Anybody see/hear comparisons between BF4 platforms?
Wed, 11/27/2013 - 10:30
Anybody see/hear comparisons between BF4 platforms?
Just curious what the differences are for this game on the different consoles/PC. It would be cool to see a side-by-side comparison between the Xbox 360 and the Xbone, similar to the one we got between the PS4 and the Xbone. I've heard mixed information, including that it might actually play better on the 360 due to game software not being up to par with what the Xbone and PS4 can offer. There's a lot of information/hype out there, I trust the consumer's voice...
Wow, the PS4 version just seems to be a port from the last gen console version of the game while the XBox1 had to be either ported from the PC version or optimized for it. I know EA has some kind of relationship with Microsoft this game, that is clearly dissapointing for the PS4 version because it clearly could have been much better.
What do you mean? I don't really see a difference between the PS4 and the Xbox One.
It seems huge too me, particularly the textures and lighting.
Thanks, I've already seen those. What I'm most interested in is seeing a comparison of the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One.
I guess I should've just searched YouTube ;) here's a comparison vid between the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One