Back from hiatus, looking for H4 friends
Back from hiatus, looking for H4 friends
Hey guys,
It's been a while, but I'm back from a long hiatus. I have a new gamertag and am looking to build up my friend list for Halo 4.
Main playing time: usually Wednesday evening, around 9-11PM Eastern.
Favorite playlists: Ricochet, other objective games, SWAT (my friend that I play with really likes it), Team Slayer, some BTB. Of course, custom games are always good, too, as long as they're somewhat mainstream settings (as opposed to Action Sack gametypes).
I don't care about skill level. I'm just looking for some casual/competitive fun. I like using teamwork and communication to try to win.
GT: Tristan v2 (my old "Tr1styn" GT expired, so if you have that one you can remove it).
See you online!
welcome back to the neighborhood.
LegendcalledJim is my tag. I love Ricochet and Flag. I also really enjoy BTB.
Look for us on Thursday night. 8:15-11PM EST. Must be somebody you know playing with us. All customs. Mostly standard BTB gameplay but strange stuff for intermission.
let me know if you want on the FoF tag.
for some reason it isn't getting FR requests, so i have to send them out to people...
what do you mean your gamertag expired? can't you just put months of XBL Gold onto that account? why start a new account?
I don't remember the specific error messages, but no matter what I tried it wouldn't let me update my payment info with my new credit card. I finally got sick of dealing with it and just made a new account (or rather, started using my second account as my main tag).
Nothing but the best from Xbox Live! *sigh*
I Am a Ricochet Fan. and can hold my own in SWAT.
GT: BigBadMike
On most weeknights
My name is Tristin...this could get confusing...
Anyways, if you see me on I will play H4. Just invite me.
Added to my FL I will see you on.