Any interest in an MT vs 2old2play Reach scrim/mixer?

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Sat, 06/16/2012 - 16:25 (Reply to #61)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:
The 30th is the night I can do it. I am doing the bf3 mixer on the 29th.


Yeah, we're definitely going to have to do the 30th.  My old department just had 2 people up and quit so I'm going to be working my current lab job plus my old lab job starting the 22nd.  I'll have about 1 day off every week from then until the middle of August.  My summer just went to shit.  Anyway, because of this, I'll be holding some map walk-throughs this coming Thursday night (the 21st).  I'll show some setups, vital places to hold, etc on the maps and go over their settings.  If we have enough, maybe we can scrimmage eachother (2o2p vs 2o2p) so everyone can get a feel of the maps.  I'll start at 8pm est for those that are interested.  I may also upload some walk throughs of the maps for people that can't make it.

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 21:00 (Reply to #62)
wamam87's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:
The 30th is the night I can do it. I am doing the bf3 mixer on the 29th.


Yeah, we're definitely going to have to do the 30th.  My old department just had 2 people up and quit so I'm going to be working my current lab job plus my old lab job starting the 22nd.  I'll have about 1 day off every week from then until the middle of August.  My summer just went to shit.  Anyway, because of this, I'll be holding some map walk-throughs this coming Thursday night (the 21st).  I'll show some setups, vital places to hold, etc on the maps and go over their settings.  If we have enough, maybe we can scrimmage eachother (2o2p vs 2o2p) so everyone can get a feel of the maps.  I'll start at 8pm est for those that are interested.  I may also upload some walk throughs of the maps for people that can't make it.


cool. i'm gonna do a write up on the front page and stuff like that. who knows, maybe we'll pick up a few more people.


if you don't want me to do that yet, just let me know. i probably won't get to do it until tomorrow night or monday night, but i'll get started on it tonight so i can post it as soon as you give the go ahead.wink

Sun, 06/17/2012 - 18:50 (Reply to #63)
I6_Hitman's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:
The 30th is the night I can do it. I am doing the bf3 mixer on the 29th.


either day work for me, count me in.... i can live stream both mixers on the 2old2play twitch channel if you guys want...

Sun, 06/17/2012 - 19:53
OldnAchy's picture
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I should be available for the walk thrus on Thursday and definitely available the evening of the 30th.

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 10:00
halo2teacher's picture
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As I posted on the thread in our forum, I'd love to mix it up with your Master Theory guys- just so they'll know we're not all dicks. (Oh, I meant we don't all have dicksangel) Not sure if you're ignoring me, Lase, or if I didn't post in the "official" thread. Let me know if you need me- Nirv

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 08:13 (Reply to #66)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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halo2teacher wrote:

As I posted on the thread in our forum, I'd love to mix it up with your Master Theory guys- just so they'll know we're not all dicks. (Oh, I meant we don't all have dicksangel) Not sure if you're ignoring me, Lase, or if I didn't post in the "official" thread. Let me know if you need me- Nirv


No, I didn't forget you.  How could I forget my favorite sniper target?  wink  

Thu, 06/28/2012 - 22:24 (Reply to #67)
painkiller2112's picture
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 I am a 204F member and love to play halo. so if u need a stand-in. send me a message. I am always on.                                                                     

Thu, 06/28/2012 - 22:26 (Reply to #68)
painkiller2112's picture
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halo2teacher wrote:

As I posted on the thread in our forum, I'd love to mix it up with your Master Theory guys- just so they'll know we're not all dicks. (Oh, I meant we don't all have dicksangel) Not sure if you're ignoring me, Lase, or if I didn't post in the "official" thread. Let me know if you need me- Nirv

                    Outstanding comment!!!!  LMAO

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 04:56
CBOE01's picture
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"likely be BTB type games"

I'm in. ;)

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 11:43
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I've also decided on a list of maps we can play on Saturday the 30th.  I did a mix of original Reach maps plus some forged maps (all settings).  There's 8 different maps so I think that will be more than enough if you're figuring about 10 minutes per map.  If we still have enough on and finished this list, there's a couple more that offers that aren't listed.  Anyway, if we have enough on for the walk throughs tonight, we may be able to scrimmage on a couple of the forged maps so come the 30th, 2o2p isn't going in blind.  I also did a quick run through on all the maps listed except for Tempest (all weapons are the same except there's a laser in the middle), highlighting power weapons and general layout.  If you can't make it tonight or you want to get an upperhand before tonight, feel free to watch them.


