2O4F club Gamertags/FoF Lists...

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#1 Wed, 09/19/2012 - 09:37
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 07/10/2007 - 23:00

2O4F club Gamertags/FoF Lists...

Hey gang.. I try to stay on top of this myself most of the time, but some of you may not be aware that I have 4 "club gamertags" That can be used as extra friends lists so tp speak. Whnen a new member joins, I usually send a FR to them from one of these gamertags. By viewing these gamertags friends lists, I can then find members who aren't on my own list. BTW, Don't take it personally if you're not on my list, i"m constantly adding & removing people in order to send tunes, add new guys etc. But you guys can use these tag's friends lists as well. I'll post instructions below for how to view another gamertag's friends list for those of you who may not know how. AS of right now, I have one tag that is completely full with active members (Active 2O4F), The other 2 tags are now starting to catch the overflow, but their lists are pretty short since I've been trying to keep as menay people on one tag as possible. So now I need some of you to add yourselves to the other tags so you'll be able to find our newest people if they aren't on your own lists already.


So the gamertags are:

Active 2O4F-Currently full

a2Old4Forza-Needs more active members so the new people can find them This is where I'm adding new people now

AA 2O2P Forza3-Currently not really needed. A fw people on there, but most not active

X 2Old4ForzaToo-Currently inactive as well.


How to use these tags:

1-Send a Friend request to the desired tag

2-once I've accepted your request, open your dashboard & look at your friends list.

3-Find the clan gamertag & selsct it with the "A" button in order to view the tag.

4-Whehn viewing the tag, you will notice 2 tabs at the top of the profile. Use your directional pad to move over to the "personal Profile" tab. You will see the option to "view friends" Select it with the "A" button.

You will then be taken to that tag's friends list.

You can't join someone directly using these tags, but at least you can see who's playing so you can send them a msg & ask for an invite of ask if there's anything going on. Or to invite people to your own lobby if you want to start one.


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