Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm Multiplayer Trailer

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#1 Tue, 08/20/2013 - 16:07
AZTical's picture
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Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm Multiplayer Trailer

Fri, 08/23/2013 - 21:34
bunsen27's picture
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EA have also been live streaming each day.  This is Part 1 of 6 for day 3.  To date is has the most in-depth info of the live stream days and is convienenly edited down.


WOW! is a bit of an undestatment

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 10:16
MrGuster's picture
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Wow is right. These look amazing. Pre ordered mine for PC. 

While early, this has me a bit worried for the console versions:

Sun, 08/25/2013 - 12:07
bunsen27's picture
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Some straight up gameplay with no commentary.  Damn the soundscape is phenominal!


This is the Youtube page for ALL of the Gamescon live streams.  Day 1 through 5:


Sun, 08/25/2013 - 19:36
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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Oblitiration looks like it might be solid.  I was worried it might be one big clusterfuck around the bomb carrier but that doesn't seem to be the case.   I doubt that there will be 64 players with this gametype however.   

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 16:08 (Reply to #5)
bunsen27's picture
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Cardiac_Wolf wrote:

Oblitiration looks like it might be solid.  I was worried it might be one big clusterfuck around the bomb carrier but that doesn't seem to be the case.   I doubt that there will be 64 players with this gametype however.   


Obliteration is max 16 v 16 and may be less than that at release (it will be for current gen consoles) .  The bomb spawns randomly within a set area.  On Paracel Storm for example the bomb spawns on the main center island.  It is also not an instantanious reset ala Halo.  There is about a 30-45 sec delay from successful plant to bomb respawn.  One other interesting aspect of the bomb is that it floats.  During the live streams I saw several bomb carriers get picked off in the water while the bomb pack just stayed there and bobed like a cork until somebody retrieved it.  You do have to get out of the boat or jet ski to pick up the bomb and the only way you can drop it is when you die or plant it.  DICE is angling Obliteration to be The competative/ e-sports game mode for BF4 along with Defuse.  The DICE rep stated that most likely the competative circuit would be playing both game modes 5 v 5.  I'm uncertain on exactly how entertaining the mode would be at that low player count, even with highly skilled players.  Maybe if they removed the air vehicles.

Mon, 08/26/2013 - 00:51
MrGuster's picture
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Wed, 08/28/2013 - 12:09
scratchski's picture
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It really doesn't matter what the videos show. Unfortunately, when the general public get their hands on the game it will be k/d ratio obsessed lone wolves and all the asshattery that multiplayer of the last 5 years has produced.

Once those " random " bomb spawns are Youtubed and learned, you'll get the kill farmers.

Not in a clan ? tough shit, you'll get trounced.

Its sad, but whatever the best intentions of the devs. recently I've not seen a game type survive contact with the real world aside from run n gun variations like gun game.

I'll probably get the game, but I'm thinking if its going to be full on dumb -ass-ery, I might just wait for Titanfall, ( which is going to be the timmie / frat boy magnet of 2014 116)

Right, I'm back off to my grumpy cave smiley

Fri, 08/30/2013 - 09:53
SoulTerror's picture
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Can't wait to get my hands on this. Sucks I'll only be on the 360.

Sun, 09/01/2013 - 02:59 (Reply to #9)
MrGuster's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

Can't wait to get my hands on this. Sucks I'll only be on the 360.

Except for PC, I think it is going to be pretty fragmented for the first little while with it essentially coming out on 4 consoles within a matter of weeks. If you eventually get an X1, you will be able to carry everything over to it with the one time upgrade they are allowing.

I have it pre purchased for PC, but I might get it on 360 as well. I don't plan on getting a new console for a while as other than the next Halo, nothing is too appealing for me at this point.

Mon, 09/02/2013 - 11:57
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I know they are going to transfer. I just want the bigger servers and better graphics.


Titanfall and Destiny both have my eyes. Can't wait. This next year is going to be very expensive for gamers :(

Mon, 09/02/2013 - 23:38
yaok888's picture
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Remember the 360 to X1   and Ps3 to PS4  $10 upgrade offers are only until 12/31/13 and it's a trade-in,  you don't keep both versions.

Plus it's likely that both X1 and PS4 will be sold out Day 1.   Even if MS and Sony are cranking them out at the Factory,  the next batch of X1 and PS4 may not roll out until January after all the pre-orders waiting in line get filled.

