Battlefield 5 - BF Hardline cops and robbers

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#1 Wed, 05/28/2014 - 01:08
yaok888's picture
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Battlefield 5 - BF Hardline cops and robbers

Following today’s earlier leaks, EA has launched the official website for their upcoming shooter, confirming “Battlefield Hardline” as the project’s official title and dropping some fancy new key art that once again suggests a focus on SWAT vs. criminals gameplay.

The page also indicates that an official unveiling will take place during EA’s E3 2014 media briefing on Jun 9 at noon PST.

So as leaked earlier,  Visceral games project "Havana" aka "Omaha" is the 2014 Battlefield game. 

EA annualizes the Battlefield series into a COD clone series so it can rake in the $$$ recycling the same game every year with a few tweaks and a shit ton of marketing hype.

there is still hope though - Planetside 2, Destiny, and the Division can't cme fast enough.



Wed, 05/28/2014 - 09:31
yaok888's picture
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Leaked pre-E3 trailer of BF5 "OMaha" - watch before it gets pulled by EA:

If you get "Video no longer available" or "removed by user", then it was pulled.

another source:


NOTE this appears to be internal Alpha footage - so graphically it looks worse than BF4 but it uses the same engine and even 95% of the same models and mechanics.  So it's really more like a $60usd expansion pack.

Single Player looks interesting, but BF is not about single player and the Multiplayer is just recycled BF4.


Wed, 05/28/2014 - 09:16
YEM's picture
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Wed, 05/28/2014 - 15:47
SoulTerror's picture
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I'll just rent it.

Tue, 06/03/2014 - 11:06
CiaranORian's picture
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Can't wait to not buy this one!

Thu, 06/12/2014 - 01:15 (Reply to #5)
yaok888's picture
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I was able to get on the early beta and played about 45 minutes.

what other people are saying about it is pretty much my first impression - it's a reskinned BF4 with a few tweaks.

It should have been an expansion pack for BF4,  not a full priced $60 title.

classes are basically the same.  Vehicles are pretty much same with a few tweaks.  Same with weapons and gadgets and gunplay.

there's some new stuff like grappling hook, tear gas, ballistic shield, etc.

the High tension map reminds me very much like seige of shanghai map.  Urban blocks with a few tall buidlings with elevators and many buildings you cannot enter.  The levelution event is a construction crane like ones on Firestorm or Oman that can crash down. 

Yes, there is a money system for the customizaton and unlocks so you don't have to directly grind kills - which is good.

However overall it doesn't seem that different of a game - my opinion.

Single player may be good, but that is not in the beta and BF3 and BF4 single player campaigns have been pretty horrible in comparison.

I highly recommend those people who are planning on pre-ordering to try the beta first when it goes to open beta.

I suppose it could be a fun game,  but it's way too much of a BF4 clone.




Fri, 06/20/2014 - 16:54 (Reply to #6)
VoodooHack's picture
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So I've been playing the beta.  And I have to agree with you yaok888. Feels like it should be an expansion and not a standalone game.

Hey, I get it. It's a game. Not supposed to be taken too seriously. Supposed to be for laughs.

But the part of me that wants a little escapism just can't get into it. Cops n robbers? EA specifically named it so. They took the time to make squad cars, lights and sirens and all. They programmed skins for the bad guys. But where are the civilans? Am I supposed to believe that they're all conveniently evacuated from crimes that are just called in? Regular Battlefield and CoD, ok. I can rationalize the absence of noncombatants. But cops n robbers? I don't see it.

Since when is a heist type of situation a "battlefield" that spans multiple city blocks? Since when have 32 LEOs been involved in large scale conflicts with 32 baddies like the ones highlighted in the beta? Even raids are smaller scale and don't last as long as Hardline rounds.

With the expanse of the arenas, I would think there was more at stake than loot. Sorry. I just don't buy it.

If I can't sufficiently suspend my disbelief, I can't get into it, so the escapism just doesn't happen for me. There has to be something more to a game than its mechanics.

I'll withhold final judgment until the final product is out.

Mon, 06/23/2014 - 07:03
SoulTerror's picture
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I hope most people do not buy it. Hoping it shows EA we dont' want BF to become even more like COD with yearly releases with two different studios making the games. I want to stick with the 2-3 year life span.

Wed, 06/25/2014 - 07:52 (Reply to #8)
YEM's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

I hope most people do not buy it. Hoping it shows EA we dont' want BF to become even more like COD with yearly releases with two different studios making the games. I want to stick with the 2-3 year life span.



Wed, 06/25/2014 - 04:46
Blimey's picture
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After playing the beta over the last couple of weeks ,I just don't see this selling that well. Middle of the road at best. I know I'm out and I love Battlefield(I played BF4 even tho it didn't work)

Sun, 06/29/2014 - 02:30
T3muJin's picture
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After playing the beta this will be the first battlefield game I don't buy.  It was boring.  I agree with others, not a $60 game.  It should just be an add-on for BF4.  I got the survey from EA and gave the feedback I won't be recommending the game because it was boring and I've already played games like hardline, nothing new to keep me interested.

Mon, 08/04/2014 - 03:32 (Reply to #11)
jonny2combz's picture
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It's  a big pass for me, EA are running out of ideas going from Military to Police lol with the same concept it will be one average game. :-(

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