Friday Night WvWvW for Black and White 9/21
Fri, 09/21/2012 - 09:30
Friday Night WvWvW for Black and White 9/21
Let's get some WvW going on tonight with the Guild tonight. I'm sick of those bastards on Crystal Desert nightcapping us. Let's all get on tonight and kick some ass. I'm thinking that we could do some serious damage together as a guild and retake the battle ground.
Also, make sure to join us on the 2o2p Mumble server so we can coordinate our attacks.
I will be on sometime after 9:00 EST and will join in on whatever battlegrounds you guys pick.
I will be on tonight, though probably later than some others. Since I am west, it will likely be closer to 11 EST or so. Looking forward to it though, should be fun. Hopefully the queues cooperate with the group.
I'll probably get on around 9 EST, maybe a little later, and will be on for a while.
That was some good WvW-ing tonight. Claiming that fort for the guild was awesome. Thanks everyone.
BnW, what noobs. Claiming a keep with no Buffs!
It was good, I actually think we managed to sway the match a bit. Look forward to some more WvWvW.
I played some EB after you guys logged off and things were turning around for us. We took SM from Yak's and starting dominating. I figured after I called it a night the nightcappers would just take over everything but I was surprised to check in just now to see Yak's Bend in 3rd place, us in 2nd, and Blackgate in the lead. Though only leading us by 10k points. Pretty even start to the week, hopefully it continues like this...
That's because we cheat!
Yeah, we definitely do. Last night was probably some of the best WvW I've seen in this game. For an hour before the reset and then for several hours afterward GoM was really coming together and kicking some ass. Fast forward to today and we're dead last becasue the same assholes used hacks to steal all 3 orbs again which pissed off the other two servers and led to them teaming up on us...
We got gang raped last night. This morning we owned nothing in EB. Nothing. I organized a party and we got a supply camp then took Mendons Gap. But this is silly.
Well, I transferred to Eredon Terrace. Too much frustration playing on GoM and mainly because I wanted to see if the grass was any greener elsewhere. ET is among the current top rated servers and I've heard nothing negative about it so when I saw today that it had gone from Full to High momentarily I hopped over. Waited in a queue for maybe 10 minutes then got into Borderlands. Played for about 2 hours but I gotta say it was such a big difference from playing on GoM. Very organized, lots of communication and constant PvP action. ET is currently leading CD and IoJ by a decent amount and the other two servers were both coming at us in Dreaming Bay but we held them both off. Was seriously fun.
I'd recommend making a transfer if you plan on sticking with this game for WvW purposes. I doubt GoM can recover from the bad rep it currenlty has. If our guild had been more active I'd have stayed but it seems like about 90% of the people have moved on to WoW or other things. I'll gladly transfer back or to another server if you guys plan on being active in GW2 again.
Tell me what queues are like at night, when it matters. I'm open for a guild transfer. It's a shame they don't let you take your guild perks with you. But you're right, GoM is fucked. The shit head hackers fly in, steal the orbs and the other 2 servers just beat the shit out of us.
I'm very interested in the WvW but my experience with it is so so. And I blame the fact that the other servers are just double teaming us and GoM has no chance to do anything. Can't stand getting zerg raped all the time. However, this morning when I hopped on it was a much different story. Sure, we held nothing but I was able to get a group going. We then went and took a supply depot over and held it. Then I got 10 to go to the one keep and we over took that. And that's game time was a friggin blast. It's a shame it's few and far between.
Like I said, I'm all up for transferring to a better WvW server. Just don't want to sit in forever queues. By the time the queue pops, I'm usually ready to log off.
Sorry I missed you guys Friday...ended up being out of town again.