Account Hacked - FIFA!!!!

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#1 Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:25
demonhellcat's picture
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Account Hacked - FIFA!!!!

My account was hacked so some dueche bag could buy themselves some FIFA crap.  I changed my live id password and they still re-hijacked my profile.  All in all they wiped me out of 1,300 points but didn't use the card attached to my account. Due to the second hijack I called MS and reported it and got my account locked.  Funny thing is I can still log in on my xbox??  Has anyone else dealt with this?  I figured I wouldn't be able to log in at all or does it just limit the functionality somehow?  Or maybe it just takes some time, this just happened this afternoon.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 18:56
Zero7159's picture
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When my live account was hacked, I was not able to log in to my account and thus I was not able to continue my save games, use my DLC or utilize my Gold account.  M$ should be able to get the account back to you, it just takes some time.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 19:02 (Reply to #2)
demonhellcat's picture
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I realize now once I go into a game it boots me offline.  I should be able to advance offline stuff... if all else fails I'll unplug the ethernet cord and play 100% offline until it's fixed.   Biggest problem is Hulu and Netflix don't work while it's locked so now the wife has a reason to be mad at the hackers too.

Was the FIFA situation your problem too?  How long did it take them to sort yours out.  The low level rep I talked to said 2-3 days which matches what people are saying, others have said 3-4 weeks... luckily they didn't steal any money from by bank account, I could see getting that refund taking longer.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 19:01
ienjoylemons's picture
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This FIFA thing is common.  Although normally you're stuck for 21 days (I think) for MS to fix it. 

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 19:44
Zero7159's picture
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My problem had nothing to do with FIFA.  Rather, I owned an original Xbox Live beta tester account that was coveted by hackers.  I never got it back and thus I had to start all over again.  That being said, while M$ was trying to get the account back for me, it took about a week to get the account reset email.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 20:00 (Reply to #5)
demonhellcat's picture
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Zero7159 wrote:

My problem had nothing to do with FIFA.  Rather, I owned an original Xbox Live beta tester account that was coveted by hackers.  I never got it back and thus I had to start all over again.  That being said, while M$ was trying to get the account back for me, it took about a week to get the account reset email.

That stinks... in my case I was lucky that the hacker wasn't smart enough to change the live id password when he gained control of my account so I was able to recover back to my xbox.  I had regained full control of my account before calling xbox support and getting it locked.

Once I realized I'd been hacked I changed my password and I thought that would solve it (I didn't want to deal with MS and I had only lost about $5).  Well, a couple hours later he re-hacked and took the rest of my points... I recovered my profile AGAIN and called support pronto.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 21:34
psybertech's picture
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So... soccer hooligans, eh? hehe

Sorry man, that sucks. But you are lucky they didn't do much more. I don't understand why they would buy stuff with your points. Wouldn't they have to use your account to use them or is there a way they can transfer the stuff they bootied to another account? If they can't I don't see why they would bother wasting the time hacking anyone's account.


Anyway.. hope you get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 21:53
demonhellcat's picture
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psyber, I'm guessing he's buying 'cards' that can be traded to his normal account. He actually played Fifa on my profile and earned me 3 achievements. 

Sun, 03/25/2012 - 23:25
FungulousRex's picture
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Happened to me and also to a buddy of mine. I had no bank account associated with my account at the time LUCKILY! But my friend had his account locked for a little shy of a month. This is a common hack but Microsoft and EA won't cop to the issue (fuckers) so you have to suffer the regulated "investigation" period.

Mon, 03/26/2012 - 15:21
demonhellcat's picture
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After reading this post over on the official xbox forums:

I believe the hacker never actually had my password (possibly not even my live id).  What this person describes is almost identical to what I experienced.  I mean if the hacker had my password why didn't he change it to something else once he got my account thus not allowing me to recover it.  You know why he didn't, because he NEVER had my password which is required when changing the password.  So is anyone suseptable to this hack?  I really don't think it's a coincidince this is happening with FIFA exclusively... most of the other EA sports games have an "ultimate team" function that would seem just as lucrative.

So, smart people (psyber, basher - I'm looking at you) do you think it's possible that people are truly HACKING xbox live through FIFA somehow?  Completely bypassing the username/password securlty system?  Either through an exploit in FIFA... or a modded xbox or combo of the two?

Tue, 03/27/2012 - 17:40 (Reply to #10)
psybertech's picture
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demonhellcat wrote:
So, smart people (psyber, basher - I'm looking at you) do you think it's possible that people are truly HACKING xbox live through FIFA somehow?  Completely bypassing the username/password securlty system?  Either through an exploit in FIFA... or a modded xbox or combo of the two?
The way I understand it is that this tpe of compromise is a password compromise. It is one that has nothing to do with the Xbox and everything to do with and the passport system.

If someone physically stole your xbox and has your whole profile and files, I do not know a way to extract the stored passport password. That does not mean it is not possible. I just confirmed that no public or even semi-private 'tools' out there support or claim to have a password extractor.

Now someone might have that ability. If it is in a file (which it is) someone can find a way to get at it.

I don't think that is the case though.

I won't ask you your password, but you eluded to possibly using the same passwords ona few accounts and if your XBL was shared with something else, than that is probably it.


I know this isn't what you asked for, but a real good password hint for you is:

1) never use a real word found in a dictionary (or a common phrase, with or without spaces between the words) - dictionary brute force hacks can easily get your passwords

2) my favorite passwords are the ones everyone tells you NOT to use. Never use your name or birthday. 

I do (no longer but this method is still applied) ... 

my name = Jason

my birthday is 121272

my password is then 1j2a1s2o7n2

I type out my birthday first, return the cursor to the beginning, move one charatcer over, then hit J, forward a char, A, fwd a char, S, etc, etc, etc. It is faster than you would think!


This is a scheme I use all the time but not with my name and birthdate since when I teach people parts of security I obviously don't want to tell them. I do use common words and a date and the 'interweaving' method and I have never forgot a password or have been brute force hacked and I even ran a program for 6 months against a medium length one (12 characters if I recall) and it never came close and it never would.

I tend to use 16 plus chars in any serious password and 8-10 in others but always 'interweave' 2-4 words/dates.

You get into a rythym when typing them and again, you never forget the words, you just have to remember the pattern (date first, go back name or name first, go back date, etc).


Anyway.. it does seem someone got your password and just hit and went to town. Glad you are sorted. The history of the FIFA (and other EA game) stuff apparently dates back quite a bit. People get REAL money for in game items somehow so that will entice people more with cash money out there! Fuckers.


Tue, 03/27/2012 - 16:00
demonhellcat's picture
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So maybe I jumped to conclusions too soon.  My gmail account (which shared a password with my live id) got hacked today and attempted to send spam messages to people.  Luckily Google has there shit together and locked it down VERY quickly, only one e-mail actually went through... to my mom... who clicked the link to who know's where.  So with that evidence I guess it probably was a password theft, not a hack... I doubt the gmail hacking is a coincedence.  My only question is which came first.  Anyways lesson learned, I will not share passwords anymore... at least all passwords for things that have access to money will be different.  I'll just have to make me a list of them...  so much for the convienance of being able to remember passwords off the top of my head.

PS, and to those interested, I got an e-mail from xbox today...  it literally only took them 48 hours to finish the investigation and reinstate my account.

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 11:17
TonyDiamond's picture
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all  i can say is there must be alot of soccor players out there. thats what got me account a few months back....

it would be nice if all the hackers at mircosoft could get ahead of these guys lol!!!!!

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