So lots of BF fans may get stuck waiting for their next-gen box.

Not to worry,  it will likely be like BF3 - rushed out the door with day 1 patch and lots of bugs to fix.

Gamers spend the first 3 weeks bitching about how broken this or that thing is and which guns and vehicles are OP or worthless.

COD ghosts will be the same way.

actually almost all AAA fps games are like that - rushed out with lots of bugs.




Tue, 09/03/2013 - 02:19 (Reply to #12)
MrGuster's picture
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yaok888 wrote:

actually almost all AAA fps games are like that - rushed out with lots of bugs.

I would say more than just AAA FPS's fall into this. 

Fri, 09/13/2013 - 15:31 (Reply to #13)
bunsen27's picture
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yaok888 wrote:

Remember the 360 to X1   and Ps3 to PS4  $10 upgrade offers are only until 12/31/13 and it's a trade-in,  you don't keep both versions.

Plus it's likely that both X1 and PS4 will be sold out Day 1.   Even if MS and Sony are cranking them out at the Factory,  the next batch of X1 and PS4 may not roll out until January after all the pre-orders waiting in line get filled.

So lots of BF fans may get stuck waiting for their next-gen box.

Not to worry,  it will likely be like BF3 - rushed out the door with day 1 patch and lots of bugs to fix.

Gamers spend the first 3 weeks bitching about how broken this or that thing is and which guns and vehicles are OP or worthless.

COD ghosts will be the same way.

actually almost all AAA fps games are like that - rushed out with lots of bugs.


Most BF games don't become "properly balanced" until 6-8 months after release.  For BFBC2 several of the maps that had helicopters actually never got balanced properly.  I still have occasional nightmares about Chopper base RAPE on Atacama Desert.  angry

It is not something unique soley to BF games.  Hopefully by the time Xbones or PS4's become readily available (late Spring-early Summer) the game will be thoroughly through BETA testing and ready for the masses. ;)


Sat, 09/14/2013 - 10:56
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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Rush is just a harder game type to balance, especially when one side has air support and the other does not.  In BC2 , no infantry weapons really had effective anti-air against good attack chopper pilots.  At least Atacama had a decent Anti Air gun if you could get to it and prevent it from being taken out.  The Anti Air gun on Oasis was ineffective and was easily taken out by the Chopper.   

BF3 at least was able to avoid one vehicle or weapon to be so overpowered to make you rage quit, even shortly after release.  This was until the Armored Kill Map Pack was released and on Rush, the AC-130 Gunship was given to the offense that could easily take out anyone trying to disarm the M-Com.  It was not overpowered at all on Conquest however.  

Fri, 09/20/2013 - 15:21 (Reply to #15)
bunsen27's picture
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Cardiac_Wolf wrote:

Rush is just a harder game type to balance, especially when one side has air support and the other does not.  In BC2 , no infantry weapons really had effective anti-air against good attack chopper pilots.  At least Atacama had a decent Anti Air gun if you could get to it and prevent it from being taken out.  The Anti Air gun on Oasis was ineffective and was easily taken out by the Chopper.   

BF3 at least was able to avoid one vehicle or weapon to be so overpowered to make you rage quit, even shortly after release.  This was until the Armored Kill Map Pack was released and on Rush, the AC-130 Gunship was given to the offense that could easily take out anyone trying to disarm the M-Com.  It was not overpowered at all on Conquest however.  


Very good points.  The fixed gun emplacements were worthless against competent pilots.  I'm still a little bitter about the poor implementation of the anti-aircraft turrrets and vehicles.  One anti-air weapon combo I did relish in though was the dart gun and rocket lock on.  If a chopper pilot got too cocky and came in close enough I could usulayy dart him then send a missle to finish him off. I believe properly balancing air vs infantry combat is always one of the most difficult challenges DICE are presented with.  As a dedicated tank whore and ground pounder I'm in favor of easier to kill aircraft. :)

Rush I feel was reasonably balanced in the BFBC series, but IMO not well implimented in BF3.


That new trailer was full of AWESOME!!  i finish my PC build next week and am super excited for the BETA.

Mon, 09/16/2013 - 20:11
Cardiac_Wolf's picture
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Here is some new eye candy from Dice with a little preview of some more maps.

Thu, 09/26/2013 - 06:48
YEM's picture
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If you darted me, I would just hit my smoke. Profit!  106

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