Another Secret Code Out There, but Wait...
Tue, 11/20/2012 - 08:36
Another Secret Code Out There, but Wait...
There is a prerequisite. You must finish all the missions (15) in the first 3 episodes of Spartan Ops solo or on co-op on legendary difficulty. The code gets you 2500 XP, the Raider left and right shoulder skins and some other goodies. Vid below gives the details:
Nice. Thanks. :)
looks like I need to finish episode 3 today.... I just made myself sad thinking of half life
And here I just did the latest episode on Heroic! Guess I should do that one again hehe
Thanks for posting this, nice find
I can spen a lot less time and get a lot more XP just doing mp.
Yeah that's true hehe
But this also gives a skin for the raider armor right? Probably the only way to get it too
I liked the story and action of the third episode quite a bit more than the first two as well
got it, thanks!