Anyone else experiencing problems with 343/Halowaypoint servers?

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#1 Sun, 01/04/2015 - 01:51
Handsome Jack's picture
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Anyone else experiencing problems with 343/Halowaypoint servers?

I just moved and had a couple of friends over to play the xbox, drink and hang out.   We played a ton of Forza customs, and after getting tired of leaving them in the dust, we turned to the Halo 5 beta.  It kept sayng something about an error connecting to their servers and to restart the beta.  Did that about 4 or 5 times, then went to see if anyone else was having the same issues on and the website keeps timing out.   Not having problems at all connecting to any other website at all.  Anyone else having this issue, or have had it before?

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 13:06
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I've had better results finding games quickly in the H5 beta than tMCC, however, I believe there was ano Xbox live status alert last night that affected MM for many games.  

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 15:15
Duke12's picture
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Seems hit or miss as to who can get into what 343wise. Based on limited attempts yesterday and today, so not exactly scientific, I have gotten into MCC Big Team Battle 2 out of 2 times, and H5 Beta 0 out of 5 tries yesterday and 0 out of 1 try today. Again, Open NAT on XB1. Firmware on my router can't be upgraded anymore (no longer supported), so it's possible that may be my problem.

Sun, 01/04/2015 - 15:58
Tristan's picture
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Try plugging your XB1 directly into your modem. If removing the router from the setup fixes your problems, there's your answer.

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 02:21
Handsome Jack's picture
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It ended up being a network issue.  Turns out, my new roomate failed to mention that his access point was really a repeater getting the internet from a neighbors house.  Speedwise it was ok, but then found out the original access point that the repeater was getting internet from had a moderate NAT.  That pretty much means no Beta for me, or any xbox live for that matter, minus Rivals in Forza.  Bummer. At least I can check it out from time to time on Twitch. :-\ Oh well, hope Halo 5 Guardians turns out to be a great game when it's released.  Anyone know if the've announced an exact release date yet?

Wed, 01/07/2015 - 02:24
Handsome Jack's picture
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On another point.  It still doesn't explain how I can't access  Think it's an IP ban?  Then I'm screwed, at least until I can get our own internet service.  But I don't get paid until next Friday.


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