Armored Kill - download
Tue, 09/11/2012 - 08:06
Armored Kill - download
So you might want to prepare some time to download the updated map pack.
I started it at 7am and its now taken an hour and im only at 50% complete... (its currently 8:05am CST)
better start the download before you leave for work! just a heads up
Great idea! Will get that going before i head out the door today. Almost forgot it came out today. Played for the first time with the new patch lastnight, was throwing me off all night how they nerfed the drop shot lol. Got so used to doing it, and kept trying lastnight......only to die everytime. Need to get out of the habit of doing that. Other than that it seemed solid. hope to see you all tonight
1hr 45 mins to download AK update.
BTW.. if you havent played in a week - you have to download the 1.44gb update before you can use AK. So many updates!
So the 1hr & 45 min was just the AK map pack? Damn.........
I may not be playing much tonight if it took that long. I have the most current patch and whatnot already.
yep 1.56gb for the AK maps
1.44gb for the 9/4 update
Ya. Especially when you have to delete all of them and start over from day 1 because it doesn't recognize my Premium membership. So pissed right now.gif)
I looked before I left for work thi morning but didnt see the download. I leave at 6:30 est. remind isn't the premium download some places besides the " store"?
thats where i went was to the store and i am a premium subscriber.
launch BF3>> Store>> Armored Kill maps
Well?? God Damn its 3pm and no has yet to get on here and say anything good about it???? How is it already??!?!?!
It's awesome. HUGE fucking maps. It's vehicle mayham
Started to try to download and I can't even get the main game screen to load...WTF?????
Finally got in.Started the download at 6:34 pm....lets see how long it takes.
Suck to be you guys. Only took me 10 minutes to download.
When the boy got home from school, I had him (much to his displeasure) start downloading the map pack. He said it only took 45 minutes. Heh heh heh. I was ready to roll when I got home shortly after that.
Game play was,... meh. Part of it was the unfamiliarity of the maps, I'm sure. I still hate the way that none of the vehicles seem to have any torque to climb a hill.......
There was less action than in other maps, but still enough to keep me interested.
It still seems like marking the enemy takes more than one time hitting the button or it doesn't work at all..gif)
Finally played some.I can't say I found it the least bit interesting.Boring almost. I love BF3 and I'm a big tank guy in the main game. Yaaaaawwwwwnnn.
I think the maps are way to big for 24 players on console! You may see an enemy or two every 4 to 5 mins if you are lucky! They did just ok for me with this expansion.. I think they tried to go for epic maps size instead of enjoyable gameplay..
I havent tried AK yet but this was my worry. "The biggest battlefield map ever!" So what. Theres no fun if you dont ever see any enemies.
First thing that came to my mind when I saw the maps. These maps are for 64 players.
This is what happens when a game is tendered for PC.
So I guess I will save my points and wait for Halo 4?
You see plenty of enemies, they are all in fucking vehicles.... it is called Armored Kill for a reason
I had no problems running into enemies/battles or enjoyable gameplay. I can consistently get more kills on these huge maps than I can on a map like Op Firestorm
This map pack is all about vehicle warfare. If you love vehicles, get it. If you're meh on vehicles and a fan of the on foot action, then probably pass.
Yem I get it, but its also about how often you engage an opponent? Preferably you want to be enveloped by the action.
I had no problems being enveloped by the action. If anything I thought these maps brought more action due to running for my life when the building I was running through was being hammered with tank rounds and Gunship Sabo rounds.
This installment caused some issues with my previous downloads which was irritating as hell but other than that I am enjoying the new maps.
Major satisfaction taking out the Gunship with portable anti-air missile.gif)
Really, the only map were you might find yourself looking for an enemy is Bandar Desert(the bigest BF map)... I had no issue finding any action on Alborz Mountains or Armored Shield. And even Death Valley is good for some action too
I can only give you my opinion as a BF player that spends a TON of time in vehicles. I like them and I have no problem finding enemies to battle.
There needs to be more tanks for the big maps.
I am a BF fanboy all the way, but these maps are simply too big for the restrictions you have on consoles! If I wanted a game where all I do is pretty much ride around and look at scenery and find an occasional enemy I would have bought Red Dead Redemption.. They either over do it or under do it, there is no happy medium any more..They have more emphasis on " oooooooohhh look at how badass Frostbite 2 is", rather than lets give the community something feasable on console that true BF players can enjoy! 10 tank destroyers on a 50 sq mile map with 24 players is not BF on consoles reguardless of what anyone says. I split my time pretty even between infantry and vehicle play, so it will be hard to tell me how BF is suppose to be! Its suppose to be playable within the means of your hardware, not a fucking Skyrim expansion..I still love it because its BF, but I hope the next expansion is a little more console friendly.. That is all..
So are you suggesting that because I like these maps and enjoy them I'm not a "true BF player"????
I just finished up a game on Alborz mountains and went 29-12 with 11,000+ points. There was non stop action and I did a hell of a lot more than look at scenery
We'll just agree to disagree.gif)
Simply suggesting that true BF players want to play BF, not ride around looking at cascading mountains,geese, ducks, dragons and shit.. No doubt with a few more times playing these maps I will warm up to them a lot more, but in the meantime I shall gripe because they decided race mice on a football field.
It really depends on the map. In all of them you can control a few points on foot and defend - while winning!
I think a few of the maps are a little large - but then again i would rather they be large than small (haha)
I also think that knowing the maps will help a ton in everyones "enjoyability" with the new maps. I was frustrated as hell the first day - 2nd is not so bad. Lots of team work and stragety required to dominate.
A few of us have played the TS mode (tank superiority i think) - nothing but tanks and you control one point (king of the hill essentially). Pretty fun way to play when you dont have to worry about planes and AC130's dropping shells.
On consoles, maps are too big in conquest and the AC-130 dominates the defending team too hard on rush. I appreciate the effort DICE, but did you guys even playtest the game for consoles? I'm not saying AK is bad or anything, but large, open maps is the bread and butter of BF3 yet AK is the least fun expansion so far. Hopefully I'm feeling this way because I'm just unfamiliar with the new maps.