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#1 Tue, 07/07/2015 - 16:13
James's picture
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Armory on

So this new page gives numeric values for weapons stats as opposed to a bar chart.  So the stand out stat for Gjallarhorn (not that I own one) is the velocity at a value of 87.  Is this the "go to" stat for Rocket Launchers? 

Anyhow, I'm just geeking out over the numeric values and sorting available at the site.  Hopefully it will help me clean out my storage.

Tue, 07/07/2015 - 21:49
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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James wrote:

So this new page gives numeric values for weapons stats as opposed to a bar chart.  So the stand out stat for Gjallarhorn (not that I own one) is the velocity at a value of 87.  Is this the "go to" stat for Rocket Launchers? 

Anyhow, I'm just geeking out over the numeric values and sorting available at the site.  Hopefully it will help me clean out my storage.


Kind of.  Its more of the combination of blast radius and velocity, at least as far as Crucible is concerned.


Non-Crucible, its whatever burn/fancy thing it does.

Wed, 07/08/2015 - 11:13
Minotaur's picture
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The Gjallarhorn's Wolfpack rounds are a big part of what makes the rocket launcher what it is. The tracking arc secondary effects of the Wolfpack rounds add a lot to the destructive value apart from the initial blast. I dismantled 2 Gjs last evening.... I got one from a Nightfall and another from a purple engram that decoded to a Gj. Thinking maybe Bungie turned up the RNG a notch or two. Daughter and I accompanied another member here at 2O2P through 3 Nightfalls last week on the 360. He got his first Gj. We hooted a bit!


Wed, 07/08/2015 - 14:13 (Reply to #3)
Bluestar's picture
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Minotaur wrote:

The Gjallarhorn's Wolfpack rounds are a big part of what makes the rocket launcher what it is. The tracking arc secondary effects of the Wolfpack rounds add a lot to the destructive value apart from the initial blast. I dismantled 2 Gjs last evening.... I got one from a Nightfall and another from a purple engram that decoded to a Gj. Thinking maybe Bungie turned up the RNG a notch or two. Daughter and I accompanied another member here at 2O2P through 3 Nightfalls last week on the 360. He got his first Gj. We hooted a bit!


Still the same.  Solo'd 3 NFs last week, still no GH.

I find it odd that every time a re-roll a rocket launcher I can only get tracking on arc or solar rockets, but never get cluster bombs.  When I get a void rocket roll I always get cluster bombs, but no tracking or proximity.

Wed, 07/08/2015 - 12:52
DarthTabasco's picture
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I believe Planet Destiny and Destiny DB have been doing the numeric values for armor and weapons for a while now. 

Gjallarhorn is only good because of the wolf pack rounds. The velocity is decent, but the blast radius is bad. Tracking is ok, but seeing as though Ghorn is really best used on single targets, you shouldn't really

You can roll some rocket launchers (Ash Factory; Rhadagast) to almost max blast radius and velocity, making them very good launchers.

If not for the wolf pack rounds, Ghorn would be bad.

Wed, 07/08/2015 - 16:37
Minotaur's picture
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Bluestar: There's no predicting drops. I had nearly 1000 hours into the game before I got my first Gj. I'd about given up on it. Once the first one came, I had 2 more in the next couple of weeks. No rhyme or reason to it... A 365 Hunger of Crota will do nearly as well. It's the next best rocket launcher of choice in the Crota raid, and is the one used almost always when the player has to have the Icebreaker or some other exotic up. For example, I use the Hunger in the VoG to shoot the Templar on hard, because I have to have the Icebreaker up for Oracles and stuff. 

I don't have a lot of faith in re-rolling guns, unless I'm looking for some attribute in particular that I know that that weapon can get in a re-roll. It''s too brain stressing to re-roll a gun and then analyze what the new combination of perks mean... And, I have a cheat-sheet too, that describes what I should be looking for. I usually just dismantle them instead of wasting 100 motes of light trying for that perfect combination... I've got so many - too many - guns.

If I'm not otherwise engaged, I'd be happy to help anyone with a NF. Doing this week's NF solo? It's a toughie... 

Thu, 07/09/2015 - 05:31
OldnAchy's picture
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Agree on randomness of drops and power and value of the 365 Hunger of Croata especially allowing an exotic to be equiped in primary or special.  Never got a ghorn in many iterations of raids, NFs or drops but got mine the first time I ran a level 28 POE!  Go figure.

Thu, 07/09/2015 - 06:54
DarthTabasco's picture
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No re-rolling? Reforging a gun can make a big difference in how the weapon performs. You can take a mediocre weapon and make it best-in-slot (depending on the application). I mean, what else are you going to use your motes and weapons part 

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