Here's the list of maps and gametypes for the 30th:

1 Flag Boardwalk

Assault Exile

Slayer Fortress

Multi-flag Tempest

Slayer Eden

1 Bomb Headlong

Slayer Alectrona

Territories Breakpoint


And some general info about weapon spawn times and game info:


Slayer - 15 minute time limit, 100 kill limit.
1 Flag - 2 rounds of 7 minutes each, unlimited scoring.
Multi Flag - 15 minute time limit, 3 points to win. Flag juggling enabled.
1 Bomb - 2 round of 10 minutes each, unlimited scoring.
Assault - 15 minutes, neutral bomb, 3 detonations to win. Instant arm, 10 second fuse, 3 second disarm.
Territories - 4 rounds of 5 minutes each, teams alternate between offense and defense of 5 territories.

All objective gametypes: - 1 minute of Sudden Death.

For the maps here is a rundown of the most powerful weapon timers:

Rocket Launcher (neutral, 1 reload) - 180s
Rocket Launcher (sided, no reloads) - 120s
Spartan Laser - 180s
Sniper Rifle (neutral, 2 spare clips) - 180s
Sniper Rifle (sided, 1 spare clip) - 120s

They will be on drop spawns, so like in MLG you want to be keeping track of the game timer because the weapons will spawns consistently throughout a game.



If you want to attend tonight either send me a friend request or a message around 8pm est asking for an invite.  As always, pants are optional.

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 21:13
wamam87's picture
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just got home a little bit ago. the team i coach ran over at practice today. i knew i wouldn't make it until at least 8:30, but i never thought i wouldn't get home until 9:30.


thanks for the vids. i'm pumped for this and can't wait until saturday. i have the whole day off and will be ready when it's time. (read that as intoxicated by game timewink)

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 21:42 (Reply to #72)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

just got home a little bit ago. the team i coach ran over at practice today. i knew i wouldn't make it until at least 8:30, but i never thought i wouldn't get home until 9:30.


thanks for the vids. i'm pumped for this and can't wait until saturday. i have the whole day off and will be ready when it's time. (read that as intoxicated by game timewink)


Remember, it's the 30th, not this coming Saturday.  :p

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 17:20
Lbsutke's picture
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thanks for posting the vids and info and stuff. That should help me out. I have to work tonight but am looking forward to it.

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 09:27
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Mon, 06/25/2012 - 17:14
I6_Hitman's picture
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so whats the roster for 2old2play? do we have enough ppl?

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 03:02 (Reply to #76)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I6_Hitman wrote:
so whats the roster for 2old2play? do we have enough ppl?


Here's who I have so far (and PLEASE let me know if I forgot someone or you can't make it).














Double T


That's 14, and assuming a couple people can't make it or forget, I still think we'll have enough.  I'm actually more worried about the numbers for Master Theory since many are on vacation or have started summer jobs while college is out lol

Mon, 06/25/2012 - 23:46
I6_Hitman's picture
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Here's a poster i whipped up for the mixer... i'll post it on the twitch channel before the live stream...


Tue, 06/26/2012 - 03:04
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Sweet poster Hitman!  I added one more to the list that I forgot.  So that makes 14.

Thu, 06/28/2012 - 15:30
OldnAchy's picture
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Unfortunately a family emergency has arisen that is going to require me to be out of town this weekend and I will not be able to play. Please strike me from the 202p roster.
Fri, 06/29/2012 - 14:38
Valek's picture
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I'm still in for tomorrow @ 9pm. Is that eastern or central time?

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 15:33
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Fri, 06/29/2012 - 16:37
CBOE01's picture
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Lookin' forward to this, but havin' ISP issues the last few weeks...soooo if I quit out, it's the connection failing.

I don't quit.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 16:45
I6_Hitman's picture
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Fri, 06/29/2012 - 19:23
Phantom_Sol's picture
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Just wanted to drop in and say good luck guys!!! Rep us well and have fun.



Fri, 06/29/2012 - 20:35 (Reply to #85)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Phantom_Sol wrote:

Just wanted to drop in and say good luck guys!!! Rep us well and have fun.


Fri, 06/29/2012 - 23:45
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Also, I can hop in if you need me.  I've got something going on tomorrow night, but if I can/need to shove a couple games in there, I will.

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 23:57
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I'll be there.
Sat, 06/30/2012 - 17:35
Styles's picture
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Ive been working late into the night every day this week and now I'm in the studio today still at it and I dont think Ill get a break to jump on..  If I'm on Ill jump in... sorry.

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 21:36
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Thanks for the games lady and gents!  I appreciate all that showed and hoped everyone had a good time!  Thanks for streaming Hitman!  I couldn't watch all the time because my internet wouldn't allow for both playing and watching, but I enjoyed the games and hope everyone did too.

Sat, 06/30/2012 - 22:28
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I checked it out but I believe it was all but over when I did. Poo.

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