Any dates for new maps?
Mon, 11/26/2012 - 23:20
Any dates for new maps?
Anyone in the rumor mill hear anything on some new maps, even if they are forged? I know Halo Council found some possible info for the first pack of DLC but I have yet to even see the remaining maps that came on the disc to be incorperated into matchmaking. I know I cannot be the only one out there getting a little tired of Haven.
BTW here is the link I found earlier.
Take that with a grain of salt.
Actually, I'm not sure I can get tired of Haven. I don't want to find out what my limit is, though.
I found mine
Since I can't seem to put words to it, please tell me why I love this map so damn much. I have no idea why, but I could play Haven in every game and not grow tired of it. It's so plain Jane and yet so awesome at the same time.
surely there must be some better explanation of why it is so good.
You have a few good shooting lanes, but that's made up for with the number of short-range angles you get. You can shoot from the hallways to the landing pads, from the hallways to the top-middle, from the landing pads to the first level, and so forth. That's one of the main ways that haven differs from, say, Zealot or Construct, and further from, say, Midship.
Zealot was round-ish and size-wise, is pretty congruent. The big differences stem from the Reach grenades and how strong they were, the Reach DMR, and simply the number of firing lanes. It's that hole in the floor or the holes in the walls that give you those firing angles, and that crack along the celing that lets you throw grenades through it to hit those folks from another angle, even when you can't see them but you know they're there. Zealot was one tube to another, until you met up with an opponent. Of note: Zealot had that horribly stupid idea about going off into space that was fixed by Forging those tunnels closed. Thanks for another great fucking idea that we can murder and bury along with dual wielding, equipment, and bloom.
Construct was a lot bigger than these maps, and had three defined levels, although the walls separating them were minimal. Team shooting was abundant, which made this map great for slayer and hill, and after MLG balanced the map, it ended up being an amazingly playable map that demanded you have a plan to get to all three levels by putting the overshield in the basement that spawned a minute after the game started/after the first hill left.
Midship is the smallest of these maps, but, like Construct, has amazing areas and levels for generating a team shot. There are other angles and avenues that aren't obvious at your first playing of the map, but become mandatory after figuring them out (pink 3, carbine 3). Additionally, every gametype works here.
You love Haven because Haven is in the top shelf of all Halo maps. It's up there with Midship and Lockout and The Pit. You love it because it has more in common with those maps, than, say, Ghost Town.
You're answering your own questions there. That's how you play Haven, without PV, without jetpack, and with set weapon spawns.
Haven is alright, but it has many problems. Not the least of which is the stupid drop down cracks.
The cracks in the top mid floor at the bad part of Haven, IMO. They are in just the right spot to ruin any back and forth between upper and lower. Upper always has the advantage because they can throw grenades all over without a response, and they can drop down at any time without warning - since you can't really tell how close they are to the drop while checking radar. You think they're above but then they're right behind you. I hate that.
Playing without radar alleviates some of that.
As far as the Forged maps that are already on the disc, what I've read is that the reason they're not in the matchmaking rotation is that they're known to cause problems for some people, especially those playing on split-screen. Locking up xbox, screen tearing, texture popping problems. The system just has a hard time keeping track of that many items. It's barely able to do it for one player, but to split it up into what it should look like for 2 people at the same time bogs down the system.
343, it seems, really puched the graphical limits of the system and may have sacrificed quite a few other aspects of the game to do it.
Joystiq article about the first map pack.
Fuck. Those look completely useless.
nothing small to medium symmetrical.
I'll buy them, complain about them. Then buy the next ones.
Aww, I'm too late to point out the first map pack will be 3 BTB maps with lots of vehicles, much to Dixon's dismay.
Trailer for Crimson Map Pack