4v4 - NO SPRINT - Competitive Customs Thursday Nights
Mon, 09/09/2013 - 11:53
4v4 - NO SPRINT - Competitive Customs Thursday Nights
What: Competitive 4v4 customs using the new EU competitive settings. All gametypes are NO SPRINT!!
Gametypes (Available in fileshare: HS Ramirez)
Pitfall (CTF, TS)
Simplex (CTF, TS)
Dispatch (CTF, TS)
Skyline (CTF)
Haven (Extraction, TS)
Onyx (TS)
Who: All are welcome. The gametypes are competitive but the atmosphere will be casual. The teams will be balanced to keep things fun.
When: Thursday nights starting around 9 PM EST.
Try to RSVP post so others will know to get on.
My schedule varies, but if I'm on, I will play customs.
I'll play. Throw monolith and ricochet in there.
As Dixon said, we'll try to choose fair teams, so no one should feel excluded because of their skill level. This is meant to be a casual customs night that uses more competitive-ish gametypes versus the "big team" format of Deep's customs.
Jim - 6v6 might be a bit crowded, but some of the gametypes could work 5v5. I had 4v4's in mind initially, but am up for whatever people want to play. You're welcome to host and I'm good with ricochet and Monolith.
I haven't played much competitive on H4 yet, but I'm game. If we make a night in advance I'll be sure to do my best to be there.
I'm down for 4v4 goodness.
I'd like to keep it at 4v4 because I'm boring like that. What night is good? I can try to send some messages to the other competitive folks that used to visit the forums and see if we can't scare a couple up for dedicated competitive nights.
If we can do 5v5 exclusively that'd be great.
More dicks for you to swing on. I understand completely.
I usually game on Tuesday and am flexible with advance notice
Wednesday is the only night I can't play.
DC or Dixon can host I write that post before I saw yours.
Wife has night class on Wednesdays, so that's my best bet.
Love me some Customs.
Well, this needs to get shoved along. GTA comes out next week, so that'll be fun to compete with. What day is good for folks to roll some 4v4?
I will be on again tonight. Maybe we can get 4 again. LOL
Fuck it. Lets do this tonight. 6 or more folks for customs, 5 and under gets us Flag or Infinity Slayer.
What time, bitchassness?
I'll be on as well, so send me an invite if there's room. I'm on DC's friend list and the 2o2p FoF as well.
Decent showing tonight, for the first time, and short notice. We reliably had 6 for a while, and then had 8 for a spell as well. We definitely need to do this more frequently. I'll make more of an effort to be on around 8ish or 9ish Eastern so we can get some good customs up and running.
Sorry I didn't get on last night to play. I haven't been on to check the forums the past couple of days as I've been trying to shake a nasty virus. Dixon did send me a message though, so thanks.
I promise to try to snap out of my Diablo 3 addiction and play some Halo. In all honesty, I do kind of miss playing, because it's been probably since the beginning of summer that I played on a regular basis. Hopefully this will help me get back in the game, even though my already lacking Halo skills will certainly have diminished after not hardly playing in months. Hell, I struggle if I don't play for a couple of days...lol
Thanks again for the game guys, will definitely try to make more of these to get back into the swing of competitive settings, I got thoroughly pooed on last night haha.
Good shit. I'm up for some customs tonight - probably earlier in the evening and maybe some late night. At this point, do we have all the maps and gametypes we need? Let's store them in a file share or 2 for easy access.
I don't have them at all. I have some old V4 things, but nothing more recent. We need a central place for them, or to get them in the hands of as many people as possible.
Ders, you were fine. You'll get your legs under you sson enough. If you hit a rut and want to get better, we can Octagon it up or do some practice and work through whatever ails you.
DC, can you compile the maps and such?
Sure, always up to play Octagon. Just having a bit of fun at my own expense, I hadn't played competitive Halo in a long time and it showed! Just need to knock the rust off.
thanks for the invite, sorry I got sidetracked last night. I was on but my box is running an autoplay for NBA Jam this week so I wasn't actually on. Tonight I'm on a podcast. Friday I have a birthday party.
I'll be around......... sometime. :)
I may be around tonight, but running with my "clan" as we try to crank things back up after taking break from Group Nights over the summer. We'll see how it goes.
If there's room, bring them in. We had a few folks that came in that tend to not be competitive folks, but are members of the site. All are welcome.
The V4 Team Throwdown maps and gametypes are in my share now including a "test" version of v5 Pitfall.
Ghost has the latest and greatest in his fileshare at: gh057ayame
I had fun aside from having a 4 shot BR one game, and 5 shot the next ;)
I would turn on my xbox for some 4v4 goodness.