2O2Play Topic of the month

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#1 Fri, 08/10/2012 - 16:56
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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2O2Play Topic of the month

As some of you know after reading a few areas on the site there might be winds of change happening here on 2O2Play.

Please note this mainly affect the shooting guys BUT any changes that are put through will affect us as well!!

The jist of it is this.

Quick Answer =

No one is posting in the pubic forums enough and everyone is posting in there respective clan fourms.


Long Answer =

2O4Forza is just one clan in the middle of a lot of others. (You can see the full list of clans above in the groups area)


The main issue is all of these clans are closed unless you join one. In turn that means you cannot post in any other clan forums.

So pretty much everyone is just posting on there clan forums all the time and not talking to anyone else or posting in the public area.

The issue this is causing is when someone new comes on the site all they can see is the public forums. As everyone is posting in there clan forums the public ones look dead and as such most of these new people bugger of to find somewhere else to play. and we are non the wiser.


As this trend continues we don't really get any new people on board and we don't have anything to combat natural play drop off.= and eventually 2O2P will die with the lack of players.


The solution?

I don't know this but there are 2 main ideas flying around.


1. Make every forum / Group here on 2O2Play public so everyone can see what everyone is talking about and post comments to said topics anywhere they want (Be carefull though as some people get real twitch about this 45)


2. We all start posting shit on the main forum and start using it more often. My be use it for site wide events etc.



If you want to voice your opinion on this situation 2O2Play is in right now please visit the following forum - http://www.2old2play.com/forum/talk-back/topic/do-clans-help-or-hinder-2old2play-498413


BUT please read all (or most) of the comments in that topic first.

Me and Knight have also put to Doodie that we want 2O2Race as an open forum where anyone can come and talk about racing ect and we will then direct Forza players to here. We hope that this plan will keep 2O4Forza closed even if everything else opens.


Fri, 08/10/2012 - 17:33
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/06/2011 - 23:00

The public forums are located here if anyone was unsure:



Also if you just click on the Forums tab on the top it will take you to the above link 10

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 18:00
POIDSLY's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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Yup, trying to keep up with the massive posts. It's gnarly!
Fri, 08/10/2012 - 19:16
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/10/2010 - 23:00
I suppose just opening up the form for everyone to view and post is the easiest...I've been here for 2 yrs and never gone outside our forum, oh wait yes I did I applied for a call of duty forum when I started and just got accepted a few months ago lol ?I understand trying to make the community closer which iam all for if it can be done...not sure where iam going with this but blunt of it is I came here for forza talk and info not halo....if I wanted halo info I would go there so opening up the forums once they have been accepted to 202P would be best, cause i honestly wouldnt post much in the general forum unless it really interested me like electonics , tech info or site info
Fri, 08/10/2012 - 19:28
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Trouble is some folk out there are right dicks, sad but empirically experienced, by restricting views and posts to members, we can easily deal with the very very rare dick that get through the gates, I can think of only one in the time I have been here. Yes we are all capable of being a temporary dick (I can see the hole I'm digging) but on the whole this is a special place that should stay as it is, protected like a world heritage site LOL...It's an opinion only of course.

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 20:44
Wheels's picture
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Is the issue Money?

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 05:52
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Not really Wheels, though I can see a need for 2O4F as a group chipping in to the general cost of running the site. A small amount from each member per quarter for example would cover that. But that is down to the club leaders to get together and chat about. It is more that the Site Model is flawed. As a prospective new site member arrives they cannot see the activity going on, the open forums are dead, with very few posts. This is because we are all behind the walls of our forums. Now that in itself is not a bad thing, it gives us a sense of community and a safe environment free of every Tom Dick or Harry  commenting on and posting about stuff irrelevant to us. Okay, from our point of view the new 2O2Race open forum can have a Forza corner where we can create a shop window for what happens here. An outline of the series to be found, a profile of our various organizers, tuners and painters example and pictures to really show what we are up to. Once done it does not need to be constantly added to in any day to day dynamic way, just monitored and kept up to date. So for the Racer side of things we are ready I think for whatever changes are to happen in the wider world of 2O4F

We as a group are quite safe, there are no moves afoot to disband us or drag us kicking and screaming in the the bright light of day and hopefully 2O2Play can make a better job of getting the new members the site as a whole needs.

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 08:37
POIDSLY's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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I would be happy to contribute financially, specifically as a member of 2O4F. I think it is essential that we retain a private area. I do however think that "clans" and forums need restructuring to provide an active open area. Specifically that the forum front page is less cluttered and it is easy for a newcomer racer (or FPS, RPG dude for that matter for their respective areas), whatever their focus, be it PC, GT5, Forza, Dirt etc to find a GENERAL RACING OPEN FORUM. I know, I know, we have that, sort of, but the reality is that it looks unloved and not terribly welcoming. We need somewhere that we are active that non members can take part and interact. This would be a window into our community and would be a real draw. Get a peak at paradise, and seeing whether thats what theyre looking for, before being handed the key. It might be as simple as group admins having the choice to declare a topic/thread open and for it then to be visible in the open race forum. OPEN topics might be red in the thread list, PRIVATE green. Is it possible? That would mean members would know what can and can't be seen publicly, keep the threads all together for easy navigation, but provide an ACTIVE open area for interaction with newcomers and importantly other 2O2P members. The ACTIVE and OPEN bit is really what is being argued about because it is that which will create a sense of community and it is that that will retain and recruit. 2O4F is amazing but we exist within a greater organism that is 2O2P. As a major group we should be part of the solution. I hope Ive not confused the hell out of you guys. It's Cotters opininion that I respect in the end. He made this immediate community and it's him who does most of the driving so to speak.
Sat, 08/11/2012 - 10:21
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
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Yes we have nothing like that at the moment, the open threads are unfocussed and contain nothing because no one wants the bother of trying to keep track of a topic that is split between two different places. The active posters here are the minority, as is the norm on every forum. Most of the members pop in see what's happening and pop out nary a word typed. Those of us that do post regularly tend to be the same guys, this means a kind of clique who have developed a short hand that new members have to be around a while to get the hang of. The Church maneuver for example. This is meaningless outside this forum.

Hence the new forum, it will have it's own admin so Cotter does not have the extra work that bringing in a whole new set of people, threads, sub forums etc will entail. Series organizers need only make sure their events are featured on the new forum and information is kept up to date. This ensures people coming to the site can see what is going on, see there is an active race scene being run by this group, and apply to join if Forza is their thing. Something that is not easy to see at the moment,.

We have the advantage of our members actively pointing folk in this direction from other forums, and as there is just one Forza group here, we are perhaps one of the easiest groups to join and that also means although Racing in the wider world of gaming is one of the smaller gaming genres...around 5% according to one of the posters in the original discussion on the blog, we are the biggest single group on the site. So we are getting it right, we just need to show we are getting it right to the site in general.

Sat, 08/11/2012 - 11:22
mavictb's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Im not against a small donation on my part but to be honest the best way to make money is open the club forums to all and make sure there are embedded ads to generate added revinue. No one likes ads but they do bring in a stedy income to keep a site like this running. I have also seen forums have perks for donators like flash games with leaderboards and special titles and things like that. In any case I Feel it should be more of sub forums on the main forum but still viewable by all 202p members. To post youd need an invite. That way your still getting higher hit counts on ads but still maintaining control of the community.

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