million copies of your game and put out something that's limited to 1000 uses, bullshit.
They are small right now because they are testing it out. They're preparing for some massive redemptions (50k-100k)
Server test, good for next 30 minutes or so...
DuvalMagic Xbox 360: CBKB3-3BKC6-TF6J6-CRB3B-H53B3
One free gold key. Mine worked.
Another out now...
Good till 8pm cst.
Three in the bank, life is good!
I managed to snag a few this weekend despite redemption problems. Twice SHiFT was offline due to capacity issues but came up within the redemption time frame. I missed out on one that happened at 4am pacific though on a sunday no less. I guess that was intended for the easter side of the globe.
Those are all gone
Do these codes have to be redeemed through your xbox or can you do it through the website?
I couldn't find anywhere on the website to do it - I think it has to be through your box.
X360 Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 1k redemptions for 5 Golden Keys: WJKJT-RX6HB-BFRB6-WFTT3-SHK5X
WinPC Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 1k redemptions for 5 Golden Keys: CBWTB-W3W5X-FBB3J-TJB3T-KBCST
PS3 Borderlands 2 SHiFT code with 1k redemptions for 5 Golden Keys: WJKJT-RX6CH-CHJC3-ZBWT3-SHKXJ
Already used up on xbox :(
Keep in mind SHIFT codes need to be entered in-game. YOu don't go to and click 'redeem code. So in order ot use the codes you basically gotta be in front of your xbox. If you work, you're fucked.
Yeah, this kinda sucks. Hopefully they'll give some out when some of us workin' folk can have a shot at 'em. I did get one the other night thanks to Gunny.
He'll be posting codes tonight between 10-11 pm EST.
He should be posting them any time now. 5 keys per code!
Wow within 2 minutes those codes were used up. In the time it took me to fire up the xbox and enter the code they were gone. Oh well, Maybe next time.
I was sitting there ready and managed to get the 5 key code. I'm pumped. I have 6 keys left to use now.
He said they would have massive redemptions soon and it would be almost a sure thing that people could get a code.
I got 5 keys, used them all at level 25. I got lucky and basically got one of everything and it was all good shit. My character is Zero and I ended up getting a sick asssniper and class mod. It does 980 damage and has slag, should keep me going for awhile.
I was so pissed... I was ready for the codes, was sitting there to enter the first five characters and in the 10 seconds it took to enter the damn thing in all the codes were gone. Wasn't happy. How are you gonna sell a few million copies of your game and put out something that's limited to 1000 uses, bullshit.
Bunny, dupe that snipe for me ! PLEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just found a 690 with slag last night which i needed, I'm in some map full of rat people and slag riders, was having to work hard to kill shit until I found that slag in a weapon case on that map. Made it so i didn't have to work quite as hard. But a 900 dmg with slag.... yes please !
They are small right now because they are testing it out. They're preparing for some massive redemptions (50k-100k)
New golden key SHIFT codes via twitter. Good until 4am CDT:
New Code is up as of Sat. 11am EDT and availible for the next two hours.
It's for one key. Go get it!
Damn, I keep missing these.
Can someone get this stickied so people can see it straight away when it's updated?
New codes dropped! good till 8am CDT:
He tweeted this morning that he will be giving out another code sometime today.
Good till 4pm CDT.
I gave up after 10 minutes of failures but I just found that my first try at 2:04pm actually worked. It just took a while to register.
These givaways are tests to see if they can handle the load, and I think they're finding out that they need more work.
I managed to snag a few this weekend despite redemption problems. Twice SHiFT was offline due to capacity issues but came up within the redemption time frame. I missed out on one that happened at 4am pacific though on a sunday no less. I guess that was intended for the easter side of the globe.