2Old2Race Now OPEN!!
Mon, 08/13/2012 - 02:42
2Old2Race Now OPEN!!
So your new around here then?
You looking at how dire the racing forums are thinking "No one plays here"?
Have no fear. Here at 2O2Play we have one of the biggest Forza group's on the internet, With over 800+ members I'm sure you will agree.
If you want to be apart of Forza why not head over to the New in Town topic and ask to join that awesome group!!
So now your thinking. "I don't play Forza"
Well a new and exciting open group is coming to 2O2Play soon. 2Old2Race!!
What is 2O2Race you ask?
2Old2Race will be an open Forum group that will not be dedicated to any one game. We will primarily be focusing on PC racing game's but will have dedicated sections to other games and platform.
Woot woot!
Now open http://www.2old2play.com/forums/divisions/2o2race
Hmm, I just saw this...
Somebody is trolling for posts.
No worries oldschool.
I just seen your post 2 days after you post it
I belive he is trying to catch Knight up
I just saw this too...but then I already knew...but anything to get another post
Church can you edit the title of this thread and replace "Now Open" with "PC Racing" It's the only reference to our forum under that Game Genres tab, so a little more clarity is called for :)
I think I'm lost :/
Whatcha looking for Stewie?
Where everyone go??
Most everyone is still @ 2old4forza. http://www.2old2play.com/forums/games/2old4forza
A few have moved on. Most of my gaming has shifted to PC now...especially w/ most of the guys moving to XBone (still have a 360 and have since teminated XBL). 2old2race was started to try to jumpstart any guys around here that were interested in racing on the PC.
Where'd everyone go? I've been over on PC for about year... It's a bit loanly...
Ah, well just not enough people spead among too many titles and across too many time zones. It made trying to run races an object in frustration. I keep the forum open because if anyone need help or has a question about PC racing then it's good to have a place for that...and the hope that one day maybe things will change. :)